Chapter 481
In the Shenwu Continent, on the Wannian Glacier in the extreme north, five people were standing on the ice that would shatter at any time as if nothing had happened.

There is a lake under their feet, but at this moment, all of them have been frozen into ice.This lake is very familiar, it is the ice lake where Xiao Haoyun retreated back then.

The head of the five was Fu Cangsheng, the master of the "Dark Prison", and behind him were Xiao Haoyun and the other four "Dark Prison" venerables, but only the frightening Eucharist was missing.


Walking to the center of the lake, Fu Cangsheng suddenly called out to Xiao Haoyun.

"Your subordinate is here, what orders does the king have?"

Xiao Haoyun took a step forward and said respectfully.

"Haven't you always wondered where your wife is?"

As soon as Fu Cangsheng said these words, Xiao Haoyun suddenly trembled violently, his whole body seemed extremely excited, and it was difficult to control his emotions.

"My lord, where is she?"

Xiao Haoyun tried his best to suppress the throbbing in his heart, trying to maintain a normal tone of voice.

"Hmph!" Fu Cangsheng snorted coldly, "After such a long time, you are still the same!"

Xiao Haoyun was startled, so he had to bow his head, not daring to speak anymore. He was worried that Fu Cangsheng would not tell him where his wife was hiding in a fit of anger. He dedicated himself to the "dark prison" all these years, not for any power. Overwhelming the world, the king came to the mainland, all he did was to give his wife the possibility of being resurrected.

It was also for the sake of his wife that he accepted Fu Cangsheng's transformation, so that now, apart from the memory of his wife, he doesn't even know his real name.

His wife is everything to him, this is his only thought now, if something happens to his wife, he will definitely leave angrily, and even fight Fu Cangsheng at all costs.

"Okay, I won't break my promise to you. Your wife is actually here. She has been by your side during the past few years of your retreat, but you don't know it!"

As Fu Cangsheng said, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he really enjoyed the feeling of playing with others.

Xiao Haoyun's expression froze, and he was astonished. He never thought that the wife he was looking for was actually in this icy lake?
"Your Majesty, this."

Fu Cangsheng continued: "She is in this icy lake, if you want to keep her body intact before finding that thing, then you can only put it here, otherwise once the body is broken, there will be no hope of resurrection .”

"That's it!"

Xiao Haoyun showed a hint of gratitude, no matter what Fu Cangsheng wanted to use him for, at least Fu Cangsheng did his part for his wife's affairs, so he would feel at ease.

In fact, he himself has an instinctive rejection of the "dark prison" approach, but he has to follow it.If he disobeyed the order, even if his wife was fine, he himself would be killed by Fu Cangsheng and others, and then he would have no chance to save her wife.

"Your Majesty, let me meet her, can you?"

Xiao Haoyun begged, he hadn't seen his wife's appearance for many years, even if he just watched quietly like this, he would feel extremely satisfied.

"Of course I can see her, but the time can't be too long, at most half an hour, then I have to put her back into the ice lake again."

Fu Cangsheng did not object, and now that the plan was launched, he was in a good mood.

"it is good!"

How could Xiao Haoyun disagree, not to mention half an hour, even if it was just a quick glance, he still wanted it.

The three people beside them watched the conversation between the two, but did not speak. They also didn't know much about Xiao Haoyun's matter.


Fu Cangsheng spit out the power of his palm, and directly plunged into the ice, and the whole lake shook immediately. A block of ice located in the north of the center of the lake broke open in a rectangular shape.


Fu Cangsheng's divine power surged up from below, driving an ice crystal coffin to rise slowly, and was held in mid-air by his divine power.


Xiao Haoyun saw clearly the figure in the nearly transparent ice crystal coffin, and immediately let out a mournful howl, and rushed over.

Fu Cangsheng looked disdainful, but he still supported the coffin with his divine power, preventing her from falling to the ground.The other three watched this scene with great interest. They never expected that Yun Sha, who has always been calm and calm, would have such a human side.

"Bicui, I've come to see you. Will you blame me for not seeing you for so long?"

Xiao Haoyun gently stroked the upper part of the ice crystal coffin, as if he wanted to touch the face of the beautiful woman in the coffin. If Xiao Yu were here, he would definitely recognize the woman in the coffin. The woman who took his body life.No matter whether he traveled from the present world or not, without Han Bicui, there would never be Xiao Yu.The will and memory left by Xiao Yu in another world has engraved the deep feelings for Han Bicui and Xiao Haoyun in the depths of his soul. After combining with him, the current Xiao Yu is the biological son of Xiao Haoyun and Han Bicui.

Han Bicui was dressed in luxurious lavender clothes, lying quietly in the ice crystal coffin, like a Sleeping Beauty.She frowned slightly, as if she still had something extremely important that she couldn't let go of before she died.

Xiao Haoyun just looked at Han Bicui quietly like this, and from time to time said something that made Fu Cangsheng and others bewildered, and Han Bicui in the ice crystal coffin didn't know if he could hear it.

Half an hour passed in a flash, Xiao Haoyun felt that he hadn't seen enough, but Fu Cangsheng dropped his palm, and the ice crystal coffin sank into the frozen lake, and was frozen again.


Xiao Haoyun screamed resolutely, he held his hands falsely, but he couldn't hold them no matter what.Han Bicui left his sight again, this time, I don't know how long it will be before we can see each other again.

"Bicui, I will definitely resurrect you, you wait for me!"

Xiao Haoyun closed his eyes, stood up, and opened them again. The tenderness of him had disappeared, replaced by a kind of coldness.

"Your Majesty, where is that thing? Why have you been unwilling to tell me?"

Xiao Haoyun asked Fu Cangsheng.

"Hey!" Fu Cangsheng sneered, "According to reliable sources, that thing can be found in the Xiao family's ancestral land!"

"Xiao Family." Xiao Haoyun felt that this name was extremely familiar to him, but he didn't know why it happened. He didn't have anything about the Xiao Family in his memory.

Looking at Xiao Haoyun's expression, Fu Cangsheng smiled even more intensely.

"As long as you enter the Xiao family's ancestral land, I can help you find that thing, but as for how to enter, I'm afraid you still need the help of the Xiao family. I can't rush this matter for the time being!"

Fu Cangsheng's complexion changed, and he said calmly.

Xiao Haoyun nodded. Although he didn't remember where the Xiao family's ancestral land was, he could hear the extraordinaryness of this place from the lines. If it wasn't for this, Fu Cangsheng would not have paid so much attention to it.

Fu Cangsheng turned his head and looked to the far south, with a unparalleled ambition in his eyes.

"The holy body has been dispatched, whether the Xiao family can automatically open the ancestral land depends on your performance!"

(End of this chapter)

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