Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 479 The Strong Enemy Reappears

Chapter 479 The Strong Enemy Reappears
Lin Qingbing was really upset, Xiao Yu gave her a gift, logically she would never refuse.If Xiao Yu had given her off in private, she would have taken it without hesitation, but the situation is different now, Ao Zixuan is watching from the side.

During this period of time, Ao Zixuan has been with her all the time, the two often talked about Xiao Yu, and when it came to their feelings for Xiao Yu, Lin Qingbing always subtly mentioned it, not wanting to speak out her heart.After all, Ao Zixuan is Xiao Yu's decent lover, she can't figure out what Ao Zixuan is thinking.Now if she accepts the dagger from Xiao Yu, she will worry whether Ao Zixuan will reject her. If so, the relationship between her and Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan will be even more awkward in the future, and there may be fewer opportunities to speak normally. This is not what she wants.

While hesitating, Ao Zixuan smiled sweetly and said: "Qingbing, why are you still standing there, our hero Xiao seldom gives away things, you can't miss the opportunity!"

Lin Qingbing was stunned for a moment, she couldn't understand the meaning of Ao Zixuan's words "our hero Xiao".

"Qingbing, take it!"

Xiao Yu handed the Xuanbing dagger to her, but now Lin Qingbing couldn't refuse.

"Thank you!"

With Ao Zixuan around, Lin Qingbing's tone towards Xiao Yu was much unfamiliar.She put the dagger directly into her bosom, not daring to look at it, it made Ao Zixuan unhappy.In fact, how did she know that Ao Zixuan already regarded her as a good sister.

"Is this a token from father?"

Xiao Yu couldn't help thinking of Xiao Haoyun, this black ice dagger was snatched from Xiao Haoyun when he fought against Xiao Haoyun.

Thinking of Xiao Haoyun's disapproval, he felt a headache. The most difficult thing to deal with was this kind of thing. He didn't have any way to solve Xiao Haoyun's problems. When Ao Zixuan took the Unfeeling Forgetfulness Pill, he also So helpless.

The three of them wandered around Liufengmen for a day, and the God-Breaking Realm masters within the Alliance also stopped their actions to eradicate the other first-class forces dominated by the "Dark Prison". With the lesson of being encircled and suppressed this time, they really did not dare to act rashly What's more, there is a terrifying existence lurking in the dark.

It was night, Ao Zixuan and Xiao Yu were lying on the same bed, they were talking about love, hugging and lying down.

"Brother Xiao Yu, when will you be like Qingbing?"

"Cough cough!"

Xiao Yu was caught off guard by Ao Zixuan's question, and Ao Zixuan actually took it out to ask about such an impossible matter.He can't drag Lin Qingbing into the bed for no reason, no name and no role, it will make others look down on Lin Qingbing.

"Why are you like this!" Ao Zixuan held her cheeks and said seriously, "I can see that Qingbing is very bitter, she wants to suppress her feelings for you, and at the same time cares about my feelings. Find a time to treat her well, I'm afraid I'm going to get sick."

"You girl, you will worry about it!"

Xiao Yu rubbed Ao Zixuan's head and said softly.

Ao Zixuan wanted to say something more, but Xiao Yu suddenly made a silent gesture.Ao Zixuan kept her mouth shut, and even suppressed her breathing.

Xiao Yu showed a look of listening. At the moment just now, he felt a murderous aura and that familiar aura. Although it was only fleeting, he believed that he did not feel wrong.

"Outside the house!"

Xiao Yu's figure flashed suddenly, bringing up a gust of wind, wrapping Ao Zixuan inside, and like a flash of light, he rushed out of the house in an instant.

A black shadow retreated in response to the sound, and distanced itself from Xiao Yu.Xiao Yu frowned. From his appearance, he had already recognized that this person was the mysterious person he had fought against not long ago.

"Good come!"

Xiao Yu sneered and chased after him.


The figures of the two flashed quickly inside the Liufeng Gate, and the sound of piercing through the air was extremely sharp, and the wind brought by the super-fast hesitation actually overturned several houses.

They ran faster and faster, what surprised Xiao Yu was that this time the black shadow was not in a hurry to leave Liufengmen, but ran towards Liufengmen in one direction.


Xiao Yu was startled immediately, because this direction was the yard where Ao Wuji, Ao Zixuan's father, lived, and there was another person living in the yard at the moment, that was Ao Wuqing who had just been rescued.

"Could it be that it happened!"

Xiao Yu put more effort into his feet, trying to catch up with the man in black, but neither of them could take advantage of their speed, and the distance still did not close.

"Hmph, are you competing for speed?"

Xiao Yu frowned, and a faint blue glow suddenly appeared on the soles of his feet.


The man in black suddenly felt a sense of danger. He stepped on the sole of his foot and turned temporarily. The next moment, Xiao Yu had already appeared at his previous position, and the distance between the two of them was instantly shortened.

"Armor-breaking mockery!"

The man in black was about to move on, Xiao Yu let out a low shout, he only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his body involuntarily attacked Xiao Yu, and it was a real fist attack, a fist attack without a trace of divine power.


Xiao Yu completely ignored this kind of innocuous boxing, he pulled his right fist violently, and the lightning struck out.


Xiao Yu's fist directly hit the mysterious man's chest. With a muffled sound, the man in black grunted, and his figure shot out like a cannonball.

"Today I will let you die!"

A cold light flashed in Xiao Yu's eyes, he leaped through the air and appeared above the head of the man in black, and a fist came down again.

At this moment, the eyes of the man in black regained his brilliance, and when Xiao Yu's fist fell, he did not dodge or evade, and continued to resist with his body.

"court death!"

Seeing the man in black doing this, Xiao Yu sneered, and the strength on his fist increased a bit, and amidst the surge of divine power, the fist was completely wrapped by a sea-blue air mass.


Xiao Yu's fist landed on the man in black's chest, right at the heart, but he didn't feel any joy, because the man in black didn't seem to be affected in any way, and his body wasn't even blown off the slightest distance.

At this moment, the man in black stretched out his right hand like lightning, and smashed his fist towards Xiao Yu's chest.


At such a close range, even Xiao Yu was a little caught off guard by such a change. It was simply impossible for someone to resist his attack and at the same time counterattack.

Feeling that the punch was not weaker than his own, Xiao Yu had no choice but to throw out his left fist, and collided with the man in black.


A loud noise awakened everyone inside the Liufeng Gate, and a powerful energy storm spread, directly sweeping away all the objects above the Liufeng Gate, almost no part of the high-rise building was intact, and all of them were destroyed.

Xiao Yu let out a muffled groan, and was thrown upside down by the punch of the man in black, leaving only deep horror in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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