Chapter 604 Words


Xiao Yu's furious roar shook the sky for nine days, and all the surrounding sand was shaken up to the sky, and the sand puppets in the ground were directly smashed to pieces by this powerful force.

At the same time, all the spirit beasts and foreign objects in the Death Canyon trembled and neighed mournfully.This powerful force made them crawl and tremble.

After Xiao Yu drank wildly, the restlessness in his body gradually subsided, and the manic power gradually returned to calm.The two women were around Xiao Yu, but they were not affected by Xiao Yu's power. When Xiao Yu was venting, he would never forget to protect his beloved.

"Brother Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Ao Zixuan looked worried, Xiao Yu's strange behavior was too frightening.

"Yu, are you alright?"

Lin Qingbing felt Xiao Yu's gradually dropping body temperature, and felt relieved, but she was still worried.

"I'm all right!"

Xiao Yu completely recovered his previous look, and the strength in his body was much more abundant than before.

"He said it's okay, you scared me to death just now."

Ao Zixuan stroked Xiao Yu's chest, still feeling lingering fear.

"Don't worry, I have a big life, I can't die! It's just this place"

Xiao Yu looked at the mountain in the shape of a human face again, and was stunned.

He found that the face on the mountain range had completely disappeared. At first there was a strange smiling face, but now it was just an ordinary contact.

"What's wrong with this place?"

Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan followed Xiao Yu's gaze, but they didn't realize that they didn't know anything about the white light before.

"This place, does it have anything to do with the sacred veins in my body?"

Xiao Yu frowned, he always felt that there was some unknown secret hidden here.When he first came to the Death Canyon, he had already experienced an extremely unforgettable pain. At that time, a white light was shot down, which relieved the pain in his body and made the sacred veins in his body respond.The second time he came to Death Canyon, it was with Ao Zixuan, but this kind of situation didn't happen at that time, since then, he didn't care about it, but who would have thought that such a situation would happen again this time .

"I have encountered such a situation twice!" Xiao Yu said in a deep voice, "But after the two times, the Holy Veins in my body will respond, and this time it is especially strong."

In order not to worry the two girls, Xiao Yu revealed the matter.Although he was in extremely intense pain these two times, after the white light burst in, he got great benefits in his body.

"There is such a thing?"

The two women were so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear. They couldn't believe that a dead thing like a mountain would have such a serious impact on Xiao Yu, but Xiao Yu's performance was so real.

"Okay, don't think about it, am I okay? Let's go in first!"

Xiao Yu gave the two girls a comforting look, and with his upper body bare, he walked into the Death Canyon with his arms around the two girls.

In front of me, there is an endless sea of ​​flowers, with no end in sight.Xiao Yu and the two girls stood outside the sea of ​​flowers, admiring the dangerous beauty.Who would have thought that in this beautiful sea of ​​flowers, there is such a poison that can make people lose their combat effectiveness.

If anyone is stabbed by the thorns on these flowers, the strange poison will invade the person's body and make him lose all his strength.Rao is the current Xiao Yu, he dare not touch these flowers easily.When passing through the sea of ​​flowers, he used divine power to completely envelop the three of them before passing through it.

"Yu, let's go to the Battle Emperor Realm to have a look!"

"That's right, brother Xiao Yu, the ruins are the most intimate place in Death Canyon!"

Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing were not very interested in the surrounding scenery, what they most wanted to visit was the ruins called Zhanhuang Domain.That's where they reunited with Xiao Yu.

"Okay, let's go!"

Xiao Yu grinned, and the crack in space had been torn open.All three of them entered it, and the next moment, they had already appeared beside the ruins of the Warlord's Domain.


As soon as he arrived here, Xiao Yu had a very strange feeling.

Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing didn't react too much, they looked around and felt very nostalgic, it was here at the beginning, the ruthless Xiao Yu gave them a great shock.

It was also here that they all chose to live and die with Xiao Yu, staying together to stabilize the space, but in the end, only Ao Zixuan remained.

Because of this, Xiao Yu was frequently complained by Lin Qingbing.

Xiao Yu didn't think about these scenes, his gaze was already attracted by a large character next to the ruins.

He took two steps forward, removed the surrounding gravel, and a very clear word "absolutely" appeared in front of his eyes.

The word "absolutely" is written very powerfully, every stroke is filled with an unspeakable power, especially the closing stroke, which has a magical power that can absorb people's hearts and minds.

Both Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan saw that word, they walked to Xiao Yu's side, staring at that word unconsciously, unable to move their eyes away.

Xiao Yu noticed the strangeness of the two of them, and with a wave of his palm, he pulled the two of them behind him, blocking their sight from the word "jue".


The two women suddenly woke up, remembering the experience just now, they both broke out in a cold sweat.

"What's going on? That word"

Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan hid behind Xiao Yu, and never dared to look at the word "jue". Just now they felt that their souls were attracted by that word. If Xiao Yu hadn't stopped it in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"You two are not strong enough, you can't read that word anymore!"

Xiao Yu's heart was extremely solemn, not to mention Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan, even when he looked at this word, he would feel a sense of palpitation.

"Who is this person who writes? Why did he come to the ruins of the War Emperor's Domain?"

Xiao Yu's heart was full of doubts, he was almost certain that an incredibly powerful person must have been here not long ago.This person's strength is by no means comparable to that of the Primordial God Realm of the God-breaking Realm. It is very likely that he has reached the legendary Super God Realm, or even surpassed that realm.

Xiao Yu can be sure that if he meets this person, he will only die.

"Why did he leave the word 'absolutely'?"

Xiao Yu stared at the word with the magic power, and felt that his breathing was a little rough.He thought that everything was over, but now an invisible big hand was slowly opening.

Although he didn't touch it directly, there was a feeling of being out of breath, an inexplicable sense of oppression.

The old man's words echoed in his ears again, and he gradually lost his mind.

"Is that what he meant? How big is this world, and how many things I don't know?"

(End of this chapter)

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