Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 485 Seeing the Halberd Monster Again

Chapter 485 Seeing the Halberd Monster Again

Along the way, Xiao Jinxiu was very happy, like an elf playing in the mountains.For going up the mountain alone with Xiao Yu, she was naturally very happy. How could she miss this opportunity to be alone with Xiao Yu?

Xiao Jinxiu's playful appearance didn't look like he was looking for someone, but rather like he was playing.Xiao Yu didn't mean any dissatisfaction, Xiao Yun's disappearance was already an established fact, even if he was in a hurry now, it was a good thing to make Xiao Jinxiu happy enough.

Speaking of it, Xiao Jinxiu and Xiao Yu are very similar, both of them have poor backgrounds.Xiao Yu lost his mother at the age of eight and his father at the age of 16.However, Xiao Jinxiu's parents died when he was young, and later, because of the joint conspiracy between Sima Yu and the second elder of the Xiao family, Xiao Jinxiu's grandfather, the first elder of the Xiao family, died at the hands of Sima Yu.

It can be said that Xiao Jinxiu has no relatives in this world, but he still has a grandfather, a younger uncle, and an older brother, and now he has learned that his father Xiao Haoyun is still alive.All in all, he is much happier than Xiao Jinxiu.

So Xiao Yu has always loved Xiao Jinxiu as his own sister, giving her the best and not letting anyone bully her.

"Brother Xiao Yu, we are here, right in front, hurry up!"

Xiao Jinxiu trotted ahead, waving at Xiao Yu constantly, with a cheerful appearance like a child.


Xiao Yu responded with a smile, stepped harder, and followed not far behind Xiao Jinxiu.

"It's here!"

Xiao Jinxiu suddenly stopped and pointed to the ground in front of her.

"Is it here?"

Xiao Yu cast his gaze over, this is a bamboo forest, and the place Xiao Jinxiu is pointing at is a huge bamboo shoot.The land here is relatively humid, and near the huge bamboo shoots, you can still vaguely see the traces of a few human bodies lying down, and the rest are some miscellaneous footprints, which seem to be a lot of people.

Xiao Yu naturally knew that the traces of those lying down were the people who went into the mountain with Xiao Yun, and the messy footprints around were the result of the people from Fort Rising Sun who rescued people when they found this place.

At first glance, there is indeed no clue.

Xiao Yu took a step forward and stepped on the soft ground. His gaze kept scanning back and forth around the bamboo forest, sometimes pausing, sometimes closing his eyes. Xiao Jinxiu didn't know what Xiao Yu was doing.

"Brother Xiao Yu, what are you doing?"

she wondered.


Xiao Yu smiled.

He was indeed sensing it. Judging from Xiao Long's description of Xiao Yun's disappearance, it is very likely that he was taken away by an extremely powerful person in an instant, while the rest of the people were stunned by the powerful force at that moment. That's why Fang didn't know what happened after waking up.

Xiao Yun is a master of Yuan Shattering Realm. After a few months, his progress is not small. He has already broken through to the third level of God Shattering Realm. According to Xiao Yu's judgment, he can subdue everyone in Xiao Yun in an instant, and he can also reach the level of the gods. Unknowingly, the effect is at least a strong person in the concentration state, and it must be a high-level concentration state. After all, there is no second person in this world who is as perverted as him.

After learning that none of the players from Castle of the Rising Sun who went with Xiao Yun were injured and all of them survived, Xiao Yu concluded that this matter had nothing to do with the "Dark Prison", because the "Dark Prison" would never be so easy to talk about. According to the style of "Dark Prison", they will definitely wipe out useless things. If they really took action, these experts in Fort Rising Sun would probably have died already.

Since it wasn't the "Dark Prison" who made the move, Xiao Yu felt relieved, but what made him puzzled was what was the other party's intention in taking Xiao Yun away?
Judging from all the signs at the scene, this incident was an unexpected incident, and Xiao Yun and the others were attacked inexplicably without knowing it.


Ever since Fort Rising Sun incorporated the Iron Sword Gate, it has become the leader of the Far West. Xiao Yu really couldn't think of who would take action against Xiao Yun.

"Brother Xiao Yu, did you find any clues?"

Xiao Jinxiu asked.

"Unfortunately, like you, I didn't find anything useful. This place is too clean!"

Xiao Yu shook his head.

"Then what do we do now?"

Xiao Jinxiu was obviously also a little disappointed. He thought Xiao Yu could see something that they couldn't see, but now it seems that there is indeed no clue left.

"Don't worry, maybe someone will be able to tell us!"

Seeing Xiao Jinxiu's appearance, Xiao Yu comforted her.

"Someone tell us? Who's going to tell us?"

Xiao Jinxiu was very puzzled, obviously there were only her and Xiao Yu here, where did the others come from?

Xiao Yu didn't answer, he took two steps forward, the voice was wrapped in divine power, and it came out suddenly, shaking the valley.

"Senior Xiahou, Xiao Yu is here, may I show up and see?"

The majestic voice lingered in the mountains, resounding everywhere, and the sound waves scattered, shaking the surrounding bamboo forests to rustle.

Xiao Jinxiu looked around with her big beautiful eyes, she didn't expect that there were people in this mountain.

"Hahaha, Aotian Kuangshen invites you, how dare I not see you?"

With a hearty laugh, a middle-aged man with a somewhat chic appearance stood on the void and slowly fell down. This man was the "Halberd Monster" Xia Houliang who had fought against Xiao Yu half a month ago.

In fact, when he first entered Yunding Mountain, Xiao Yu had already felt his presence, and he was surprised to see Xia Houliang here.

Xia Houliang was also horrified. He had hidden himself very well, and deliberately kept a distance from Xiao Yu, just not wanting to be discovered by Xiao Yu. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu had already noticed it. Just because of this, he knew that Xiao Yu Yu has made a breakthrough again, and his strength is stronger than half a month ago.

"It's a coincidence, I didn't expect you to be in Yunding Mountain!"

Xiao Yu had a smile on his face, but his tone was cold.He would call him "Senior Xiahou" before, just to let him come out by himself.

Xia Houliang was startled immediately, he could already feel Xiao Yu's naked hostility.

Xiao Yu's attitude towards Xia Houliang is naturally not going to be any better. He doesn't think that Xia Houliang's appearance here is just accidental. His intuition tells him that Xiao Yun's disappearance is inseparable from Xia Houliang. must also know.

"Brother Xiao Yu, this senior."

Xiao Jinxiu naturally felt the change in Xiao Yu's attitude, and immediately took a step back and stood behind Xiao Yu. She really wanted to know who Xia Houliang was.

Xia Houliang was about to say something when Xiao Yu's face turned cold.

"Senior Xiahou, I respect you as a senior, and I don't want to be reckless to fight you again this time, but there is one thing, you must tell me, was a young man taken away here two days ago?"

(End of this chapter)

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