Chapter 48 Hunter?

Xiao Yu kept clicking on the top of the plant, like a pinball, every time he clicked it would jump up again. After a few ups and downs, Xiao Yu had disappeared into the sea of ​​flowers, as if being swallowed by it.

"What kind of agility is this? How can you borrow strength from such a soft flower branch?"

Everyone was shocked, they had never seen such miraculous movement skills of Xiao Yu. Generally speaking, movement skills in this world are based on speed, but it is impossible for them to make themselves so light and unstoppable like Xiao Yu. It's just that the speed is extremely fast, and they have never seen the agility that is still leaping on the flower branches.

"Xiao Yu!"

Yang Xiruo yelled, she felt as if she had lost something important in her heart after Xiao Yu left.She thought of Xiao Yu's all kinds of protection for her along the way, no matter in the desert or in the sea of ​​flowers, he always stayed by her side, resisting all dangers for herself, although she didn't know why, but Yang Xiruo was already very moved, which girl Not pregnant?Especially a young man like Xiao Yu who was so powerful and handsome made her unable to help herself.It was only at the moment when Xiao Yu jumped into the sea of ​​flowers to save Yang Xiruo that she truly realized what heartache is.

"Everyone stand back ten feet and stay away from the sea of ​​flowers!"

Lin Feiyun remembered Xiao Yu's entrustment just now, and immediately shouted, everyone obediently backed away, for fear that another vine would stick out from the sea of ​​flowers and lead them into that terrible abyss.

"Am I going to die?"

Liu Piaoxu was dragged along the ground by the vines, and the plants in the sea of ​​flowers gave way one after another, allowing her to go unimpeded, and was pulled to the depths of the sea of ​​flowers by the vines.

"No, I don't want to die, I don't want to die."

Liu Piaoxu kept struggling all over her body, but she couldn't resist the pull of the vine after losing her vitality, no matter how hard she struggled, it would be of no avail.

"Who can come and save me!"

Liu Piaoxu struggled to no avail, and finally despaired, her emotions collapsed in an instant, tears welled up, and she cried desperately.For some reason, Xiao Yu's stern and handsome face flashed in her mind.

"Why do I think of him in the last moments of my life?"

Liu Piaoxu murmured.

The vines bound Liu Piaoxu's chest. Due to the huge pressure, Liu Piaoxu had already started to have difficulty breathing, and her consciousness gradually became blurred.

"Is this the end of my life?"

Liu Piaoxu closed her eyes slowly, and when she was about to close her eyes, she saw a figure flying towards her through the slits of her eyes, but she thought it was all an illusion.

Xiao Yu finally caught up. He saw Liu Piaoxu's eyes closed tightly, thinking something was wrong.He shouted loudly, the sound was like a thunderous explosion, Liu Piaoxu actually came back to his senses, and stared blankly at Xiao Yu.

"It's him? How is it possible? How could he come to save me so desperately?"

Liu Piaoxu stared at Xiao Yu unblinkingly with a pair of charming eyes, full of disbelief.

Seeing Liu Piaoxu wake up, Xiao Yu felt relieved a little. With a wave of his right hand, a fireball shot towards the vine.


As soon as the fireball touched the vine, it burst into flames, and a deep roar came from the depths of the sea of ​​flowers, like a ghost monster, but the roar was full of pain, and the vine that bound Liu Piaoxu also shrank back.

"Are you OK?"

Due to the force of the recoil, Liu Piaoxu dragged on the ground for a few more steps before stopping. Xiao Yu fell beside her and supported her.

"Wow, Xiao Yu!"

Xiao Yu didn't have time to react to Liu Piaoxu's actions, she hugged Xiao Yu and burst into tears, like a lost child who suddenly found his long-lost relative.

Xiao Yu froze on the spot, Liu Piaoxu's actions made her feel a little overwhelmed, she could only just stretch out her hands.

"Shua la la!"

There was a sudden violent noise around, those plants originally parted a path, but now they pressed up again.Liu Piaoxu just hugged Xiao Yu to vent her emotions, not paying attention to the surrounding situation at all.

"Are you going to cry or cry when you go back!"

Xiao Yu knew that he couldn't let Liu Piaoxu cry anymore, so he hugged Liu Piaoxu in his arms and stomped his feet.


Liu Piaoxu exclaimed in surprise, and felt the wind blowing around her. She looked to the side, and was stunned, Xiao Yu actually leaped over the plants with her in his arms.

Feeling Xiao Yu's warm embrace, Liu Piaoxu unexpectedly hugged Xiao Yu tightly unconsciously, staying quietly in his arms like a docile little sheep.


Xiao Yu was walking smoothly while holding Liu Piaoxu, but suddenly a vine shot out from his left side and tangled towards his right leg.


The moment the vine shot out, Xiao Yu had already noticed it. He twisted his body in the air to avoid the attack of the vine, and when he was about to land, he touched a plant with one foot, and jumped up again.


Just when Xiao Yu was just jumping up, two more vines came towards him one after the other, one wrapped around his waist, the other wrapped around his left hand, and the one he avoided earlier The vines turned around at the same time and rolled towards Liu Piaoxu. This time, it was different from before. The speed of each vine was not only several times faster, but also there was a fluctuation of vitality from the vines.


Even Xiao Yu was startled at this moment, he didn't expect that three vines would appear all at once, and each of them contained the power of around the seventh level of the Broken Yuan Realm. It's inconvenient, I can't use the skills of the vengeful flame soul fire man to block it, so I can only force the vitality in my body to resist.

"Bang bang bang!"

The three vines came into contact with Xiao Yu's body-protecting vitality, and there were three muffled sounds immediately. Xiao Yu's body froze slightly, and continued to jump towards the direction where Yang Xiruo and the others were. The three vines were shaken by Xiao Yu's body-protecting vitality. He had to shrink back, and then shot again, directly hitting Xiao Yu's back.

Originally, it was impossible to catch up with Xiao Yu with the speed of these three vines, but now Xiao Yu is borrowing strength from the plants, and he is also hugging a person, the speed is not as fast as one-third of his full speed.The three vines attacked fiercely, and Xiao Yu had no choice but to sideways to avoid it again. Just as he turned around, a black shadow suddenly jumped out from the flowers on the right, and stomped heavily on the top of Xiao Yu's head with a pitch-black foot. go.

"There is someone?"

Although this change was very sudden, Xiao Yu didn't seem flustered. He leaned back in the air, kicked out his right foot suddenly, and met the pitch-black sole.


The soles of the two touched, Xiao Yu turned over and fell into the flowers. He knew that the thorns on those plants were poisonous. If he was stabbed, then he and Liu Piaoxu would both be dead here. , forcing the place where he stood into an open space, and these plants could not enter his body.

The figure was shocked, turned backwards in the air, and stepped back a few steps after landing on the ground. It raised a pair of lifeless eyes to look at Xiao Yu and Liu Piaoxu. It was a kind of hunter's look. Prey-like eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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