Chapter 56
It is not an exaggeration to see the scene in front of you as a purgatory on earth. The side hall is full of fragments of meat, and the blood type is extremely strong. There are not only human remains, but also the remains of many monsters. These monsters are covered in blood and have no skin on their bodies. Covered, all exposed bright red muscle tissue, a long tongue sticking out of a bloody mouth, and the smelly mucus from the monster's mouth remained in many places on the ground, which looked extremely disgusting.

Fortunately, these monsters have been chopped into pieces. Some have decapitated bodies, some have broken limbs, and none of them survived. However, the number of human remains is more than ten times that of monsters. According to Xiao Yu's estimation It is estimated that no less than 80 to [-] people died here, but only six or seven monsters died. These people were all torn apart by the monster's sharp claws and teeth, and their death conditions were extremely terrifying.

"What are these, it's disgusting!"

Yang Xiruo and Li Yingyu held Xiaoqiong's nose and couldn't help retching.Liu Piaoxu also frowned, she had never seen such a tragic scene.

"There was an unimaginable fight here, it was terrible!"

Looking at the bright red blood on the ground, Lin Feiyun felt his heart beating violently, almost bursting out of his chest.

Xiao Yu didn't care about these tragic scenes. What he cared about were the human corpses on the ground. Nine out of ten of them were dressed in black, and judging from the degree of decay of these corpses, it was obvious that they had only entered here in the past two days. According to Li According to Guoxiong, only the Duanyun Sect and Tianyun Academy were aware of this operation, and the total number of people who participated, including him, was only 61. Now the number of dead men in black alone has exceeded this number .

"These people are obviously not from Duanyun Sect and Tianyun Academy. Where did they come from? Could it be that a third-party force is involved?"

Xiao Yu looked at the corpse on the ground and felt that this incident was not simple.

"That is?"

Xiao Yu saw a corpse wearing Duanyun school clothes among the piles of minced meat. The Duanyun school clothes worn by this body were different from Xiao Yu's. The color of Xiao Yu's body was blue and white. And the corpse was wearing purple and black.


With a wave of Xiao Yu's hand, a strong wind blew away the other corpses on the corpse. Everyone was shocked when they saw this corpse.

"He's from our head sect."

Lin Feiyun took two steps forward, looked at the head of the corpse, and his expression changed drastically.

" turned out to be Liu Muhei."

Lin Feiyun's heart trembled violently, and at the same time a desolate scream rang out.

"Big brother!"

Everyone turned their heads in astonishment, and saw Liu Mubai kneeling with a sluggish face, with despair rising in his eyes.

Lin Feiyun sighed, and explained to everyone: "This man is called Liu Muhei, who ranks eighth in combat power among the younger generation of the head sect, and is a strong man at the seventh level of the Shattering Origin Realm, and also Liu Mubai's elder brother. Lu Changtian competed against each other, and the one who ended in a tie was this person."


Everyone was shocked, this person turned out to be the young strongman of the main sect who was equal to Lu Changtian back then, unexpectedly he would die here, and he died so miserably, Liu Muhei's chest was pierced by a monster's tongue Penetrating, the internal organs were all smashed into pieces, and the broken internal organs fell to the ground.

"What kind of a tragic battle is it that even a master like Liu Muhei died here?"

Liu Piaoxu looked at the corpses of monsters that were lifeless but still extremely ferocious, and felt terrified in her heart. If they were the ones who experienced this tragic battle before, how serious would the casualties be?
"I don't know where these men in black came from!"

At this time, Lin Feiyun also noticed the extremely large number of men in black.

"Yeah, their number is more than the combined number of people from our two forces. It's really unbelievable."

Everyone was chattering over there to express their opinions, but Xiao Yu noticed a circular hole in the center of the side hall. The hole was about ten feet wide, and the hole was filled with red viscous liquid, which seemed to be blood. .

"How could there be these things in the Warlord's Domain? It looks extremely evil."

Liu Mubai wailed heartbreakingly next to his elder brother's corpse, his elder brother was his role model since childhood, and also the pride of their Liu family, how could he accept that he died tragically here now?The moment he saw his elder brother's body, he even felt that the whole world collapsed, especially the big hole in his elder brother's chest made his hands and feet cold, which was an irreparable injury.

Many curious disciples went to the hole filled with blood to see and point.However, Xiao Yu's face suddenly changed drastically, and he shouted wildly: "Everyone back off."


Several disciples backed up almost at the same time after hearing this, but someone still took a step too late, the blood boiled violently and blasted out a blood arrow, and a scarlet tongue rolled towards the lagging disciple, and the tongue was on the disciple's head. His eyes enlarged rapidly, and he had no time to dodge, so he could only mobilize his vitality to form a defense.


There was a soft sound, and the disciple's face was full of disbelief. He stared blankly at his chest, his eyes gradually dimmed.Until the moment of his death, he couldn't figure out how this scarlet and disgusting tongue could easily pierce through his defense and pierce his chest.


Everyone exclaimed, and as soon as the blood fell, a strong figure appeared in front of everyone, with bright red muscles, scarlet and disgusting long tongue, sharp claws, and forced limbs, instantly calming everyone down.This was clearly another monster that was exactly the same as those dead monsters, and was born stronger than the dead ones.


The scarlet tongue of the monster rolled, and the disciple who was killed just now was pulled into its big mouth and chewed continuously.In an instant, a corpse disappeared into its bloody mouth.Everyone was so frightened that they kept retreating, and some of them even retreated into the corridor, ready to escape.Unexpectedly, the hard corridor under their feet suddenly became brittle like thin paper. The people just stepped in and fell straight down. The place where they fell turned out to be billowing magma, and they couldn't even scream. Burned to ashes by magma.

"What exactly is going on!"

Lin Feiyun's eyes were about to burst, and in the blink of an eye, five people were already dead on their side.

Looking at the monster standing not far away, Liu Mubai felt terrified. He was filled with the deepest fear of this terrifying monster. Even his most revered elder brother died at the hands of this monster. He was not at all happy. Unable to resist, he hastily scrambled and ran to the side.

This monster is standing in the center of the side hall. If they want to go there, they have to confront the monster, but it is impossible to retreat. The long corridor will be broken when they step on it, and there is a fiery red magma under the long corridor. There is no way out and no way back.

(End of this chapter)

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