Chapter 505 Opponents

As soon as Sun Yue raised his hand, the whole team stopped, and their position happened to be on the east side of the square battle platform.


Three loud horns sounded from three different directions, and those who didn't know what was going on might think that a war was about to begin.The three teams emerged from the south, north, and west respectively, and the black heads showed that their numbers were extremely considerable.

Xiao Yu glanced at the three teams. Together, these three teams had six masters of the God-shattering Realm.

"As expected of the blood left by the survivors of the ancient battlefield, it is so powerful that it can indeed sweep the continent."

Xiao Yu secretly sighed in his heart, if he hadn't been greatly improved in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison and had reached the fifth level of the God Breaking Realm, facing this number of masters of the God Breaking Realm, he would not have the slightest confidence that he would be able to defeat the God Breaking Realm with his whole body. retreat.


Suddenly, Xiao Yu seemed to have sensed something, and looked at a black-veil masked man in the Zhao family's team. From this man, he felt a familiar aura, but he couldn't figure out where he had felt it before. stand up.Although this person didn't show any strength, Xiao Yu could still feel the faint evil aura emanating from his body.

"Another interesting guy, at the peak of Concentration Realm? Big brother has a good opponent!"

Xiao Yu chuckled and looked away. Although the feeling that person gave him was very familiar, it was definitely not the feeling of a friend.For such a person whose strength is no more than the peak of Concentration, he really doesn't take it to heart.Not to mention the peak of Concentrating Mind Realm, even the peak of Broken God Realm, Xiao Yu can completely crush it.

The four teams stopped hundreds of feet away from the battle platform, watching each other. So far, all the participating teams from the four hidden families have arrived.

"You all came in time. This martial arts competition looks like it will be very exciting!"

Under a big "Li" banner, an old man with white beard and hair laughed loudly.This person is one of the top masters of the Li family, named Li Tian, ​​and his strength has reached the second level of the God-shattering Realm.

"Li Tian, ​​I haven't seen you for a few months, why do you like to talk?"

In the Qian family's team, an old man who was about the same age as Li Tian also said with a smile. Judging from his tone, it seemed that the relationship between the two was not bad.

"Qian Xiuwen, your body is really strong, I thought you would have gone to the underworld to wait for me!"

"You old man is still fine, how could I die! Hahaha!"

Both Li Tian and Qian Xiuwen were full of smiles. When they joked, they didn't shy away from it, and they didn't look like a master at all.

Among the Zhao family's team, Zhao Siyuan, who had fought with Sun Yue for Xiao Yun, was looking over. Sun Yue met his gaze, and sparks burst out from both of their eyes.They have fought countless times since they were young, but at this age, they are still facing each other without any change.

Zhao Siyuan wiped his neck at Sun Yue from a distance, looking extremely arrogant.Sun Yue did not show any weakness, stretched out his fingers, and slowly pointed towards the ground, the contempt was self-evident.

Zhao Siyuan withdrew his gaze, his face became more gloomy.

"Sun Yue, you can still be arrogant now, when you see the Sun family defeated by my Zhao family, I think you will still look like this?"

Zhao Siyuan looked at Zhao Qingtian, who was not moving at all, and was determined.The power of blood demon cultivated by Zhao Qingtian erodes all things and is extremely powerful. Among the same level, nine out of ten will not be its opponent. He does not believe in an eighth-level divine vein owner who was just found five days ago Then the Sun family can be saved from the dire straits.

"Patriarch Sun Lin, long time no see!"

In the farthest distance, Zhao Yuan, the Patriarch of the Zhao Family, bowed his hands to Sun Lin and said politely.

"Patriarch Zhao Yuan's demeanor is undiminished!"

Sun Lin also immediately returned the gift. Although there were endless disputes among their families, the controllers of their families could not show too much hostility. They were the heads of the family, which represented the entire family, and their words and deeds would cause huge impact.

Although the martial arts competition of the four families involves the interests of each family, the martial arts competition is a fight between juniors and has nothing to do with them. They just need to watch the battle calmly from the sidelines.

"Xiao Yu, who is my biggest enemy this time?"

Xiao Yun turned to Xiao Yu and asked softly.He knew very well that with Xiao Yu's strength, he could tell the cultivation bases of the top children of these families at a glance.

"The younger generations of the Qian family and the Li family are only as strong as that girl!"

Xiao Yun naturally knew that "that girl" in Xiao Yu's mouth referred to Sun Yaoyue, so he did not interrupt Xiao Yu, waiting for his next words.

Xiao Yu raised his finger slightly and pointed at the Zhao family's team: "The man wearing the veil will be your biggest enemy this time. When you meet him, you must not take it lightly."


Xiao Yun glanced away, and the first time he saw Zhao Qingtian, he felt an extremely cold aura surrounding Zhao Qingtian's body, and he felt like his hairs stood on end.

"Is that so? I see!"

Xiao Yun nodded, he firmly believed in Xiao Yu's words.Since Xiao Yu said that this person is the strongest among the top disciples of the four hidden families, he must be right.

"Everyone, I think we should stop dawdling, and start drawing lots is the business!"

Li Tian, ​​who was speaking at the beginning, saw that the four teams were all standing still, and spoke again.

"Old Li Tian is right, everyone, how about we start drawing lots?"

Qian Xiuwen from the Qian family also echoed.

Sun Lin and Zhao Yuan looked at each other, and they flew out at the same time and landed on the battle platform.Qian Xiuwen and Li Tian also showed their figures and appeared beside Sun Lin and Zhao Yuan.

The palms of the four people stretched out at the same time, inserting them in different directions. Xiao Yu looked intently and saw that the palms of the four people had formed an order.Sun Lin's palm was at the top, followed by Qian Xiuwen's, followed by Zhao Yuan's, and Li Tian's at the bottom.

"What is this doing?"

Xiao Yu was a little strange. The four of them had talked about drawing lots before, but their actions now made people a little confused. Xiao Yun was different from Xiao Yu, with doubts written all over his face.

Seemingly seeing what Xiao Yun was thinking, Sun Yaoyue, who had been silent all the way, finally spoke.

"That's the method of drawing lots. The four heads of families cast their palms at the same time. The two whose palms are at the front and the last are opponents, and the two whose palms are in the middle are also opponents."

After hearing this explanation, Xiao Yu and Xiao Yun immediately understood that the Sun family's opponent in the first round had already been decided, and that was the Li family, while the Zhao family was facing the Qian family.

Xiao Yun was a little surprised, he thought that in the first match, the Zhao family, who had always been the most disagreeable with the Sun family, unexpectedly got the Li family.

He looked at Zhao Qingtian, who was in the Zhao family's team, with a fighting spirit in his eyes. If he wanted to compete for the championship, this black-veiled man would most likely be his biggest obstacle.

(End of this chapter)

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