Chapter 49

Liu Piaoxu was stared at by these evil eyes and couldn't help screaming.

The visitor looked like a human being, but his whole body was as black as ink, his fingers were slender and sharp nails were exposed, his eyes had no eyeballs, and they were slightly white, but there was a chilling cold light in them, he had no lips, and two rows of white Sensen's sharp teeth were exposed like this, and the most disgusting thing was that there were three black holes on his body, and the three vines were connected to it.

"Is this thing the manipulator behind the scenes?"

Xiao Yu stared coldly at the monster in front of him with a pair of tiger eyes, and his heart was full of murderous intent. Whoever wanted to put Yang Xiruo to death was his sworn enemy. The same goes for monsters.

In the air-to-air confrontation just now, the monster was obviously at a disadvantage, but Xiao Yu didn't dare to take it lightly, the current situation was very unfavorable for him.He clearly felt that this monster possessed the strength of the ninth level of the Broken Yuan Realm, but it should be in the early stage, and it was not as good as his peak of the ninth level of the Broken Yuan Realm. But at this moment, he was surrounded by a sea of ​​flowers, and he had to allocate some energy to resist the attack of the sea of ​​flowers. When approaching, you have to be distracted and take care of Liu Piaoxu, so that this monster can attack him unscrupulously.


The monster was not in a hurry to attack, he roared from a distance, howling like a beast, Lin Feiyun and his group who were far away from the open space got up one after another, their expressions changed greatly.

"What's going on? Such a terrible cry came from the sea of ​​flowers? What is it?"

Fear was written on everyone's face.

Yang Xiruo stood up and gazed into the distance, wishing to see that tall and mighty figure flying towards this side, but she couldn't see anything, what she saw was still a sea of ​​flowers, she could only hold her hands Put your palms together and pray silently.

"Xiao Yu, you must be fine!"

Xiao Yu in the sea of ​​flowers confronted the monster for a while, and was about to strike, but Liu Piaoxu suddenly turned to look at Xiao Yu, and asked softly, "Xiao Yu, can you tell me why you saved me?"

"Huh?" Xiao Yu didn't expect Liu Piaoxu to ask such a question at this time, but he still replied truthfully, "I owe your grandfather a favor, and what I Xiao Yu said will definitely count. You have paid back your grandfather's love, and you will be owed nothing when you are rescued!"

That's right, Xiao Yu's answer was his original intention. In Fanyun Town, he asked Liu Xing to come and take care of Yang Shucheng's grave on a regular basis, and he also said that he owed him a favor. In order to repay this love.

Liu Piaoxu was so shocked by this unemotional answer, her delicate body trembled slightly, and tears poured out uncontrollably.

"Oh, I foolishly thought he was doing it for me, I thought he still liked me like before, I'm so stupid, who am I to him?"

Liu Piaoxu was so upset that she forgot that she was in a death situation, and she was only crying desperately.For a woman like Liu Piaoxu, if you love her, you will fall in love, but it is the most unacceptable for a woman as outstanding as her to be ignored by someone you like.

Xiao Yu didn't understand why Liu Piaoxu was crying so sad again, he was about to strike again, but Liu Piaoxu suddenly struggled to leave his embrace.

"what are you doing?"

Xiao Yu asked.

Liu Piaoxu looked at Xiao Yu with rare soft eyes. As the number one master of the younger generation of the Duanyun Sect's Earth Spirit City branch sect, although she has no strength at the moment, she has something in her eyes. She is very Knowing that he is now Xiao Yu's burden, he is even more aware of Xiao Yu's unfavorable situation.

"Xiao Yu, I know it's difficult for you to go out under the current situation, just give up on me, you still have a lot of things to do, and other people in the sect still need your support."

Rao Yi couldn't help but be stunned by Xiao Yu's disposition at this time, is this still the savage Miss Liu of the Fenzong Hall in Fanyun Town?Now he let himself abandon her and run away alone?

Liu Piaoxu wiped away her tears and rushed towards the monster, but just as she took a step, a slender hand rested on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, we can go out soon, this thing can't stop me."

Xiao Yu's voice was unusually calm, and it was no longer that cold tone.

"What? Aren't you still in trouble just now?"

Liu Piaoxu was a little puzzled, her pretty face was full of pear blossoms and rain, which was very lovable.

Xiao Yu laughed dumbly, and said lightly: "I'm not in trouble, I was just observing the weakness of that thing just now, and now I have found his weakness, don't worry, I can solve him in just a moment and take you out."

As soon as Xiao Yu finished speaking, the monster couldn't bear it any longer. The three vines stretched out on the ground and flew towards them. The three vines waved down in the sky, covering Xiao Yu and Liu Piaoxu.

"Hmph! It's just in time."

A sneer flashed across the corner of Xiao Yu's mouth, and he took out a card from his pocket. After the card was originally white in his hand, the eyes of blue, red and yellow kept changing, and when it finally settled on the yellow, Xiao Yu threw it at the monster. out.

The moment the card flew out, Xiao Yu also moved at the same time, stomping on Liu Piaoxu in his arms, dodging the attack of the monster's three vines, and jumped towards the monster.


The monster was blocked by his three vines, and was shot by the card thrown by Xiao Yu. In an instant, the monster fell motionless. At this time, Xiao Yu had already appeared beside the monster. A huge roundabout kick suddenly swung towards the monster's left shoulder.

"The Raptors swing their tails!"

Xiao Yu lowered his body, and his leg had already swept the monster's left shoulder.


A loud sound spread all around, and the terrifying aura carried by Xiao Yu's kick directly shot the monster more than ten feet away, and all the plants below were swept away by Xiao Yu's strong vitality, turning into a sky full of broken branches. Float down slowly.

Xiao Yu hugged Liu Piaoxu and landed on the flower branch. With a light touch on his toes, he jumped up again, and leaped towards the direction of Lin Feiyun and his party. He didn't look back at the monster at all. The moment he kicked it, he knew that this thing was bound to die. Under Xiao Yu's observation, the monster's left shoulder was his biggest weakness, and he would definitely die with this kick.This is full confidence in one's own strength.

Liu Piaocu hugged Xiao Yu's neck tightly, everything that happened just now was in the blink of an eye, and the terrifying monster was wiped away by Xiao Yu in just a few breaths, it was like a dream.She quietly huddled in Xiao Yu's arms, feeling the masculine aura on Xiao Yu's body, she was fascinated for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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