Chapter 55 Organs
"The angle of the attack remains the same as before. The order of the golden statues is just reversed. It seems that the golden statues are indeed inanimate things, but it seems that they have been programmed by a big means. Then these golden statues How on earth is it determined that someone entered to launch an attack?"

Xiao Yu finally jumped back to Yang Xiruo's side, but he didn't say a word. He observed every step he took just now, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

"Brother Xiao, is there any way?"

Lin Feiyun's face was a little pale. The scene of Xiao Yu passing through the sixteen golden men just now was all imprinted in his mind. He asked himself that he was sure to dodge the previous few single attacks, but those golden men behind would attack together. Then the three of them shot together, the four of them shot together, and finally the Wu Daojin men shot at the same time. He had no chance to pass through, unless he had Xiao Yu's speed and adaptability.

"It's tantamount to death if you go in."

Although Xiao Yu's words were unpleasant, no one refuted them. How could they not know the danger?The main hall of the Warlord Realm is so sad just after entering the gate, and I don't know how difficult it will be in the future.

"I just observed that the attack power of these golden statues is terrifying. Although there is no intelligence, none of us other than Xiao Yu can avoid the subsequent joint attacks."

Liu Piaoxu frowned slightly. For the first time, she questioned the mission sent by the sect. This death canyon is not something they can break through at will. Why did the sect send them in?

In fact, it's not just her, Xiao Yu was also thinking about this issue a long time ago. Li Guoxiong obviously understood the danger of the Death Canyon, but he still sent in the top fighters of the younger generation from the branch sect. The team of the Feather Sect has long been exhausted.

"Does it mean that we can only go here?"

Lin Feiyun murmured, originally he was full of confidence in himself, thinking that he was the number one among the younger generation in the branch sect. This trip to the Death Canyon had devastated his heart to such a degree that Xiao Yu's appearance made him realize his own powerlessness.

"Xiao Yu, it seems that we can't fulfill the entrustment of the sect this time, and we can only hand it over to the elites of the main sect."

Yang Xiruo's tone was a little regretful, after all, this trip had gone through many fatal dangers, but there was nothing to gain.

Xiao Yu didn't say a word, his eyes stared at the ceiling of the hall in a daze.

"The institutions in the Warlord's Domain are definitely not for killing people. Judging from the previous performance of the Ice and Fire Twin Dragons, the Sixteen Golden Portraits this time is very likely to be a test. Since it is a test, it is of course divided into two ways to pass the test. , One is to rely on actual strength, and the other is to use tricks, there should be some hidden mechanism here that can stop these golden statues from moving."

On the ceiling of the main hall, there are nine bright-eyed grids, and three of them are arranged in a triangle. At the midpoint of the triangle formed by these three grids, there is a faint silver light. Only Xiao Yu's eyesight could detect it.

"It's there!"

Xiao Yu had identified his target at a glance. He reached into his pocket and took out a small flying knife, only half a palm long and two fingers wide.

"go with!"

The flying knife in his hand turned into a ray of cold light that shot straight at the silver light on the ceiling, and landed in the center of the triangle without any mistakes.

"Brother Xiao, you are..."

Before Lin Feiyun finished speaking, the hall suddenly trembled slightly.

"Ah, what's going on?"

"An earthquake?"

Many disciples looked at the top of their heads in horror, for fear that a huge boulder would collapse.After a long time, nothing that everyone was worried about happened, and the tremors gradually subsided.

"Go and try again!"

Xiao Yu glanced at the sixteen golden statues, and found that the golden light on them was a little weaker, so he flew out and landed in the center of the hall.

As expected, none of the golden statues moved any more, they all stood there blankly, maintaining their original shapes.

"How is this going?"

Liu Piaoxu and others looked at this scene in surprise, why did the golden statue suddenly stop attacking people?

Just in case, Xiao Yu walked through it from the beginning to the end, and made sure that no golden statue would attack again, so he was relieved.

He walked slowly to the side of the crowd and said, "It's over now, these golden statues have lost their attack power."


Yang Xiruo's small face was full of shock and doubt. The golden statue, who was so majestic just now, actually stopped moving?

"Is it the blow that hit the ceiling just now?"

Liu Piaoxu remembered Xiao Yu's actions just now, and hurriedly asked.

Xiao Yu nodded, without further explanation, he walked towards the other side of the hall first.Everyone didn't expect it to be so smooth, they were overjoyed and quickly followed Xiao Yu.

Everyone walked through the hall, but faced a dilemma. Two roads appeared at the end of the hall, one left and one right.Everyone is hesitant, and if they choose wrongly, they may go in two directions that are completely opposite to their goals.

"Just leave after thinking about it. Thinking too much will affect your decision-making!"

Seeing Lin Feiyun's dilemma, Xiao Yu couldn't help but nod aloud. After speaking, he walked towards the road on the right side of the main hall. He believed his first feeling, and at the same time, he also had a strange calling Force is guiding him forward.The others couldn't help but wanted to follow Xiao Yu, but everyone thought that Lin Feiyun was the captain, so they all looked at Lin Feiyun.

Lin Feiyun smiled wryly, and said, "Follow Brother Xiao!"

The people from the Heavenly Dance City branch sect of the Duanyun faction followed Xiao Yu naturally, Liu Piaoxu also chose to follow Xiao Yu, and the people from the Diling City branch sect, headed by Liu Piaoxu, all followed behind Xiao Yu .

However, the people from Tianyun Academy did not follow, but instead walked towards the opposite left road. Just now, something seemed to shake in the arms of Hu Bin and Mu Feng. They looked at each other and decided on the direction.

In fact, that is the unique communication tool of their Tianyun Academy. People from the main academy have already contacted them and informed them of their location, otherwise they would not have the courage to leave Xiao Yu's shelter.

Xiao Yu and his party walked in a long corridor, surrounded by cold stone walls, but the inside of the corridor was very bright, and there would be a torch emitting strong light on every small section of the road.The end of the long corridor is connected to a side hall. When everyone stepped into the side hall, the scene in front of them shocked everyone, and some people couldn't help but vomited out.

(End of this chapter)

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