Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 499 The Wave of Rufumen

Chapter 499 The Wave of Rufumen
"Xiao Yu, this time I really made you worry!"

In the room, Xiao Yun looked apologetic.He was extremely moved by the fact that Xiao Yu had come all the way to find him. Originally, he thought that after Xiao Yu had reached the top level of the mainland, he had already forgotten the brotherhood with him, but today's Things made him completely reverse this idea.No matter how strong Xiao Yu is, Xiao Yu will always be Xiao Yu, his half brother.

"Brother, it's better that you are fine than anything else. At that time, I realized that you were taken away by extremely powerful experts. I really felt a little inappropriate. I was worried that it was the despicable people in the 'Dark Prison' who did it!"

Facing Xiao Yun, Xiao Yu also spoke casually, without the usual politeness to others.These are his real relatives, and only in front of these people will he be absolutely relaxed.

"This is what happened"

Xiao Yun then told about the fact that Sun Yue and others helped him to give him divine power empowerment, and he needed him to help the Sun family participate in the martial arts meeting of the four families.

"Do the four families know martial arts?" Xiao Yu rubbed his chin, "Brother, I am afraid that the four families will not be as simple as you imagined! Although you have broken through to the peak of the concentration level now, the younger generations of the other three hidden families will definitely There are also many strong players, and we should not take it lightly."

"Well, I know!" Xiao Yun said strangely, "You didn't think of stopping me?"

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "Stop you? Why do you want to stop? You, Xiao Yun, are my eldest brother. Since you have promised others, how can you break your promise? Besides, how can you miss this opportunity to compete with the top masters of the younger generation?"

When Xiao Yun heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly: "That's right, how can members of our Xiao family break our promise?"

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled, as if they had returned to the days when they were together day and night when they were young.

"By the way, what happened to Liufeng Gate? Is there any movement in the 'Dark Prison'?"

Xiao Yun's strength has skyrocketed, and he has regained his original self-confidence. At the moment when "Dark Prison" is mentioned, he doesn't feel much. If he mentioned "Dark Prison" before, he only felt that it was out of reach, like a mountain pressing down on him. in his heart.

"There's an amazing guy over there!" Mentioning Liufengmen, Xiao Yu immediately thought of the mysterious man, "He has the ability to ignore attacks and then bounce back double to the opponent, I will fight against him Twice, I didn’t take advantage of it, and I was placed one.”

Xiao Yun couldn't help being astonished. Although he didn't know what step Xiao Yu had reached now, it was clear that there were few opponents on the mainland. At least after Xiao Yu returned to the Xiao family, he had never been defeated.But that person was able to deflate Xiao Yu, and his strength must be even more terrifying.

"Damn it!" Xiao Yun immediately thought of another question, "You ran to this place to find me, what about the Liufeng Gate? Can someone stop that person?"

"No!" Xiao Yu waved his hand, "So I can only use the strategy of delaying the attack, making him mistakenly think that I am still in Liufengmen, and I don't know if I have been seen through now."

Xiao Yu couldn't help but feel a little worried about the situation of Liu Fengmen. At that time, he was worried about Xiao Yun's comfort, so he had no choice but to make a bad plan. Thinking about it now, he still lacked consideration.

Xiao Yu once again felt the pain of the lack of manpower. If Liufengmen could have one or two masters of the God-shattering realm, he would not have so many worries.

"Xiao Yu, you go back first, you are needed more over there!"

Xiao Yun said sternly: "I don't have any major issues here. I will go to find you after I finish participating in the Four Martial Arts Competition. Now I can also play some role!"

Xiao Yu didn't answer right away, but calmly said: "Brother, the martial arts competition of the four families will be here in a day, and things are not in a hurry. I will accompany you to finish the martial arts competition. I am worried that you are participating in the competition." They don't want to let you go afterward."

There is another sentence that Xiao Yu didn't say, he always felt that the purpose of the Sun family was more than that, if he stayed here, he could also serve as a deterrent to the Sun family.As soon as the match is over, no matter whether Xiao Yun wins or loses, he will take him away.

"Is there really no problem over there?"

Although Xiao Yun also thought so, with Xiao Yu around, he would have more confidence, but he knew that he couldn't be so selfish, Liufengmen still had Xiao Maifei and Xiao Xuri, and he had to think about their safety.

"To be honest, I don't feel too much uneasiness in my heart. There should be no major problems!"

Xiao Yu nodded. The source of this feeling was very strange. For some reason, he felt inexplicably at ease this time.

"In that case, of course it's best!"

Xiao Yun and Xiao Yu also hadn't seen each other for a long time, the two asked the Sun family for some drinks, talked while drinking, and slowly entered the night.

Someone was approaching from outside the yard, Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun ignored them, the two had a very happy conversation, hearty laughter came out from time to time.

"Xiao Yun, the third elder told you to go see him!"

A pleasant voice sounded at the gate of the courtyard, it was Sun Yaoyue.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun curiously, and she was very surprised that Xiao Yu, a stranger, came.

"I see!"

Xiao Yun responded indifferently, without a good look on his face.Xiao Yu felt a little strange in his heart, Xiao Yun had always been an arrogant person, he didn't know why Xiao Yun had such a big opinion on this woman.

Sun Yaoyue could feel Xiao Yun's indifference, she snorted coldly, turned her head and left.Anyway, her words have already been brought, as to whether to go or not, that is Xiao Yun's business.She was already a proud woman, so naturally she would not feign enthusiasm for Xiao Yun, even if Xiao Yun was the one who was placed with high hopes by the big three of the Sun family.

Sun Yaoyue had already walked away, Xiao Yu jokingly smiled and said, "Brother, there seems to be something going on between you two!"

Xiao Yu's words were actually hitting Xiao Yun. He was two years younger than Xiao Yun, and he already had such an excellent woman as Ao Zixuan, as well as Lin Qingbing, Liu Piaoxu, Yang Xiruo, Long Jingxin, these beauties, but Up to now, it has not been reported that Xiao Yun has approached any woman.He is Xiao Yun's younger brother, so he naturally has to care about this matter.

"Hmph, what are you talking about? This woman caught me like a mouse and threw me around like a mouse. I'm an old man. To be humiliated like this, I'm already arrogant enough not to yell and curse."

Xiao Yun was filled with anger when he mentioned this matter. It was the first time he felt such shame on Sun Yaoyue.

"Xiao Yu, just sit here, I'm going to see the master!"

Xiao Yun said and stood up.Xiao Yu nodded and continued to drink. The master and apprentice had something to say, so naturally he couldn't interfere.

In the hidden space, everything is developing along the track, but Liufengmen has ushered in a wave of exciting waves in the past few days.

(End of this chapter)

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