Chapter 484
"Uncle, don't blame yourself too much, there are indeed many strange things about Brother Xiao Yun!"

Seeing Xiao Long's haggard look at that moment, Xiao Jinxiu quickly comforted him.

"Oh, Jinxiu, it's all my fault. If I hadn't asked him to help me go to Yunding Mountain to find that medicinal material, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. How can I not blame myself?"

Xiao Long murmured.A few days ago, he was eager for success when he was practicing, and something went wrong, which caused him to be seriously injured. He learned that there is a medicinal material in Yunding Mountain that can restore Xiao Long's injury in a short time, so he volunteered and brought a few Experts from Fort Rising Sun entered Yunding Mountain to search for medicinal materials, but there was no news after they went there.

"Uncle, it's useless even if you blame yourself now, we still have to find a way to find Big Brother Xiao Yun!"

Xiao Jinxiu replied.

"I have notified your grandfather and uncle!" Xiao Long said with a frown, "But there is no reply yet, I don't know if they have received the news!"

"Then" Xiao Jinxiu said suddenly, "Brother Xiao Yu knows about this?"

When Xiao Long heard Xiao Jinxiu's question, he suddenly showed a strange smile.

"You girl, do you miss Yu'er?"

Xiao Long was considered a romantic figure when he was young. Although he hadn't married yet, he knew very well about the relationship between men and women. Looking at Xiao Jinxiu's almond eyes with spring, he had already guessed a thing or two.

"Ah!" Xiao Jinxiu exclaimed, but did not deny it, "Of course I miss him, I haven't seen him for so long, and I don't know if he has thought about coming back to see him!"

Xiao Long also sighed: "Yes, this kid is getting more and more scary now, and people can't catch up with him, but there are more and more things on him, and he has no time to catch up with our relatives."


At this moment, deafening cheers suddenly came from outside.


Xiao Long and Xiao Jinxiu got up immediately.

"Could it be that brother Xiao Yun is back?"

Xiao Jinxiu was puzzled.

"It's very possible. Let's go out and have a look. It would be great if he came back, but I always feel that the noise he made is too big!"

Xiao Long and Xiao Jinxiu hurried out of the palace gate, and just two steps away, they heard a group of Xiao family children cheering there.

"Brother Xiao Yu is back, Brother Xiao Yu is back!"

The two were startled for a moment, and looked at each other, both of whom could see the deep horror in each other's eyes.

"Brother Xiao Yu is back, not Brother Xiao Yun!"

Xiao Jinxiu's face was filled with ecstasy, and Xiao Long's spirit was also lifted.From their point of view, there is no difference between Xiao Yu's return and Xiao Yun's return. As long as Xiao Yu is there, no matter how difficult things are, they can be solved.

"Quick, let's pick up that brat!"

Xiao Long and Xiao Jinxiu hastily quickened their pace and ran towards the place where the cheers were the loudest.

Xiao Yu now has a helpless wry smile on his face. He came in from the main entrance and just wanted to reveal his identity to the guard guarding the fort. Unexpectedly, the guard pulled out his name in a loud voice, making all the Xiao family's children who were practicing martial arts nearby scream. I heard it, and it turned out to be such a situation now, he was surrounded by a group of people in the center, like watching a rare animal.

Those faces flushed with excitement made him extremely unnatural.If he hadn't blocked their way with a little bit of divine power, he might have been submerged in the crowd now, and his clothes would have been grabbed into pieces.

He finally realized the madness of the star fans in his previous life.

"You bastards, what have you become? Don't get out of the way!"

A deep shout made those crazy Xiao family disciples stand away immediately, Xiao Yu showed a smile, and looked at Xiao Long and Xiao Xuri who were standing not far away.

"Jinxiu, uncle, long time no see!"


Xiao Jinxiu's eyes were full of joy, but she glanced away, and a soft hum came from her mouth.

Xiao Long stepped forward, and Xiao Yu quickly dissipated the divine power that was used to block people just now.

"Boy, you still know how to come back to see your uncle!"

Xiao Long patted Xiao Yu's shoulder, and his tone showed deep nostalgia. He still remembered the scene of Xiao Yu talking and drinking with him in the City Lord's Mansion. In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yu had already stood at the top of this continent in half a year. .

"Uncle, it's my fault, scold me!"

Xiao Yu bowed slightly, with a guilty expression on his face.

"Hey, haha, it's really refreshing!" Xiao Long laughed suddenly, "I can make the arrogant mad god of the Invincible Continent bow to me, and if I say it, it will scare a group of people to death? Hahaha!"

Xiao Long's insolent laughter gave Xiao Yu a sense of intimacy. Nothing could replace the bond between relatives, which strengthened his determination to protect his relatives.

"Jinxiu, it's hard for me to come back once, you won't just keep playing with me like this?"

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Jinxiu who was peeking at her, but then turned away immediately, and laughed dumbfoundedly.Xiao Jinxiu has always looked like this, the last time he left without saying goodbye, Xiao Jinxiu also had a lot of resentment towards him.


Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Xiao Jinxiu finally looked better, ran to Xiao Yu's side, hugged Xiao Yu's arms with both arms, and said softly: "Who made you stay so long?"

Xiao Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's not that I won't come back, but that there are really too many things on me. You are my good sister, don't you understand brother?"

"Okay, Brother Xiao Yu, I'm just joking with you!" Xiao Jinxiu showed a sweet smile, "Who doesn't know that you are the busiest! Hehe!"

Xiao Yu said hello to the rest of the Xiao family's children, and the people from Fort Sunrise were no exception.Fort Rising Sun, which was originally lifeless because of Xiao Yun's disappearance, now revived because of Xiao Yu's arrival.

"Uncle, tell me in detail, how the eldest brother disappeared!"

Xiao Yu, Xiao Jinxiu, and Xiao Long sat together in the Rising Sun Hall, and Xiao Jinxiu leaned against Xiao Yu's side like this, feeling extremely intimate.


So Xiao Long explained all the reasons why Xiao Yun went to Yunding Mountain and what happened before and after his disappearance.

After Xiao Yu finished listening, he continued to ask: "That is to say, after that, you searched Yunding Mountain many times, but you didn't find any clues?"

"That's right, Yun'er seems to have evaporated from the world!"

Xiao Long frowned.

Hearing this, Xiao Yu pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "In this case, let Jinxiu take me to the place where I found those people who were traveling with eldest brother passed out."

"it is good!"

Xiao Jinxiu immediately agreed.

The only people who went to Yunding Mountain were Xiao Yu and Xiao Jinxiu.For Xiao Yu, it is useless to go to too many people, as long as someone can bring him to the place, that is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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