Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 608 Emotional Intelligence

Chapter 608 Emotional Intelligence

"Brother Xiao Yu!"

Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan looked at each other, just this one look, they knew that the other party was thinking the same as themselves.

"After explaining the Xiao family's affairs, shall we go to live in seclusion?"


Xiao Yu was startled, and Ao Wuling beside him was also startled.

Many images flashed through Xiao Yu's mind.

At the beginning, he was still a third-rate disciple of a small branch of Duanyun Sect in Fanyun Town, and almost no one cared about him. Except for the relationship brought to him by Yang Shucheng, no one in the branch of Duanyun Sect thought highly of him.

He also spends his days in a daze and has nothing to do, he only knows how to spend time and drink, molesting the female disciples in the branch hall of Duanyun sect. He knows very well that if Yang Shucheng's status is not there, he may have become a public enemy of the whole people, even if he has The handsome appearance is enough to impress most women, but why do those women who pursue martial arts care too much about this?
A handsome appearance, only placed on a young man with high strength, is a deadly weapon against a woman who has been a martial artist.Finally, he, who didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, provoked the most outstanding talented girl in the sect hall, Liu Piaoxu.

Even now, Xiao Yu has to admit that it was this woman who changed his life.If Liu Piaoxu and Liu Xing hadn't conspired against him, and then Liu Xing shot him and severely injured him, then he would not have possessed Xiao Yu after transmigrating, and he would not have obtained those things that people know nothing about. powerful skills.

After Xiao Yu was reborn, he used the heroic skills he had obtained to embark on the road of redressing his grievances. With his hard work, he finally sat down. In front of everyone, he beat the always proud Liu Piaoxu to the ground. His body was bruised, his whole body was scorched black, and his grievances were washed away.

He thought that after this matter was dealt with, he could live in Fanyun Town without any worries, enjoying martial arts and enjoying life, but Sima Yu's black hand reached out to him again.

In that battle, Yang Shucheng died saving him, and he embarked on a dark road of revenge.

Three years in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range allowed him to reach the peak of the Broken God Realm. According to Yang Shucheng's instructions, after he found Yang Xiruo, he brought a group of members of the Duanyun sect into the Death Canyon, which was a real blessing for them. Jedi of death, in which he beheaded countless monsters and spirit beasts, and even faced one of the peak powerhouses thousands of years ago, the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor.

In the domain of the Emperor of War, Xiao Yu killed many people, almost all of them were the younger generation of the Bloodthirsty Sect and Tianzong. When he killed people, the viciousness and hostility made him startled. , but at that time, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong.Only by killing people and improving his strength can he take revenge.

On the road of revenge, Xiao Yu really went forward without any hesitation.He was not afraid of the siege of the five big families, and stood up to fight against him. He killed the elites of the five big families, and also attracted Sima Yu, the mastermind behind the scenes, and killed Sima Yu's father, Sima Kong, in one fell swoop.

After that, Xiao Yu's revenge came to an end. Just when he returned to the Xiao family, thinking that everything was about to end, he learned that Xiao Haoyun and Han Bicui were taken away by the mysterious force "Dark Prison".

"Dark Prison" is a colossal monster, and Xiao Yu's strength alone is not enough to compete with it. "Dark Prison" is like a big stone, pressing on Xiao Yu's back all the time. He can only keep moving forward and let himself Only by becoming stronger can I ensure that my waist will not be crushed by this boulder.

All of this stems from motivation. Xiao Yu's desire for power must have a reason, but after the "dark prison" collapsed, he lost all motivation.

He remembers every detail of Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan being with him very clearly. These two women have paid too much for him, and he must not let them down.

Those bloody battles were reflected in Xiao Yu's mind, and finally turned into familiar faces.

"Yeah, Anwen Fang is what I want now, what kind of Overlord God of War, what kind of Divine Vein, what does it have to do with me?"

Xiao Yu's eyes showed a trace of fatigue, he nodded towards Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing, and said softly: "Okay, I promise you, after I finish handling the Xiao family's affairs, we will go to live in seclusion and find someone The place."

Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan lay in Xiao Yu's arms like this, they knew that once Xiao Yu agreed, they would not break their promise.

Ao Wuling backed out of the door silently, Xiao Yu asked the two girls to rest, and he also backed out.

"Xiao Yu!"

Ao Wuling stopped Xiao Yu who was about to go downstairs, her tone was better than before.

"What's up?"

Xiao Yu said indifferently, he really didn't have the slightest liking for this woman who spoke ill of him and shot at him.

"Do you know why I hate philandering men so much?" Ao Wuling continued before Xiao Yu could speak, "Because I hate your father! I hate him!"

"My father?"

Xiao Yu was startled, then remembered the first time he met Ao Wuling.When Xiao Haoyun was mentioned at that time, Ao Wuling would always show a strange expression. At that time, Xiao Yu felt that something happened between Ao Wuling and his father Xiao Haoyun, but later because he was concentrated on dealing with the "dark prison", he forgot this matter.

"What's the hatred between you and my father?"

Xiao Yu frowned and asked.

"Hate?" Ao Wuling laughed at herself, "Actually, there is no hatred, but he is really too hateful!"

"Twenty years ago, we were all the younger generation of the Fire Cloud Empire. Don't worry if you know, I love your father very much. I would give my life for him. But by accident, he married Sima from the neighboring country. Sima Yu from my family, I asked him the reason, but he didn't answer me a word. I know, he doesn't love me, but I just don't believe it, because he also doesn't love Sima Yu, why Sima Yu can be his wife, And I can't?"

"At first I thought so, but later, I realized that I wasn't jealous of Sima Yu, on the contrary, I thought he was very pitiful, because your father married your mother again. From the way your father looked at your mother, I knew that, Whether it's me or Sima Yu, we both lost to this woman."

Having said this, Ao Wuling paused for a moment, revealing a look of sadness.

"Because of this incident, I was disheartened. I left the imperial city and came to this place. I don't want to see your father again. I hope that the emotional wounds I have suffered can be healed in a place without him, but I was wrong. At that moment, I just realized that everything was in vain, I still deeply love a man who already has two wives."

Ao Wuling laughed at herself: "That's why I hate men who are bothered, but why don't I hate myself who can't help myself?"

After hearing these words, Xiao Yu fell silent, he didn't know whether he should tell Ao Wuling the news that Xiao Haoyun was still alive.

(End of this chapter)

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