Chapter 500 Crisis Resolved
Without Xiao Yu's Liufengmen, it was like a pool of stagnant water without any ups and downs.Long Xiaotian and the others listened to Xiao Yu's suggestion and protected Ao Wuqing extremely closely.

Almost every time period, there will be three masters of the Broken God Realm guarding Ao Wuqing's room. This lineup is already the strongest lineup that Liufengmen can produce at present.

This is the third day since Xiao Yu left. For the past few days, Ao Zixuan stayed in Xiao Yu's room every night. This is of course an illusion, an illusion to deceive people.

In the entire Liufengmen, no more than two people knew that Xiao Yu had left, and everything was proceeding according to Xiao Yu's plan.

Within three days, the mysterious person did not reappear. Everyone thought that Liufengmen could return to peace again, but things were developing in the opposite direction.

Hundreds of miles away from the Liufeng Gate, two figures were looming, and every step they took, they would penetrate hundreds of thousands of feet of space, which was extremely strange.

The two are exactly Tiansha and Disha among the four great masters of "Dark Prison".

"Your Majesty asked us to investigate inside the Liufeng Gate to help 'Holy Body' get some chances, but I really don't understand why he told us not to confront that junior named Xiao Yu head-on!"

Disha looked a little dissatisfied, and there was a trace of resentment on his pale face.I thought that both of them were majestic masters of breaking the gods, but Fu Cangsheng just asked them to go to Liufengmen to create chaos and help "Holy Body" create opportunities. Yu goes head to head.This is an act of weakness.According to his thinking, it would be more than enough to wipe out all the members of the entire Liufengmen and Alliance now.

"Di Sha, let's not speculate on what the king thinks!" Tian Sha said calmly, "Since he asked us to do this, we just follow the order."


Di Sha snorted softly, but he had already acquiesced to Tian Sha's statement. Although he was dissatisfied, he dared not listen to Fu Cangsheng's words.Fu Cangsheng is unfathomable in strength, ruthless in methods, and he never holds back his subordinates. Such a person is the real devil.

Tiansha and Disha are similar in strength, Tiansha is a little bit stronger, they are both strong in the God-shattering realm, but facing Fu Cangsheng, even if they work together, they have no chance of winning. In their impression, Fu Cangsheng Cangsheng almost never made a move. They would be loyal to Fu Cangsheng because Fu Cangsheng gave them what they needed and controlled their life and death, but not because of Fu Cangsheng's strength.Their point of view was completely subverted half a month ago. After that incident, their awe of Fu Cangsheng became even deeper, and the rebellious thoughts in their hearts were completely suppressed to the depths, and they never dared to jump out again.

At that time, Eucharist developed a little disorder, which caused it to go berserk. At that time, Fu Cangsheng went out and was not with them, and Eucharist actually started to attack their four great venerables.The four teamed up to fight against the holy body, and within a short while, Yun Sha and Feng Sha, whose strength was at the peak of the Broken God Realm, were seriously injured and repelled.

These two people have retreated, and the target of the holy body is concentrated on the two people, obviously they are more attractive.The two god-shattering first-layers joined forces to resist, but they were completely forced to lose. After about a hundred rounds, they were also seriously injured by the holy body.

Just when the holy body was about to take their lives, Fu Cangsheng arrived in time, and with just one blow, he neutralized the holy body's attack, which was as strong as the fifth level of the God-shattering realm, and knocked the holy body back thousands of feet.

The target of the Eucharist immediately changed, and rushed towards Fu Cangsheng again, but Fu Cangsheng subdued the Eucharist in just an instant, and it was only after that that they realized Fu Cangsheng's horror again.

Many times, they were secretly guessing whether the fully grown Holy Body could compete with Fu Cangsheng?
The two looked at each other, and they both smiled bitterly. They both remembered that incident just now.

"Stop thinking about it, hurry up and deal with the matter of Liufengmen, the king is still waiting for us to go back and reply!"

Tiansha coughed lightly, bringing the two of them back to reality.

"Let's go!"

Di Sha nodded, his speed suddenly increased, and with a flash, he had already reached the sky above the Liufeng Gate.Tian Sha followed closely behind, staring at the brightly lit Liufeng Gate below.

"Come on, let's light them some fireworks!"

Di Sha let out a smirk, and with a thrust of his palm, a giant palm that lifted the sky descended from the sky.

The faces of Long Xiaotian and others who were guarding below suddenly changed drastically, and they all looked up at the sky. The terrifying energy fluctuations made them all feel powerless.

"here we go again!"

Long Xiaotian sighed bitterly in his heart, he thought that Xiao Yu's plan had failed, and the mysterious person came to his door again, but he didn't know that this person was completely different from the previous mysterious person.

The masters of the rest of the first-class forces also looked pale. Under this huge palm, they didn't even have the intention to resist. This is a completely unequal force.May I ask if all the reactions of an ant in the face of an elephant's giant foot are in vain?
Before the giant palm fell, countless disciples in Liufengmen were already crushed to the ground by the terrifying momentum, unable to move at all, they could only tremble on the ground.

Just this palm has already covered a quarter of the total area of ​​Liufengmen. When this palm falls, it is unknown how many people will die in it.Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing had been in Xiao Yu's room for the past few days, and they shared the same bed, feeling a strong danger now, they both ran out of the room.

Looking at the huge palm in the sky, they were also pale. In the entire Liufengmen, Xiao Yu was the only one who could resist this terrifying power, but now, Xiao Yu was not in the Liufengmen at all.

"It happened!"

The two groaned secretly in their hearts, although the palm did not fall towards their position, but the other members of Liufengmen could not escape the bad luck.


At this moment, a golden glow erupted from the ground, turning into a giant golden fist, and bombarded the huge palm from bottom to top.


There was a muffled sound above the sky, the energy exploded, and the entire Liufeng Gate was crumbling under the violent energy.


A light curtain of divine power suddenly opened, resisting all the remaining energy and keeping Liufengmen's integrity.

Earth Sha in the sky suddenly moved, and the giant fist of golden light shook the giant palm of his power so that it retreated steadily.

Tiansha's face showed shock. From the golden giant fist, he felt extremely powerful fluctuations. Compared with him and Disha, it was probably much stronger.


Tiansha pulled Earthsha, and the two of them turned around, but they didn't dare to stay for a moment, and fled towards the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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