Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 57 High Temperature Corridor

Chapter 57 High Temperature Corridor
The monster roared, the sound was sharp and piercing, and many people covered their ears one after another. They felt a bit suffocated amidst the scream.


Xiao Yu looked at this monster with cold eyes, his fist was already filled with vitality, streams of silvery white light were condensing around his right fist.

"Powerful Punch!"

The powerful air blast exploded, Xiao Yu's figure rushed forward rapidly, and his right fist formed a fierce punch in front of him, which was even comparable to half the monster's body.

Xiao Yu's speed was as fast as lightning, and this monster was not slow either. It patted Xiao Yu with its wide right paw, which was several meters wide.


When the two came into contact, terrifying energy exploded from the central circle, and the surrounding air instantly became a powerful airflow that spread out.The monster groaned, and was rolled backwards by Xiao Yu's punch, and only got up again when it rolled to the edge of the wall.

The power of the monster was unimaginable, and Xiao Yu was also pushed back a few steps by the force of its claws. This was the first time since Xiao Yu came out of the mountain that he retreated in regret.

"The physical strength of this monster is just strong enough. The punch just now took at least [-]% of my strength, but it was still knocked back. It seems that its claws can be compared to the full strength of a strong man in the middle stage of the Ninth Level of the Broken Yuan Realm." No wonder six or seven can kill so many people."

Xiao Yu had a general understanding of the monster's strength, and he signaled Liu Piaoxu, Yang Xiruo and others to stand behind him.

Everyone moved their feet one after another. After the monster confronted Xiao Yu, it obviously became afraid of Xiao Yu. It only paced back and forth in the distance and stared at Xiao Yu, but it didn't see the slightest intention to attack.

"Hmph, if you only have this power, then you have no right to be arrogant in front of me."

Xiao Yu's eyes were cold, and he shot the monster directly. The monster's whole body trembled, and he felt an extremely terrifying momentum descending on him.


Xiao Yu suddenly moved, he stepped on the right side, and his figure quickly shot towards the right side of the monster. The monster's reaction was extremely fast, and the right paw came again, and at the same time, the scarlet tongue pierced straight out, and the two attacks surrounded Xiao Yu. feather.


The sneer in Xiao Yu's eyes became more and more intense. With a point on his toes, he jumped up into the air, climbed over the top of the monster's head, and punched down suddenly.


The top of the monster's head was punched firmly by Xiao Yu, and with a groan, the entire head hit the ground. Xiao Yu's punch naturally had a penetrating force, and the force directly penetrated the monster's hard skull and hit his brain. organize.

Xiao Yu originally thought that this blow would be enough to kill the monster, but unexpectedly the monster swayed and stood up again.

"Not dead?"

Xiao Yu was also slightly surprised. Generally speaking, creatures would die after their brains were destroyed, but this monster turned out to be unreasonable.

"Hmph, it's okay, I haven't used that trick for a long time, and I will use it on you today!"

Xiao Yu jumped backwards, pulling a certain distance away from the monster, his clothes were bulging, and his body was surrounded by fierce energy.He staggered his left and right feet back and forth, and bowed his front slightly, as if he was an athlete waiting to run.The whole body is like a fully stretched bowstring, ready to explode with terrifying power at any time.

The monster shook its drowsy head, and locked onto Xiao Yu again. The human made it suffer so much, the monster also became furious, screamed, and rushed towards Xiao Yu.

"Assault campaign!"

Xiao Yu shouted in his heart, suddenly a stream of air blasted under his feet, his figure was several times faster than before, his whole body was wrapped in a circle of pale silver energy, his right fist was in front, faintly showing A huge fist mark has the momentum of breaking through a bamboo.

The scarlet tongue of the monster shot directly at Xiao Yu like a javelin. The moment Xiao Yu's fist just ended, it burst like a straw, bursting out a stream of plasma. Xiao Yu rushed straight to the monster's side without slowing down. Hitting the monster's abdomen, the terrifying strength overflowed, and a big hole was punched out in the monster's abdomen. The fist changed direction again, bringing the monster's body down.


Xiao Yu shouted loudly, the monster's body was smashed to the ground, and the explosive force scattered the surrounding gravel, and everyone felt that the side hall was shaken, which shows how powerful Xiao Yu's move is. horrible.

"Hey, Wei's big move is really strong, even this monster's defense can't handle it."

Xiao Yu withdrew his arm from the belly of the dead monster. Since his body was covered with a layer of vitality, the blood did not splash on his body.

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, Xiao Yu's status in their hearts was rising steadily, and Xiao Yu's miraculousness along the way had left them speechless.

"Is this... still a human? It's simply a monster."

Lin Feiyun and others once again compared Xiao Yu with the pinnacle of the younger generation of the main sect, and suddenly doubted whether the No.1 younger generation of the main sect could stand shoulder to shoulder with Xiao Yu.

"Don't get too close to the blood pool, all walk along the wall."

Xiao Yu stood at the exit of the side hall and said to everyone.When everyone heard the words, they followed Xiao Yu's instructions and walked close to the wall, and nothing happened.

"According to the scale of the Warlord's Domain, there may be no fewer than a hundred palaces like this. Could it be that there is such a danger in every hall?"

Xiao Yu had to make a new judgment on the Warlord's Realm. This Warlord's Realm is equivalent to that once a path has been decided, there is no turning back. He can only keep moving forward, or death is the only way to go.

"Let everyone be careful! We must proceed step by step, and there must be no more casualties."

Xiao Yu said in a low voice to Lin Feiyun, Lin Feiyun nodded, and immediately gave orders.

There is another long corridor at the back of the hall. The moment Xiao Yu stepped onto this second long corridor, he felt a hot breath coming from the bottom of his feet, as if something extremely hot underneath was scorching the ground of the long corridor.


Xiao Yu remembered the long corridor before. There was indeed extremely hot lava under the long corridor, but he didn't feel any heat when walking on the long corridor before. Why do he feel like this now?
"Xiao Yu, why do I feel that the floor is very hot? Is it my illusion?"

Yang Xiruo frowned as she felt the temperature from her feet.

"No, there is indeed heat coming from the floor."

Xiao Yu shook his head, and suddenly found that this long corridor seemed to have no end in sight.

"Hey, the promenade we passed by just walked for a while before we walked out, why didn't we go out after walking for so long this time?"

Lin Feiyun sensed something was wrong and stopped.

Xiao Yu glanced back and found that the faces of Lin Feiyun, Liu Piaoxu, Yang Xiruo and others were covered with beads of sweat, not because they were tired, but because they were hot. As they walked longer, the temperature in the corridor increased. It is also getting higher and higher.

(End of this chapter)

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