Chapter 54
Chapter 54

"Brother Lin, let me congratulate you!"

"I'm coming too!"

Mu Feng and Hu Bin, the two captains of Tianyun Academy, walked out at the same time, pressing both hands on the door.


The three of them worked hard together, and finally slowly pushed the door open.A quaint and strong aura came to the nostrils, and what surprised everyone was that the palace was brightly lit.

"Let's go everyone!"

The three of Lin Feiyun wiped the sweat off their brows and entered the palace first. Regarding Panlong Zhanhuang's territory, they were no longer as afraid of danger as before.

"Be careful! The Emperor's Domain is not without danger."

Xiao Yu patted Lin Feiyun's shoulder and reminded him.


Lin Feiyun suddenly realized, and nodded repeatedly.

Everyone entered the palace, and the door behind them was suddenly closed heavily.

" did the door close by itself?"

Many people panicked, what if they were all trapped to death in this palace.A few people had already turned around to push the door, but they couldn't move at all.

The three of Lin Feiyun tried again, but they didn't move at all.

"Brother Xiao, what should I do?"

Lin Feiyun could only ask Xiao Yu for help at this time.

"So what if you can push it? Are you planning to retreat now?"

Xiao Yu asked back without making a move.

Everyone was silent. Indeed, even if the door was opened, they wouldn't just retreat. There might be great opportunities in the Warlord's Domain. No matter how bad it was, they could get one or two treasures. No one was willing to give up just like that.

"In that case, let's go ahead and see!"

Behind the gate is a large hall. The hall is brightly lit. There are dozens of torches burning on the walls tens of meters high. Inside the hall are supported by sixteen gold pillars. What makes people extremely puzzled is that each one Beside the golden pillars, there is a golden statue, each of which is twenty feet high.They all hold sixteen different weapons in their hands, including knives, swords, spears, halberds, spears, hooks, shields, whips, thorns, maces, hammers, boring, sticks, shuttles, arms, and axes.

Each of the golden portraits is full of power, with angry eyes wide open. Although they are motionless, they are enough to make people's hearts jump.

"These golden men look a little scary."

Yang Xiruo pointed and said to Xiao Yu.

"Hey, what are you afraid of, since you're here, please be cool!"

A student at the fourth level of the Fragmentary Realm in the Tianyun Academy smiled and walked towards the end of the hall. He had had enough of being useless all the way, and now that he had the opportunity to find the treasure first, he was naturally not to be outdone.

He had just walked a few steps when Xiao Yu suddenly shouted: "Be careful!"

He turned his head suddenly, and found that everyone was looking at him with fear on their faces. Just as he was wondering, he suddenly felt the whistling wind above his head.When he looked up, a huge golden giant ax fell towards him.The speed was so fast that it was too late to dodge.


There was only a loud noise, and a crack appeared on the floor of the hall, and the golden giant ax was embedded in it. The man had already been smashed into a meat paste under the giant axe.

The giant ax was slowly lifted up, the blade was still sticky with blood, everyone looked at the first golden statue in astonishment, it was this golden statue that chopped off the giant ax just now.

"What? Can this golden statue move?"

Everyone was shocked by the tragic scene in front of them. They thought that they would not encounter any danger after entering the Zhanhuang domain, but who knew they were just dreaming.

"What a terrible power!"

Xiao Yu also looked at these golden statues solemnly. The ax that struck the golden statues just now did not have any fluctuations in vitality. It was purely relying on strength and the gravity of the golden giant axe. In other words, he would definitely not be able to take it.

These golden statues stand on the left and right sides of the main hall respectively, and the only passage is to pass through the center of the main hall, and the center of the main hall is the attack range of these golden statues. Dodge the attacks of these golden statues.

"These are difficult!"

Xiao Yu was confident that he could easily escape the attack of these golden statues and pass through, but these people might not be able to do it, and they had no chance to try at all, if they entered it rashly, if they made a mistake, they could only end up in pieces.He doesn't care about other people's lives, but he can't ignore Yang Xiruo.For some reason, he even took a look at Liu Piaoxu, and he didn't want anything to happen to her.

Liu Piaoxu noticed Xiao Yu's gaze, and also looked towards Xiao Yu, his gaze was full of tenderness.

"What's wrong with me!"

Xiao Yu shook his head, and his mind returned to the golden statue.

"It seems that this is the only way to do it."

Xiao Yu said to the people behind him: "You all stand still first."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yu rushed forward suddenly, and everyone was shocked.Those golden statues seemed to have sensed Xiao Yu's movement, and the first golden statue chopped off the giant ax in its hand again, and the giant ax fell towards the top of Xiao Yu's head with the sound of whistling wind. With a slash, the first golden figure failed to hit, Xiao Yu had already passed through, the second golden figure swept like a poisonous snake with a long whip in its hand, Xiao Yu stomped the sole of his foot, jumped high, and dodged in the air This whip.


Yang Xiruo couldn't help but screamed when he saw it, it was too shocking, although the others kept silent, they really broke into a cold sweat for Xiao Yu.

The third golden figure held a golden mace and slammed it down, and the fourth golden figure struck out at the same time, a golden spear pierced straight out, blocking Xiao Yu's way out.

This sudden turn of events stunned everyone. No one expected that the golden statues would fight together. Xiao Yu, who was in a dangerous situation, was also slightly startled, but he immediately had a countermeasure.

Instead of advancing, he retreated, and took a step backwards to see if he could avoid the smashed mace. The moment the mace hit the ground, Xiao Yu turned over and stepped on the mace, and suddenly jumped and stepped on the mace that had already been stabbed. On the spear that was thrown out, he turned over and landed again, and jumped over two golden statues in an instant.

"Brother Xiao's ability to fight against the enemy is really admirable."

Lin Feiyun couldn't help clicking his tongue when he saw this scene.

After that, Xiao Yu stretched left and right again, scrambling up and down, advancing and retreating suddenly, and finally passed the attack of sixteen golden statues, and came to the end of the hall.

"There seems to be a trace of this colossus' attack, but I'll have to walk again to find out."

Xiao Yu rested for a while, then jumped back to the attack circle under the astonished gazes of the crowd. The sixteen golden statues attacked Xiao Yu again one after another. ,

Xiao Yu dodged left and right in the center of the hall, sometimes rolling and sometimes leaping, getting closer and closer to everyone.Every time Xiao Yu dodged an attack, he would calculate the speed and angle of the attack, and at the same time pay attention to whether the order of the attacks had changed.

(End of this chapter)

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