Chapter 504 Battle Stage
Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was already the day when the four martial arts will be held.

Xiao Yun also came out of the main hall of the Sun family in the early hours of this morning. He was not at all tired, but full of energy, with a strong fighting intent in his eyes.

Just this night, he learned seven to eighty eighty eighty eighty eight of the martial arts taught by the three giants of the Sun family. Although he could not exert its maximum power, it could still reach [-] to [-]%. This was undoubtedly to provide him with a stronger help.

For Xiao Yun's movement, Xiao Yu is naturally aware of it, but he has nothing to do. The hero skills he possesses are too special, and only he can display them. Let him teach Xiao Yun Yun, that is completely useless.Not to mention Xiao Yun, Xiao Yu is the only one who can use the hero's skills in this entire continent, and even in wider areas. This is the quality he possesses.

"Brother, you seem to be very confident!"

Seeing Xiao Yun's high-spirited look, Xiao Yu immediately felt relieved. With Xiao Yu's eyesight, he could naturally see that Xiao Yun was extraordinary at the moment. He was at the peak of Concentration, and there were few people in this continent who could match Xiao Yun. rivals.

"The two uncles and the master have placed high hopes on me, and I can only fulfill my promise if I help the Sun family win, otherwise I won't feel at ease when I leave."

Xiao Yun said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, noncommittal, the characters of the two brothers are indeed too similar in this aspect, they are both stubborn and tough.

Cheers were everywhere in the Sun family at this moment. For these children of the four hidden families who have been huddled in the hidden space all the year round, who are ignorant of world affairs and have never seen the world, the annual martial arts competition of the four families is their favorite event. The expected event.On this day, not only can I meet and compare with the children of the other three families, but I can also see the confrontation between the top young generations of the four hidden families, which is really exciting.

"Xiao Yu, after today, we can leave, let's go!"

Xiao Yun walked towards the gate of Sun's house first, which was the meeting place, Xiao Yu followed behind him, but did not go forward.Today, Xiao Yunfang is the protagonist of the entire Sun family.

Outside the gate of the Sun family, the three giants of the Sun family were already sitting on the chariot, carried by several servants of the Sun family, while Sun Yaoyue and Sun Xinyan were waiting by the side. Sun Xinyan kept saying something to Sun Yaoyue, but Sun Yaoyue Yaoyue is always indifferent to answers, which makes him very annoyed.

Seeing Xiao Yun coming out, Sun Yaoyue's eyes lit up immediately, and it was hard to move his gaze away from Xiao Yun. Today's Xiao Yun is more majestic and domineering than usual.

Sun Xinyan's complexion immediately darkened, and he was about to explode on the spot, but Sun Yue's eyes swept away, he didn't dare to make a mistake at all, he could only snort coldly, and walked to the other side.

Xiao Yun took a look at Sun Yaoyue. Under Sun Yaoyue's beautiful eyes, he felt a little uncontrollable, and quickly turned his head away, not daring to look again.

Xiao Yu came from behind, and when the three giants of the Sun family saw him, Sun Yue immediately said, "Brother Xiao Yu, come up quickly!"

When everyone heard these words, everyone except Xiao Yun was dumbfounded.Only now did they understand who the extra seat on the top of the car was for.

But when they looked at Xiao Yu, they felt dazed. Xiao Yu was so young and handsome at any time, but his body didn't have any power fluctuations. Why did the three highest leaders of the Sun family value him so much?Even invite him to share the same seat in the car?
At this moment, Sun Yaoyue's beautiful eyes could not help but glance at Xiao Yu, with a trace of curiosity in her eyes.Apart from knowing that Xiao Yu is Xiao Yun's brother, she knew nothing about it.

"It seems that Xiao Yun's brother does have something extraordinary, but what makes him worthy of the Third Elder's attention?"

She couldn't help guessing secretly.

Xiao Yu stepped forward with a smile, and waved his hands: "The three of you should sit on it comfortably, and I will walk with my eldest brother!"

At this point, everyone was stunned. Xiao Yu was invited by the three top figures of the Sun family, but he refused?

Facing Xiao Yu's refusal, Sun Yue just smiled, and didn't say any more. Sun Lin and Sun Xing nodded slightly to Xiao Yu, as a greeting.

Xiao Yun took a deep look at Xiao Yu, feeling grateful in his heart, he knew that Xiao Yu was trying not to embarrass him.Who is Xiao Yu?The arrogant mad god who is invincible in the mainland has never lost a single battle in dozens of battles, big and small, and most of them are well-known powerful enemies in the mainland. Why he is so polite to the three of the Sun family is entirely for Xiao Yun's sake. He even didn't want to distance himself from Xiao Yun just because of his own strength.

"Let's go!"

With a wave of Sun Yue's hand, several house slaves stood up in an instant, their footsteps were like flying, and their chariots seemed to be moving in the wind.Behind them are Sun Yaoyue, Sun Xinyan, Xiao Yun, Xiao Yu and hundreds of elite children of the Sun family. The rest of the Sun family's older generation stayed behind.

A group of people marched towards a place called "Battle Platform" in the hidden space. It was very lively along the way. At the same time, the teams of the other four families also assembled and headed towards the battle platform one after another.

Among the Zhao family team, Zhao Qingtian was covered with a layer of black veil to hide his ugly face. Zhao Siyuan was sitting on the chariot, beside him were two old men who were very similar to him. Close your eyes and rest your mind. These two are Zhao Tianxing's elder brothers, and they are also the two strongest members of the Zhao family.

The four hidden families all have the heart to win the championship, only for the allocation of the largest share of resources.As long as there are people, there will be disputes. This sentence is really true.

Along the way, Sun Yaoyue always walked on the right side of Xiao Yun, and the distance remained the same.She didn't say a word to Xiao Yun, but she cast inexplicable gazes from time to time, which made Xiao Yun feel uncomfortable, so he could only look straight ahead without squinting.

The corner of Xiao Yu's mouth curved slightly, he really wanted to laugh out loud.Sun Yaoyue's silent emotional offensive really opened his eyes.Xiao Yu couldn't help sighing that not every woman dared to confess the love in her heart like Lin Qingbing and Long Jingxin.

After walking for half an hour, the team gradually slowed down. Xiao Yu looked up, and not far away, a huge square was located among the mountains. The material of the battle platform attracted his attention again.

"This material has never been seen before!"

Xiao Yu was a little surprised. According to his perception, these gray-white stones had extremely strong toughness, and the combat power they could withstand exceeded any material he had seen before.

"Is it left over from ancient times?"

Xiao Yu's eyes gradually focused, and only things left over from ancient times could have such a strange effect.

"It seems that there are many unknown things in this hidden space!"

(End of this chapter)

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