Chapter 61

"Well, I'm Lin Feiyun from the branch sect of Tianwu City."

Lin Feiyun nodded.

"Lin Feiyun? I've heard of it. I'm Wu Runxiang from the head sect."

The young man named Wu Runxiang smiled kindly and struggled to stand up.Everyone was also very surprised when they heard the name Wu Runxiang. This Wu Runxiang was ranked sixth in the ranking of the young generation's strength in the general sect, and he was a well-known figure.

"You are still injured, don't rush to move."

Seeing his grinning face, Lin Feiyun kindly reminded him.

"This injury is not a problem. I don't want to curl up in other people's arms like a bitch."

Wu Ruixiang rubbed his abdomen and said nonchalantly, only then was he surprised to find that there was no wound on his abdomen, only a dull pain.

"Huh? Didn't I get shot by an ice pick? Why is there no wound now?"

Wu Runxiang stared at his ripped clothes for a long time. He was sure that he had been shot by an ice pick, but now there was no wound at all. He didn't know what was going on.

"Brother Xiao, he saved you, and he also brought you up from below."

Lin Feiyun smiled, pointed at Xiao Yu and said.

"Brother Xiao?"

Wu Runxiang looked at Xiao Yu following Lin Feiyun's gaze, and was stunned for a moment. Xiao Yu felt extremely cold, and also had a vague sense of aloofness, which made it difficult to get close to him, and Xiao Yu's aura It is erratic and unpredictable.

"Brother, thank you for saving me, I will definitely repay my kindness in the future."

Wu Runxiang was only slightly taken aback, and immediately walked up to Xiao Yu and knelt down.Everyone was taken aback. It was rumored that the top generation of the general sect was arrogant and arrogant, but this Wu Runxiang seemed to be different from others.

Xiao Yu didn't expect Wu Runxiang to say goodbye, he immediately lifted him up, but Wu Runxiang felt that this bow was a matter of course, and he didn't want to get up. Now he competed with Xiao Yu, but he didn't know that Xiao Yu's strength was amazing Big, he couldn't resist and could only stand up.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there would be such a person as Brother Xiao in the branch sect. Disrespect and disrespect."

Xiao Yu clasped his fists slightly at Wu Runxiang, and said briefly: "My name is Xiao Yu."

"Xiao Yu? Are you Xiao Yu?"

Wu Runxiang was taken aback for a moment, his expression became strange.

"you know me?"

Xiao Yu was a little curious, he seemed to know Wu Ruixiang from his appearance, but he could be sure that he did not know Wu Runxiang.

"Hey, so you are Xiao Yu, the guy that Lin Qingbing often talks about."

Wu Runxiang's words were undoubtedly a blockbuster that exploded in the crowd, among which Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo were the most impacted.

Each of them is very clear about "Sword Girl" Lin Qingbing's information.She is the eldest daughter of the Lin family, one of the five largest families in the empire. She is deeply loved by Mr. Lin. She not only taught her the unique knowledge of the Lin family, but also sent her to Duanyun School to learn art. One of the influential figures of the younger generation of the empire.The most astonishing thing is not only her strength, but also her appearance that has driven countless young heroes crazy. It is rumored that her suitors can form an army. "Fire and Cloud Double Flowers", the fame spreads all over the world.

How could Xiao Yu get such an honor, and she was always talking about it?Everyone cast envious glances at Xiao Yu.

"Wow, is what Wu Runxiang said true?"

"I think it is very possible. You have also seen Xiao Yu's strength. He is so handsome. Even Lin Qingbing, such a wonderful person, is it normal for him to be moved by seeing him?"

"Hey, if I also have the strength of Xiao Yu, then Lin Qingbing will probably fall into my arms."

"Crap, you have that strength and are you still as cowardly as you are now?"

Everyone was discussing, basically talking about the matter between Xiao Yu and Lin Qingbing, what's more, they had already started to speculate whether they were lovers.

"Hey, Brother Xiao, you don't know that you have already committed public anger. The top ten guys in the main sect really want to find you to vent, especially that guy Li Qingfeng, who frowned when he mentioned you. Although others think he is a modest gentleman, but I know he definitely wants to tear you apart!"

Wu Runxiang was laughing and joking, in fact, he was also kindly reminding Xiao Yu that he left the Xuanyue Sword in Xiao Yu's hand, and his expression became even more exciting.Everyone was shocked, it was basically no secret that Li Qingfeng liked Lin Qingbing, Xiao Yu actually provoked such a powerful enemy?This Li Qingfeng is the strongest person of the younger generation of the main sect, ranking first in combat power.At this time, everyone couldn't help worrying about Xiao Yu.

"Xiao Yu actually made Lin Qingbing value him so much? Then the eldest brother will definitely not let him go."

Li Qingfeng is Li Yingyu's elder brother, she was secretly distressed, she naturally admired Xiao Yu's strength, but Li Qingfeng is the number one master of the younger generation of the Li family, if the two of them fight, she really doesn't know what to do .

"Li Qingfeng?"

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed. He would never forget this person. At the beginning, he pretended to be a noble gentleman in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, but he secretly beat him behind his back and humiliated him to the utmost. Later, Xiao Yu figured out a key point If the people of the Xiao family knew that he was in Fanyun Town, it must be Li Qingfeng who tipped off the news.This person is someone Xiao Yu must kill.

"You're right. Li Qingfeng is indeed just a hypocrite, a despicable person."

Xiao Yu's eyes instantly became extremely cold, and everyone felt that the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot, and Xiao Yu's murderous intent also rose little by little.Li Yingyu frowned, seeing Xiao Yu seemed to have a deep hatred for her elder brother, thinking of this, she shuddered, and began to worry about her elder brother, Xiao Yu's evil eyes filled her with fear.

"Hey, brother Xiao, I see that you and Li Qingfeng are very different, is there any festival?"

Wu Runxiang patted Xiao Yu's shoulder and asked.

"Is it a holiday? You'll know when the time comes."

Xiao Yu didn't intend to say any more, and Wu Runxiang wisely didn't ask any more questions.Afterwards, Wu Runxiang told the story of what happened to the top ten elites of their main sect along the way, which made everyone secretly chill.

"When we passed through the sea of ​​flowers, the two guys ranked tenth and ninth fell into a hallucination, and lost all their vitality due to poisoning. It was also our carelessness. The two of them were dragged by a monster with three vines. After leaving, we dare not confront the monster in the sea of ​​flowers, so we have to escape with all our strength, as for the names of the two dead people, alas, we don't need to mention it."

Listening to Wu Runxiang's story, Liu Piaoxu took a sneak peek at Xiao Yu. I'm afraid Wu Runxiang didn't expect that the monster they dared not fight was killed by Xiao Yu in an instant.

After Wu Runxiang finished talking about Huahai's experience, he talked about the time when they met Ice and Fire Twin Dragons.

"At that time, the eight of us had just approached, and the two stone statues suddenly released an extremely terrifying coercion. All eight of us were pressed down on the ground and couldn't move. To be honest, I have never encountered such a tyrannical person until now. The coercion made me unable to resist at all, and it was only after we concentrated our momentum on Li Qingfeng that we barely passed that level."

When Wu Runxiang said this, everyone turned their heads to look at Xiao Yu, and the expressions on their faces were even more exciting. The two stone statues actually pressed the eight elites of the main sect to the ground, but Xiao Yu didn't, and was alone. Breaking the coercion released by those two stone statues, this is simply shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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