Chapter 50
"Why haven't you come back yet?"

Outside the sea of ​​flowers, Lin Feiyun was extremely anxious. If it was someone else, he might not have too many thoughts, but now the one who is in doubt is the woman he likes, and the other is the most powerful person in the team.

"Xiao Yu! Come back quickly, I beg you!"

Yang Xiruo was very anxious, but she couldn't do anything at this time, not to mention that she couldn't mobilize her vitality now, even in her prime, she didn't have the strength to venture into this sea of ​​flowers.

"Eh? Xiruo, look!"

Li Yingyu suddenly pointed her finger, with a surprised expression on her face, Yang Xiruo raised her eyes and saw Xiao Yu who was leaping towards him, and Liu Piaoxu was holding Liu Piaoxu in his arms.

"Miss Liu, Brother Xiao!"

Lin Feiyun was also overjoyed, now he respected Xiao Yu so much, not to mention anything else, just because Xiao Yu saved the life of his dream lover Liu Piaoxu was enough to make him throw himself down.

Xiao Yu turned around in the air and landed lightly on the ground.As if Liu Piaoxu didn't realize it, she still hugged Xiao Yu's neck tightly, unwilling to let go.


It wasn't until Xiao Yu opened his mouth that Liu Piaoxu realized that he was out of the sea of ​​flowers, and that he was holding Xiao Yu under the eyes of everyone, and immediately fled Xiao Yu's embrace, with a blush flying on his face.

Lin Feiyun had gone up to ask with concern a long time ago, seeing the wet tears on Liu Piaoxu's face, he felt distressed for a while, and secretly hated why his strength was so weak that he couldn't help Liu Piaoxu when he was in distress.Although he wanted to rush into the sea of ​​flowers to save people without even thinking about it before, now that he thinks about it, it is the most stupid way, he knows very well that in that situation, he would undoubtedly die if he went in.

"Xiao Yu, are you alright?"

Seeing Xiao Yu's return, Yang Xiruo rushed over excitedly, groping Xiao Yu's whole body with a pair of small hands, fearing that he might be injured, this made Xiao Yu extremely embarrassed, coughed dryly, and said: "I'm fine!"

Yang Xiruo also suddenly realized that this was very inappropriate, she stood aside with a blushing face, looking at a loss.

"How is it? Can the vitality in your body be mobilized now?"

Xiao Yu cleverly changed the subject and asked.


Yang Xiruo tried to mobilize the vitality in her body, and found that the vitality that was originally like a pool of stagnant water had a tendency to move again, and under the guidance of her mind, a small part of it could be used.

"It can be mobilized, but it can't be fully mobilized."

Li Yingyu also replied.

Xiao Yu pondered for a moment, and suddenly seemed to realize something: "I understand, although the poisonous thorns on this flower branch can make you lose the ability to mobilize your vitality, but there is a time limit, as time goes by, the poison will slowly disappear. You can control your vitality again.


When Yang Xiruo heard Xiao Yu say this, she was convinced that for people like them, suddenly losing a body of cultivation must be extremely painful. Now that Xiao Yu said that they would recover soon, she was naturally overjoyed.

Soon Lin Feiyun spread Xiao Yu's words to the whole team, everyone's face was filled with smiles, there was nothing more important than their ability to recover their strength.

Although Liu Piaoxu was in the other part of the line, she would turn her head to look at Xiao Yu from time to time. Every time she saw Yang Xiruo's playful and cute appearance beside Xiao Yu, she felt uncomfortable for a while.However, she remembered the intoxicating feeling of being held in Xiao Yu's arms before, and felt satisfied for a while. She thought to herself that Yang Xiruo must have never received such treatment, and she became happy again for a while.

Xiao Yu asked Yang Xiruo and the others to rest beside him for a while, but he stood at the edge of the sea of ​​flowers, standing tall, with a pair of deep eyes gliding across the boundless sea of ​​flowers, wondering what he was thinking.

Both Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu were watching Xiao Yu, and many people were also staring at Xiao Yu's back. Now Xiao Yu is like a god of war looking down on the world, looking down on the world, and the whole sea of ​​flowers seems to be under his feet.

"The distance between me and him seems to be getting farther and farther!"

For a moment Liu Piaoxu felt lost.

The team rested for half an hour. Those who were poisoned before felt that the vitality in their bodies could be freely mobilized. It was no different from before, and everyone's face was full of joy.

The captains of the two branch sects of Duanyun Sect reached an agreement with the captains of the two teams of Tianyun Academy, and continued to march towards the place where the golden light shines. Up to now, they have no way out, and they have not yet cooperated with themselves. The main school or the team of the main academy met.

In the team of 38 people, two more people died in the sea of ​​flowers, and now the number is 36 people. As soon as they walked out of the open space, there was a dense forest in front of them. The trees in the forest were all unusually tall, three or four times taller than ordinary trees. not only.

"Perhaps the towering tree is like this!"

Xiao Yu looked at the scene of these trees covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and he was also slightly surprised. He had lived in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range for three years and had never seen such a magnificent tree. A piece of towering giant trees, this dense forest is completely covered by the branches and leaves above the head, and no ray of sunlight can be seen. The whole forest looks gloomy and gloomy, like a magic cave that eats people.

"It feels so gloomy here, can we not go here? I always feel that there is something terrifying inside."

Yang Xiruo frowned, she was obviously terrified of this strange dense forest, and the expressions of the others were the same as hers, they all stopped and no one took a step forward.

Lin Feiyun sighed, and said: "Everyone, you should have seen it along the way just now. There are bottomless pools all around. There is only a way to go here. Are you going to swim around and go forward?"

Everyone lowered their heads when they heard this, and said nothing. Indeed, this is the straightest direction leading to the direction of the golden light. Of course, if it is for safety, everyone can choose to take a detour and go forward from a brighter place, but It's a pity that the surroundings are full of green pool water, and some huge bubbles will appear from time to time under the pool water. Who would have thought of the danger in the pool water.If people choose to fight the enemy in water or on land, the vast majority of people will definitely choose land. You must know that the strength of the enemy itself in the water will be greatly reduced, and it will not be able to exert its usual [-]% strength.

Lin Feiyun's words undoubtedly told everyone that this dense forest was the only way out.

"Everyone, we are all entrusted by the master, how can we be worthy of the cultivation and trust of the master if we are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Liu Piaoxu spoke at this time, and his words ignited the blood in everyone's hearts, and it was even more a catalyst, making those who are greedy for life and fear of death puff up their chests at this moment. Since there is no way out, why bother to make a move? The terrified look makes people look down upon?It's better to face the next danger with your head held high, even if you die, at least die with dignity.

(End of this chapter)

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