Chapter 478
The red-haired young man in a dark red cloak with wings has a livid complexion, and there is a faint fist mark on the right cloak.

His aura is extremely domineering, even the current Xiao Yu would not dare to say victory in a normal fight, this person is definitely a master at the same level as Yuntian.

But there is still a subtle gap between experts, obviously, Yun Tian is better than this person.

"Yun Tian, ​​long time no see!"

The corners of the red-haired young man's mouth twitched, his voice was harsh and heartless, without the slightest warmth, but the evil spirit on his face was very strong. ,

Yun Tian pouted, noncommittal.The person in front of him has had many frictions and fights with him since he was a child, but he has always been the one who suppressed him, which made the other party refuse to admit defeat and want to compete with him, which annoyed Yun Tian very much.

Because of the families the two belonged to, it was absolutely impossible for them to kill each other, but there was one more thing that gave Yun Tian a headache.

"Xie Yi, why don't you just stay in the sanctuary and go to Changli Island?"

There was a questioning intent in Yun Tian's words, but it was not hard to hear a trace of helplessness mixed in.

"Yuntian, you are allowed to come here, so I can't come?" Xie Yi snorted coldly, "Don't think that I don't know, what purpose you must have here, tell me honestly, what exactly are you here for. "

With a smile on Yun Tian's face, he said calmly: "I don't seem to need to tell you my purpose?"


Xie Yi snorted again, knowing that Yun Tian would definitely not tell him what he wanted to know.In fact, he came here only to receive the news that Yuntian was leaving the sanctuary to go to the Shenwu Continent, and out of curiosity, he also followed.Unexpectedly, the two met on this long outlying island.

"Where's your sister?"

Yun Tian touched his nose, his face was a little embarrassed, and asked suddenly.

"Shut up, do you need to know my sister's whereabouts?"

When the word "sister" was mentioned, Xie Yi's face became even more ugly, as if he wanted to swallow Yun Tian alive.

"Hey, it seems that asking you is useless!" Yun Tian felt a little headache, and continued to move forward with the three servants.

Xie Yi didn't make any more moves, he had already felt the improvement of Yuntian's strength, he didn't know what exactly Yuntian got from coming to Shenwu Continent, but it was obviously not the same as before.

"That's right, Evil Wing!"

Yun Tian turned his head and said to Xie Yi: "I did meet very interesting people during this trip, Xie Yi, and soon, I believe you will have a terrible opponent. Of course, not only you, but also me Same."

"Oh?" Xie Yi showed surprise on his face, "Is there anyone on the Shenwu Continent who can be your opponent?"

His tone was mostly disbelief, but he also knew that Yun Tian was never a person who would scare people.

"This world is so big, vast and endless, no matter it is people or things, we can't exhaust it. For example, I was identified as a weak point this time, and I was almost left in the Shenwu Continent forever, so never underestimate anything Anyone, maybe one day, you will also capsize in the gutter."

There was a hint of emotion in Yuntian's tone, and he remembered what happened in Jiutianlei Prison again.General Lei Yuan Bin is the best among thunder and lightning users, almost no one can surpass him. At that time, Yuntian was most afraid of thunder, which is why his performance at the peak of the god-breaking state was not satisfactory.But after getting the Thunder God Orb, if he goes to the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison again, I am afraid that Yuan Bin will be instantly killed by him in an extremely sad way.

Everyone has weaknesses, and Yuntian is the same. Thunder and lightning were his absolute weakness before, but after getting the Thunder God Orb, he has become invulnerable.Even the current Xiao Yu may not be able to survive a hundred moves in front of him, unless Xiao Yu makes another breakthrough.

"Your weakness?"

Xieyi automatically filtered out other information about Yuntian's words, only thinking about one thing, and that was Yuntian's weakness.Since childhood, he has pursued defeating Yuntian, but every time he is always at a disadvantage, if he can know Yuntian's weakness now, maybe he can turn defeat into victory.

"Xie Yi, you don't need to waste your brain!" Yun Tian smiled lightly, "That weakness is gone!"

After Yun Tian finished speaking, he left without caring about Xie Yi's expression, leaving Xie Yi alone to digest the wave of information just now.

Since Liufengmen encountered the mysterious person, the past two days have been in a state of extreme, and disciples on patrol can be seen everywhere. Most of the masters of first-class forces such as Long Xiu have personally participated in the patrol team.Facing such a terrifying opponent, no one dared to play tricks.

Xiao Yu, who originally decided to take a trip to the Fire Cloud Empire, also temporarily put this trip on hold. He was worried that the mysterious person would come back again. existence of counterbalance.

These two days, Xiao Yu stayed with Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing, and sometimes went to the residence of Xiao Maifei and others. These are the most important people in his life, and he must not let them have anything Danger.

"Brother Xiao Yu, it has been two days and there is still no movement. Do you think that person will not come again?"

Ao Zixuan leaned on Xiao Yu's shoulder, raised her head and asked.

Xiao Yu put his hands behind his head and leaned against a big tree. He didn't know how to answer this question.In the past two days, Liufengmen was as safe as a heavily guarded prison, not even a single bird was spared. It seemed peaceful, but he had a faint feeling in his heart that the mysterious man would come again.

Lin Qingbing, who was sitting next to Xiao Yu on the other side, didn't make a sound. In the past two days, she could feel Xiao Yu's tense state, as if there was a terrifying opponent watching Xiao Yu invisible.She wanted to give Xiao Yu some comfort, but she didn't know where to start.

"By the way, Xuanxuan, is your Thunder Dragon Knife able to be retracted freely now?"

Xiao Yu suddenly remembered the artifact Thunder Dragon Knife hidden in Ao Zixuan's body, so he asked.

"You can use it as you like, but I still don't understand the mystery!"

Ao Zixuan nodded and shook her head again, the Thunder Dragon Knife is a miraculous, exquisite and unparalleled artifact, it is by no means easy for her to figure it out.

"It's okay!" Xiao Yu smiled, "The Thunder Dragon Knife is a masterpiece among knives, so it's normal for it to take some time!"

As he spoke, he took out a black ice dagger from his bosom. The dagger exuded a cold air, and it was crystal clear and beautiful under the sunlight.

"Qingbing, this dagger is for you!"

"Ah?" Lin Qingbing exclaimed, he didn't expect Xiao Yu to give her something at this time, it was too abrupt, besides, Ao Zixuan was still beside her.

Her heart became confused, and she stayed there for a while, not knowing whether to accept or reject.

(End of this chapter)

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