Chapter 482 Missing
Liufengmen has returned to calm these days, and the mysterious person has disappeared and never appeared.

Xiao Yu didn't dare to be careless, he might show up suddenly and make a big fuss at some point, he is now almost guarding the vicinity of Ao Wuqing's residence.

He was sure that there must be some secret in Ao Wuqing, if not, the mysterious person would just target him like this.How can a person who has lost all his strength attract a master who is above the fifth level of the Shattering God Realm to kill him?Unless he holds a shocking secret.

"Hero Xiao, I really don't know any secrets!"

This is the third time Xiao Yu asked Ao Wuqing, but Ao Wuqing didn't say anything, he still looked ignorant.

"People have already killed them, so you still don't want to say it?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were cold, and he was very dissatisfied with Ao Wuqing's actions. "Dark Prison" has captured him for so long, logically Ao Wuqing should hate "Dark Prison" very much, he really can't figure out what Ao Wuqing is still covering up now.

"Hero Xiao, I really don't know!"

There was a wry smile on Ao Wuqing's face, but Xiao Yu could tell from his expression that he knew something.

"If you don't want to say it, I won't force you. When you are willing to say it, you can come to me at any time. During this time, I will continue to guard by your side, and no one will attack you!"

Xiao Yu's tone was indifferent, he stood up and walked out of the house.

Ao Wuqing's expression changed slightly, he opened his mouth, but he still didn't speak.

"Brother Xiao Yu, Second Uncle, he still didn't say anything?"

Ao Zixuan outside the room knew the result when she saw Xiao Yu's ashen complexion.


Xiao Yu nodded and sat aside, Ao Zixuan was sitting next to him, accompanying him.

"Why did he hide it? Is there any difficulty?"

This question made Xiao Yu very confused. Even Ao Wuqing himself had escaped from the "dark prison". What else could threaten Ao Wuqing?
If it is a family member, Ao Wuji and Ao Zixuan, Ao Wuqing's relatives, are both in the Liufeng Sect. Under Xiao Yu's protection, it is almost impossible for others to do anything to them.If it is a lover, he has never heard of Ao Wuqing having a lover.

Since it is neither, why does Ao Wuqing keep his mouth shut?
Xiao Yu pressed his temples, he used his brain a bit too much recently, and he felt a pain in his head.

Ao Zixuan stood behind him gently, and gently kneaded his shoulders to make him relax. She knew that Xiao Yu was carrying too many things.

"By the way, Brother Xiao Yu!" Ao Zixuan suddenly remembered something, "Just now Grandpa came to see you, saying that there was something urgent, he told you to go see him as soon as you come out."


Xiao Yu frowned and stood up.

"Let's go, accompany me to see Grandpa!"

Without hesitation, Xiao Yu chose to give up protecting Ao Wuqing and go to see Xiao Maifei.First, he felt that the mysterious person would not act during the day; second, if he had to choose between the two, he would definitely take care of the urgent matter Xiao Maifei said first, because that was his relative, who was as stubborn as Ao Wuqing Buhua, he doesn't have much interest in the person who has been keeping secrets about the "Dark Prison".

Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan came to the residence where the members of the Xiao family lived, because most of the members of the Xiao family were of the younger generation, they were still growing up and could not be alone, so everyone in the Xiao family including Xiao Yun They all stayed in Rising Sun Castle, and only Xiao Xuri and Xiao Maifei came to Liufengmen to form an alliance this time. They led a group of experts from Rising Sun Fort to live in Liufengmen.

"Grandpa, are you looking for me?"

Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan walked into the courtyard, Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri were frowning, discussing something.


When the two saw Xiao Yu coming in, they immediately showed joy.

"Come and sit, girl Zixuan is here too, all sit, all sit!"

Xiao Yu and Ao Zixuan took their seats in response. He looked at Xiao Maifei and the two of them, wondering why they were so anxious.

"Yu'er, I didn't want these things to bother you about what happened in Liufengmen recently, but now I have to let you know. The complexity of the matter is beyond my imagination."

Xiao Maifei pondered for a moment, and finally spoke.

"Grandpa, if you have anything to say, just say it. I am your grandson. If you ask me to do something, why bother me? That's what you should do!"

Xiao Yu has always been very respectful to Xiao Maifei, no matter how far he has traveled and how strong his strength has become, but elders will always be elders, and as long as he approves in his heart, he will always respect him.

Hearing what Xiao Yu said, Xiao Maifei was very relieved. He frowned and said, "Actually, we don't know much about this matter, but the information from Fort Rising Sun mentioned that your eldest brother is missing. As for The reason, we don't know."

"Brother is missing?"

Xiao Yu was startled.

Xiao Yun has always had a special place in his heart. Although he and Xiao Yun have the same father and half mother, they are like brothers with the same father and mother. Xiao Yun has taken good care of him since he was a child and stood in front of him everywhere. He killed Xiao Yun's biological mother, Sima Yu, and Xiao Yu never hated him.

Because these days he has been running around and fighting everywhere, he rarely asks about Xiao Yun's affairs, and has almost no understanding, but this does not mean that he does not take Xiao Yun into his heart.

Now that he heard that Xiao Yu was missing, how could he not be in a hurry?
"Where did the eldest brother disappear? When did it happen?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"The news came today!" Xiao Maifei said in a deep voice, "It should have happened yesterday. From the letter from Fort Rising Sun, what I know is that Yun'er went out to find a kind of medicinal material, but since entering the west Yunding Mountain never appeared again."

"In other words, the place where Big Brother Xiao Yun disappeared is Yunding Mountain!"

Ao Zixuan said.

"If the news is indeed true, then it is true!"

Xiao Yu agreed, Yunding Mountain was the last place where Xiao Yun appeared, and his disappearance must be inseparable from that place.

What Xiao Yu is most worried about now is whether there is another story behind this incident. If someone else attacked Xiao Yun, then he would not feel too bad, but if someone from the "dark prison" attacked Xiao Yun, it would be a big deal. The real danger.

No matter whether they wanted to kill Xiao Yun or use Xiao Yun to threaten Xiao Yu and the others, this was an extremely bad result.

"Originally, I wanted to go back by myself and investigate this matter carefully, but after thinking about it, I always think it's safer to tell you!"

Xiao Maifei apologized a little.

Xiao Yu naturally knew where Xiao Maifei's apology came from. The matter here had already caused him great trouble. Xiao Maifei didn't want to use this matter to bother him, but he was worried that he could not handle it well and let the consequences It was even worse, so I finally decided to tell Xiao Yu.

"Grandpa, you told me just now is the most correct choice. My elder brother has something to do. How can I, the younger brother, ignore it?"

(End of this chapter)

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