Chapter 611 He's gone

"You want to know? Then it's okay for me to tell you!"

Xiao Haoyun naturally captured Xiao Yu's eyes that exuded a strong light, which was full of curiosity that would never stop.

He is very clear that his gaffe has aroused Xiao Yu's great interest in the past between him and Ao Wuling.

"Father, your behavior is abnormal. I really want to know what happened between you?"

Xiao Yu pulled Xiao Haoyun and landed on a mountain peak. He realized that this matter might be an inextricable knot for Xiao Haoyun, and Xiao Haoyun must have been troubled by this matter all these years.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I know that Wuling has always been interested in me. In fact, I had a good impression of her at the beginning, but because of your grandfather's interference, I married your aunt, Sima Yu!"

When Xiao Haoyun mentioned Sima Yu, he took a look at Xiao Yu and found that Xiao Yu's eyes were calm and unchanged, so he immediately felt relieved.

"Father, go on, this name doesn't mean anything to me now, no matter what she did, but she's dead now!"

Xiao Yu knew that Xiao Haoyun was considering his feelings, he waved his hand and said.

Xiao Haoyun nodded, and continued: "Because I already have a family, I have always avoided her. This matter really troubled me for a long time at that time."

"Avoid her?" Xiao Yu asked puzzled, "Why do you avoid her? Wouldn't it be fine if you married her?"

Xiao Haoyun patted Xiao Yu on the head, and said slightly angrily: "Who am I when you think I'm your father? Am I half-hearted?"

Xiao Yu showed a strange look, and teased: "Father, I don't understand what you said. If you don't know how to marry the second wife, how could you marry your mother into the house later?"

Looking at Xiao Yu's slightly contemptuous gaze, Xiao Haoyun blushed and said angrily: "This can't be confused, your mother is different from them, the feeling your mother gave me is truly hard-working love, I must never lose her, she The feeling she gave me was too strong, that's why I married her. As for Wuling, although I don't deny that I like her, but the feeling she gave me is not as strong as your mother, far from it, so I won't because She married another room, I say that, do you understand, brat?"

Xiao Yu showed a thoughtful expression, what Xiao Haoyun said, it took him some time to digest.To be honest, Xiao Haoyun has always been a stalwart father image in his heart, he did not expect Xiao Haoyun's emotional experience to be so complicated.

"I thought Wu Ling would just give up like this, but who would have thought that she would actually..."

Having said this, Xiao Haoyun suddenly stopped and did not continue.

"Dad, what did she do?"

Xiao Yu knew that this was definitely a key point, and it was precisely because of this incident that Xiao Haoyun was so resistant to meeting Ao Wuling.

"She gave me her body!"

Xiao Haoyun hesitated for a moment, but still said this unspeakable matter.

It turned out that after Xiao Haoyun married the second wife Han Bicui, Ao Wuling once pressed Xiao Haoyun, why did she not want to marry her after marrying other women?
The answer Xiao Haoyun gave was that he didn't want to delay her and make Ao Wuling forget him.Ao Wuling seemed to be moved by her, and asked Xiao Haoyun to have another meal with her, the last meal, that night, Xiao Haoyun was drunk, and took the strong drug that Ao Wuling secretly poured into her wine, Let her lust rise sharply, and that night, the two slept on the same bed, and Ao Wuling's virginity of more than [-] years was declared broken.

After that night, Ao Wuling left the imperial city of the Huoyun Empire. Xiao Haoyun searched for a long time but could not find it. The strong medicine had a very strong property and it existed in his body forever. As long as he got close to Ao Wuling, he would not be able to restrain himself on the spot gaffe.

"Is this the case?"

Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Haoyun with a strange face, he did not expect that Xiao Haoyun, who is the number one general of the Fire Cloud Empire, would actually act in the way of Ao Wuling.

"In that case, Dad, you should be responsible!"

Xiao Yu patted Xiao Haoyun's shoulder, and continued: "We are all members of the Xiao family, since we have taken his body, we must be responsible to the end."

"Nonsense!" Xiao Haoyun said angrily, "I only have your mother in my heart, don't you brat understand?"

"Father, even so, but mother is dead, are you going to live alone forever?" Xiao Yu frowned and said, "I can see that Xuanxuan's aunt loves you very much, the kind of love that goes deep into the bone marrow , she is absolutely willing to do anything for you, since you also have a crush on her, why don't you stay with her?"

"Yu'er!" Xiao Haoyun said in a deep voice, "You really think so?"

Xiao Yu looked serious, he stared straight at Xiao Haoyun and nodded heavily.He really hoped that Xiao Haoyun could have someone by his side all the time.

"Father, it's just to make me feel at ease, so just promise me!"

Seeing Xiao Haoyun still hesitating there, Xiao Yu said again.

Xiao Haoyun was startled and frowned.

"Yu'er! What do you mean by that?"

Xiao Haoyun caught the strangeness in Xiao Yu's words, he felt that Xiao Yu seemed to be explaining the funeral.

"Father, there is something that I have to tell you clearly. I only want to tell you about this matter. I am worried that if I tell grandpa and them, they will interfere with me."

Xiao Haoyun's eyes were fixed, and he was stunned on the spot.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yu and Xiao Haoyun returned to Xiao's house together. A pavilion had been built, and Xiao Maifei and others were resting in the pavilion.Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan, as Xiao Yu's female relatives, naturally got the best room, and Ao Wuling lived in it with them.

Because of Xiao Haoyun's escape, Ao Wuling is still in a daze until now, until Xiao Haoyun approached her and embraced her in his arms, she just reacted, tears came out of her eyes.

Because of what Xiao Yu said to Xiao Haoyun, Xiao Haoyun finally agreed to accept Ao Wuling.

Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing looked at Xiao Yu, and the three smiled at each other.

That night, Xiao Yu sat alone on the street, looking at the Xiao family that had almost recovered its full appearance, with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

"This is the Xiao family, it's my home!"

A warm smile appeared on Xiao Yu's face, he stood up, turned around, and Ao Zixuan and Lin Qingbing were standing not far in front of him.

"Let's go, my two good wives, I will fulfill my promise to you now!"

Xiao Yu stepped forward and hugged the waists of the two women, and disappeared into the night. Before leaving, Xiao Yu took another look at this place where he had been youthful for more than ten years. Depress completely.

Early the next morning, Xiao Maifei, Xiao Xuri, Xiao Jinxiu and other people who were very close to Xiao Yu found a letter in their house.

After reading the contents of the letter, they couldn't calm down for a long time, and Xiao Jinxiu rushed out of the capital of the Fire Cloud Empire like crazy, looking around.

"He's gone, we can't find him!"

Xiao Maifei put down the letter paper and carefully collected it.

(End of this chapter)

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