Chapter 60
"Lin Qingbing?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly when he heard the name. He looked down at the man with his face down, and his figure was also covered by several corpses around him. He couldn't distinguish between men and women. The sword with a gloomy cold light should be Lin Qingbing's Xuanyue Sword.

The past came to Xiao Yu's mind. A savage dressed in rags was walking in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range with a girl who was overwhelmed by the country on his back. A blood-stained savage fought desperately for her safety. A bloody battle between two masters of the Yuan Shattering Realm.

Xiao Yu had a lot of emotions in his heart. At that time, because of a promise, he desperately protected Lin Qingbing, and now because of Uncle Yang's entrustment, he was always by Yang Xiruo's side.

"Xiao Yu! I remember this name, I think we will meet again."

Xiao Yu suddenly remembered this sentence, which was what Lin Qingbing said to him before leaving.

"I don't know if she still remembers me, but these are not important anymore. Since I have known her for a long time, so what if I save her today?"

Xiao Yu looked at the holes around which the ice cones shot out, and secretly calculated in his heart that he had to find a gap in it so that he could escape successfully after saving someone.

"'Sword Girl' Lin Qingbing is the number one beauty of our Duanyun Sect. If she can be her, maybe she will agree with her body?"

"Yeah, but I'm sure I'm not that good at it."

"Oh, what a pity, I didn't expect her to fall into such a desperate situation."

Everyone is expressing their opinions, some are regretful, some are unhappy, and some are eager to try, but none of them dare to challenge the limit of life and death, they still have self-knowledge.


While everyone was discussing, Xiao Yu suddenly jumped into the cellar.

"Ah! Xiao Yu!"

Everyone was shocked, Xiao Yu didn't move just now, why did he suddenly go down to save people?

Xiao Yu had already calculated where it fell, and it happened to be where the person was.With his head down and his feet on top, Xiao Yu touched the man with his hands first. He grabbed the man's belt with one hand, and grabbed the famous Xuanyue Sword with the other.

"It's not Lin Qingbing!"

The moment Xiao Yu touched the man's waist, he knew that this man was a man, not Lin Qingbing.

Just as Xiao Yu was about to lift his breath and jump up, the sound of machine springs was suddenly heard around him.This mechanism actually uses the pressure on the floor as a trigger signal. As long as the pressure on the floor changes, the surrounding ice cones will be launched by themselves. As soon as Xiao Yu pulled the man and Xuan Yuejian off the ground, the surrounding holes "popped" Shoot out the ice pick.


As soon as the voice from above came, the surrounding ice cones had already hit Xiao Yu's whole body.Xiao Yu remained calm in the face of danger, grabbed the man with one hand, and at the same time danced the Xuanyue Sword wildly around him, forming an extremely solid wall of sword shadows around him. sound.

With a single step, Xiao Yu jumped out of the ice cone trap with the man.

"it is good!"

Everyone cheered in unison. Although it only took a moment, everyone knew the danger.

Xiao Yu let go of that man, it turned out to be a young man.Xiao Yu patted the ice slag on his body. Although he blocked most of the ice cones with the Xuanyue Sword just now, a few pierced through the shadow of the sword and hit him, but were blocked by his protective vitality. It is inevitable to leave some ice slag on the surface.

"Xiao Yu, are you alright?"

Liu Piaoxu said concerned, but she felt panic in her heart. She is a careful woman. Xiao Yu obviously didn't want to save people just now. She could tell, but after learning that the person inside was probably Lin Qingbing Later, Xiao Yu changed his attitude, which made her think a lot.

"I'm fine!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he looked at the injured person on the ground, and Lin Feiyun and others also surrounded him.This person was already seriously injured, just now Xiao Yu dragged him through the air again, and he passed out already.

"Strange, why can't you wake up?"

Lin Feiyun tried to send some energy to wake him up, but ended in failure.

"Let me do it!"

Xiao Yu walked up to the man, and suddenly pulled out the ice pick stuck in his abdomen, blood flowed profusely immediately.

"Brother Xiao, what is this?"

Lin Feiyun was taken aback. Although Xiao Yu was extremely powerful, he had never seen Xiao Yu save someone. He was afraid that Xiao Yu would kill that person with his reckless actions.

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but he waved his palm, and a faint ray of light shot at the man, and a soft ray of light appeared on his body immediately. heal.

"Brother Xiao, you're not really so amazing, are you?"

Lin Feiyun looked at Xiao Yu, his eyes were shocked besides shock, this is simply omnipotent, force, intelligence, saving people can do anything.

"It's the first time I used the nurse's skills, but I didn't expect the effect to be so obvious. It's a pity, except for the nurse's ultimate move, his healing skills can't be used on myself."

Xiao Yu looked at the wounds on the young man of the head sect who were constantly healing, and nodded secretly.

"Wow, Xiao Yu, you are amazing."

Yang Xiruo's eyes were full of splendor, Xiao Yu's appearance completely killed all the young heroes in her mind.

The rest of the people looked at Xiao Yu silently. They were speechless for a long time. The surprises and shocks that Xiao Yu brought to them along the way came one after another. This is a young man with a legendary body. What Xiao Yu said before in front of the Ice and Fire Twin Dragons flashed.

"In the future, I will definitely tell you the facts. No one in this world is qualified to make me, Xiao Yu, kneel down. Even Panlong Zhanhuang is the same. I will definitely reach the same height as him and surpass him."

This is Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu who is arrogant and indifferent, Xiao Yu who is the only one in heaven and earth, everyone has no intention to refute before, but now some people have even begun to believe that Xiao Yu can do it.

"What kind of path will this man take in the future? What happened to him in the past three years, and what has he experienced?"

Liu Piaoxu looked at Xiao Yu's stern face, the expression on his face was cold enough to freeze one's heart, she felt a dull pain in her heart.


The wound of the young man on the ground gradually healed, and his face returned to a little rosy. He slowly opened his eyes, and found a group of strangers in front of him looking at him.

"A person from the branch sect?"

When he saw the clothes on them clearly, he was immediately overjoyed. After he fell into the ice cave and was surrounded by hundreds of ice cones, he never thought that he could escape alive.

"Are you from the branch sect? You saved me?"

He excitedly grabbed Lin Feiyun's hand, his tone full of joy for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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