Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 483 Return to Fort Rising Sun

Chapter 483 Return to Fort Rising Sun

"Grandpa, elder brother is missing, I can't ignore it, no matter how urgent the matter is here, I will definitely deal with elder brother's matter first!"

Xiao Yu's tone was firm, no matter what was going on here, if he didn't even care about his relatives, even if the "Dark Prison" was crushed in the end, what would be the point of such a result.

"Let me investigate this matter!" Xiao Yu has already decided to deal with Xiao Yun's matter himself. He is worried that the "dark prison" is behind this matter, and Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri will not be able to handle it.

"You go by yourself?"

Both Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri were a little surprised. They also knew something about the mysterious man here. He was an incompetent master other than Xiao Yu. If Xiao Yu left, the alliance would be very dangerous.

"I'll go in person. I'll let Lao Long and the others pay more attention to the matter here. Although that person is powerful, it's impossible for him to openly attack people in the alliance with such a big fanfare. Besides, as long as he doesn't know the news of my departure , then you won’t act rashly!”

Xiao Yu said in a deep voice.

"I don't know the news of your departure. You mean we concealed the news?"

Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri immediately understood what Xiao Yu meant.

"That's right, it's good to keep this news secret, but it's not like everyone doesn't tell, some trustworthy people still need to know!"

When Xiao Yu said this, no matter it was Ao Zixuan, Xiao Maifei or Xiao Xuri, they were all taken aback.

The meaning of this sentence is very intriguing. What he said is a trustworthy person, which means that there are still people in the alliance that he cannot trust.Xiao Yu had never said this before, but now that something happened to the mysterious person, he brought it up, which made them think over and over again.

"Actually, when the mysterious person appeared, I had a feeling that he should have someone in the alliance as an internal response. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a clear route to Liufengmen, and it would be impossible to directly know where Second Uncle Xuanxuan lives. Then I chased him in the evening, and his goal was very clear, and there was no confusion in the direction at all."

Xiao Yu used divine power to completely isolate the entire courtyard, and only a few of them could hear the conversation.

"It's really strange for you to say that!"

The other three nodded.

"Don't tell anyone about this, I'll tell Elder Long and Master Long Xiaotian about my departure, and ask them to strengthen their protection for Second Uncle Xuanxuan, and I'll leave immediately for Fortress of the Rising Sun!"

Ao Zixuan immediately said: "Brother Xiao Yu, I'll go with you!"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Xuanxuan, you are stupid, aren't you? If you are not in the Liufeng Gate, then others will definitely think that I am not there, so the effect of the smoke bomb will not be effective. You should stay in the Liufeng Gate obediently." Inside the door, I will come back immediately after I find my elder brother."

"All right!"

Ao Zixuan thought about it, it was indeed the truth, she just lost her calm judgment just because she wanted to act together with Xiao Yu.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yu approached Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian.

"Yu'er, what happened again?"

Long Xiu asked directly, he knew that there was no special matter, Xiao Yu would not take the initiative to find them.

"Old Dragon, Master Longmen, I have indeed encountered some troubles, and I need to investigate it myself, but the matter here cannot be let go, so I would like to propose to the two of you to hide the news of my departure. Just declare to the public that I am recuperating in the room, and in addition, I hope that you will secretly strengthen your protection against Ao Wurui, but don’t let him see it.”

"Secretly keep him from seeing it? Why is that?"

Long Xiaotian and Long Xiu did not understand Xiao Yu's intention.

"Actually, I don't know why I have this idea, it's just my feeling, but I hope you can believe me!"

Xiao Yu said seriously.

Both Long Xiu and Long Xiaotian nodded, expressing that they would do so, and they had no reason not to believe Xiao Yu.

After Xiao Yu explained some more matters, he directly tore apart the space in the main hall of Liufengmen, left Liufengmen, and headed towards Rising Sun Fort.

He displayed his speed to the extreme, ten miles in an instant, his speed was as fast as a meteor chasing the moon, and he staged a real space maneuver on the Shenwu Continent.

In Fort Rising Sun, members of the Xiao family have completely occupied a dominant position, all because of Xiao Yu's existence.Xiao Yu has become the god of war in the hearts of all the masters of Fort Rising Sun, a legend of omnipotence.

As Xiao Yu's reputation grew stronger and stronger, the children of the Xiao family had more and more right to speak in Fort Rising Sun. Up to now, the people in Fort Rising Sun completely followed the lead of the Xiao family.

On days when Xiao Yu, Xiao Xuri, and Xiao Maifei were not around, Xiao Yu's uncle Xiao Long had the final say in the entire Rising Sun Fort, and among the younger generation, Xiao Yun and Xiao Jinxiu had the right to speak. Highest.

Inside the Rising Sun Palace, Xiao Long sat on the main seat, frowning tightly.It has been three days since Xiao Yun heard from him, and up to now there is still no news about Xiao Yun, not even the slightest rumor.They have sent people to Yunding Mountain to search countless times, but they have found nothing.

He had already sent news to Xiao Xuri and others from Liufengmen on the day Xiao Yun disappeared, but he was not sure how Xiao Xuri and others would handle this matter.

Xiao Yun's disappearance was like disappearing from the world, and everything happened in a blink of an eye, without any warning at all.It was only half an hour from Xiao Yun's entry into Yunding Mountain to the time he lost his voice.

Several Sunrise Fort masters who accompanied Xiao Yun all fainted. After waking up, they didn't know what happened. This kind of strangeness made Xiao Long very unbearable. If he hadn't done it for a few years before City Lord, it is really difficult to support the entire Sunrise Castle independently.


An extremely beautiful woman pushed open the palace door and walked in slowly.In the entire Fort of the Rising Sun, the only one who dares to break into the Palace of the Rising Sun at will is Xiao Jinxiu, a girl who is loved and loved all over her body.

She is Xiao Maifei's granddaughter, and Xiao Maifei loves her very much. In the younger generation of the Xiao family, she is a well-deserved leader and is sought after by many Xiao family disciples. The most important point is that she There is an elder brother who makes people in the whole continent fearful.

Although it is not in person, it is no different from in person, only this point, no one dares to provoke her.

"Jinxiu, what's going on?"

Seeing Xiao Jinxiu coming in, Xiao Long asked quickly.

Xiao Jinxiu shook her head, she was one of the people who participated in the search for Xiao Yun, but obviously, there was still no result.

Xiao Long couldn't help sighing, Xiao Yu was the eldest son of his eldest brother Xiao Haoyun, and Xiao Yu's elder brother, but now something went wrong under his leadership, he really couldn't feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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