Chapter 607 Mystery
Xiao Yu was startled, there was no sign of Juetian's departure, even he couldn't even feel the fluctuation of space, Juetian really disappeared here.

"You don't need to worry about that!"

Juetian had already left, but the old man was still muttering.

"Old man, thank you for your help just now!"

Xiao Yu took two steps forward, cupped his fists at the old man, and thanked him.Regardless of whether the old man has fought with him before, but at the critical moment, Xiao Yu is a great kindness to him if he comes out to block Juetian, because in this way, Deao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing were not hurt too much.

"No, I haven't moved my old bones for a long time, and I should come out to loosen my bones. Just by moving, Death Canyon will be destroyed by us!"

Looking at the inside of the death canyon that had been reduced to a piece of scorched earth, the old man sighed. He suddenly waved his palm and shattered all the mountain peaks that once resembled human faces into huge falling rocks. The entrance is completely blocked.

"Old man, who are you?"

Xiao Yu asked curiously, he was really surprised that the old man could be as good as Jue Tian.According to what Xiao Changlin said, the peak masters thousands of years ago were only Juetian, Panlong Zhanhuang, Xiao Changlin, and Juetian, and there was no old man.

"Are you wondering why you've never heard of me?"

The old man saw what Xiao Yu was thinking, and smiled lightly: "It's normal that you haven't heard of me. I'm not from the same era as Jue Tian and the others. I come from the ancient times, and I can be regarded as a remnant of the ancient times."

"Prime time?" Xiao Yu exclaimed in surprise, "Are you actually a person who has lived from the long past?"

Xiao Yu was extremely shocked. If calculated in this way, the old man's age would probably be over ten thousand years old. This kind of fossilized antique figure actually exists.

"That's right, you don't need to be so surprised. When you reach the super god level, you will have the power to surpass the heaven and the earth. It is not difficult to have an infinite lifespan."

The old man seemed to be saying something that should be taken for granted.Xiao Yu felt that what he encountered today was really beyond his understanding. Two legendary characters appeared in front of him at once, and one of them planned to attack him.

"Old man, why did Juetian attack me? He wants the Divine Vein of the Holy Master?"

Xiao Yu thought of Juetian's greedy eyes, and felt a slight chill in his heart. If this old man hadn't appeared suddenly today, he would have become very dangerous.

"That's right!" The old man said solemnly, "Ever since he knew the true ability of the Holy Vein, he wanted to get the Holy Vein. The Divine Vein of the Holy Venerable was removed and implanted in my body, to be honest, if your Divine Vein of the Holy Venerable hadn’t been destroyed before, I’m afraid Jue Tian would have found you already.”

"The true power of the Holy Veins? What is that?"

Xiao Yu wondered, although he possessed the divine veins of the Holy Venerable, the divine veins of the Holy Venerables did not show any special ability except to help him detoxify and unfreeze. Immediately became interested.

"I can't tell you about this now!"

Xiao Yu was greatly disappointed by the old man's answer, but judging by the old man's appearance, even if he continued to ask, he might not get any answers. He gave up asking about the sacred veins of the saint, and turned to Batian War God.

"Old man, just now you mentioned Batian God of War, what is going on with all this?"

The old man's turbid eyes became clearer, he raised his head, looked at the sky, and let out a faint sigh.

"Hey, a true hero who is indomitable in the sky, overwhelming the world, unrivaled, and caring for the common people, but in the end he ended up like this. Heaven, is it really so unfair?"

His tone was so sad that even Xiao Yu was infected by it.Xiao Yu waited for his next words, but the result still made him very disappointed.

The old man lowered his head, his eyes suddenly became extremely indifferent, and his tone became very serious.

"It's too early for you to know this now. Although I have high hopes for you, your path cannot be arranged by anyone. You need to walk it yourself. Whether you return to the ordinary or go forward bravely depends on yourself. , Jue Tian did not make a mistake in saying a word just now, your vigor has indeed been wiped out."

After the old man finished speaking, a whirlwind was blown up on the ground, Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, the old man had disappeared, leaving only Xiao Yu full of doubts.

"My way?" Xiao Yu looked at his hands, and a feeling that had been stagnant for a long time slowly lingered in his heart.

Everything that happened today was like a seed that was planted deeply in Xiao Yu's heart, but he didn't know when it would germinate.

Xiao Yu returned to the post station of Tianyun Academy, before Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan woke up, Ao Wuling fetched a basin of clean water and wiped them gently.

Judging by his expression, Xiao Yu really couldn't connect with that crazy woman yesterday.

"Thank you!"

Xiao Yu walked into the room, with divine power in his palms, he pressed the foreheads of the two girls respectively.


The two girls groaned and woke up leisurely. When they saw Xiao Yu, they rushed over excitedly.


"Brother Xiao Yu!"

The two girls hugged Xiao Yu tightly, they still have lingering fears about what happened just now, the shadow that Juetian gave them may be indelible in a short time.

"It's alright, it's alright!"

Xiao Yu caressed the two juniors and comforted them, but his mind was always on what happened just now, there were so many things Xiao Yu was at a loss.

What is the relationship between Batian God of War and the old man, what did he do, and what happened to him?What is the real ability of the Holy Veins?Will Juetian attack him again?As well as the direction of his own path, questions circled in Xiao Yu's mind.

Ao Wuling was much calmer than yesterday. Although her gaze towards Xiao Yu was not too friendly, it did not have the disgust of yesterday.

"Brother Xiao Yu, I feel so scared. Why are there so many things we don't know about in this world? Who is that scary guy?"

Ao Zixuan felt exhausted physically and mentally. She thought that with Xiao Yu, she would be able to live a peaceful and happy life after the "dark prison" was dealt with, but what happened today shattered her dream.

There are still people staring at Xiao Yu. As long as these people exist, they will not be able to live in peace. As long as Xiao Yu is still exposed to the public, he will always be in trouble.

Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing were not afraid of death, but they were afraid of Xiao Yu being hurt, which was something they never wanted to see. Because of this, the two reached a consensus that they had never communicated with when they woke up.

(End of this chapter)

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