Chapter 605 Appearance

Xiao Yu repeated this word over and over again, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, thinking of the person who both the ancestor of the Xiao family and Panlong Zhanhuang asked him to pay special attention to.

This person is also a thousand-year-old peak powerhouse, and his strength is probably even higher than that of the ancestor of the Xiao family and Panlong Zhanhuang. These two people are extremely afraid of him.

And this person's name also has a word "jue", Xiao Yu felt that the word "jue" in front of him was very likely written by that person.


Xiao Yu's eyes were cold, and a wave of air blasted out from his palm, completely shaking the large characters on the ground away.


At the same time, he felt a powerful divine power reflected from that word, the power was unbelievably strong.Xiao Yu greeted him with all his strength, let out a muffled grunt, and couldn't help but retreat a few steps.

Protected by him, Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing looked shocked. This trip to the Death Canyon was really too weird and complicated.

"It's such a powerful force, to use divine power to such a level?"

Xiao Yu's heart was shaken a lot, the word "absolutely" was infused with an extremely strong divine power with great power, if someone forcibly damaged it, the hidden divine power would instantly counterattack and attack the person who made the move.

If it wasn't for the fact that Xiao Yu had just made a breakthrough in his strength and already possessed the ability to challenge ordinary masters in the Yuanshen realm, otherwise he would have been severely injured immediately after the blow just now.

Even so, Xiao Yu's internal organs were still slightly shaken. This force was too violent, and with all his strength, he could only ensure that the two women behind him were not hurt.

"Brother Xiao Yu, what's going on? Why are there so many strange things?"

"Yeah Yu, what happened in Death Canyon?"

Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan looked worried, the extremely beautiful Death Canyon had become extremely unfamiliar to them.

"Don't worry, just follow me, other things will be known later!"

Xiao Yu's eyes sank, he scanned the surroundings, observed carefully, his eyes fell on several places in the ruins of the Zhanhuang domain.

The ruins in these places have obviously been turned over by people, and a large piece of turf has been exposed underneath.

"Is it really him? What is he looking for here?"

Xiao Yu frowned, and suddenly felt that the world that had been silent for a long time would become chaotic again. This chaos was not just in the Shenwu Continent, but even the high and high Sanctuary would be dragged into this huge vortex.

"Let's get out of here quickly, shall we?"

Both Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan nodded their heads repeatedly. They had encountered many difficult things here, and they really didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Let's go then!"

Xiao Yu was about to leave with the two girls when he suddenly felt a breath lock onto him.


His mind moved, and he looked towards the sky not far away, a figure looming, seemingly transparent, yet also dark.His stature is not considered tall, but neither the vast land nor the vast sky can stop this man's aura that seems to shatter the world.Under this terrifying breath, Xiao Yu felt that his body was trembling, and he couldn't resist it.

"who are you?"

Xiao Yu kept Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing behind him, and said coldly.The sense of danger this person gave him was too strong, and he knew very well that if he made a move, he would definitely not be this person's opponent.In the current situation, he can only take one step at a time. Up to now, he still can't figure out the reason for this person's visit.

"You are Xiao Yu?"

The man slowly raised his head, Xiao Yu saw an indescribable face.He seemed to be middle-aged, his handsome face was expressionless, but it seemed to be full of expressions. On this face, Xiao Yu seemed to see a mirror, reflecting himself at any time.

"Yes, who are you?"

Xiao Yu said coldly, his whole body was tense, and his vigilance had been raised to the extreme. He never thought that the first master he encountered after breaking through was actually this kind of invincible master who surpassed the world.

"You are Xiao Yu, so that's interesting!" The middle-aged man showed his white teeth, and the expression on his face remained unchanged, "The person Panlong recognized, the descendant of Xiao Changlin, the owner of the sacred vein Or, you have many identities."

Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed, and he secretly thought that it was not good.He had already vaguely guessed the identity of this person before, and now, listening to his tone, he didn't even pay attention to Panlong Zhanhuang and the ancestor of the Xiao family. Obviously, they were at least the same level as them, and combined with the previous domineering and awe-inspiring There is no doubt that this person is the word "absolutely".

"Are you Jue Tian?"

Xiao Yu's complexion darkened, the appearance of this madman thousands of years ago may be unpredictable.If he was alone, he thought it would be no big deal, but now he still brought Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing with him.

"It seems you know me!"

Juetian's figure fell slowly and stepped on the solid ground.The moment it fell, the three of Xiao Yu could clearly feel the tremors on the ground.

This person's figure doesn't appear to be strong, but every step and every step is filled with extremely terrifying power. He has already touched the real restraining power.

"Xiao Yu, there is nothing in this continent that interests me anymore, but your appearance has revived my interest. It's a pity that you were too weak back then, and I didn't have any intention of seeing you at all, but As you grow step by step, I am more and more interested in you. I really want to know what kind of power the Holy Veins are against the sky!"

Juetian came step by step, he walked with a loud sound, every sound of footsteps struck Xiao Yu and the three of them in the heart, it seemed to be the death knell of death, extremely dangerous.

Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan couldn't bear Juetian's powerful aura at all, and they were shivering under the pressure. If Xiao Yu hadn't endured more than [-]% of Juetian's pressure, the two women would have been shocked to death. Hole bled.

"Is this the power of the supernatural realm?"

The feeling of being completely suppressed gave Xiao Yu a sense of freshness.Even though he knew that the next thing would be extremely dangerous, he still had a sense of freshness. He hadn't experienced such a sense of powerlessness that he could not resist for a long time.

It is this feeling that will guide him forward and allow him to go further on the road of pursuing the strong.

"Come on, let me see the divine power possessed by the Holy Veins!"

Juetian was already standing hundreds of feet away from Xiao Yu, he poked his palm slightly, and the power between heaven and earth exploded automatically, forming an extremely solid claw, and grabbed Xiao Yu and the others.

Xiao Yu wanted to push Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan away, but found that he couldn't do it at all. Under Jue Tian's hand, all the space was blocked, and he couldn't even sense the power of space. The three of them were trapped in the prison, and they could only watch the giant hand grab it.

(End of this chapter)

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