Chapter 612 Genius Challenge

Time flies, five years have passed since the alliance was established.

The strongest force in the Shenwu Continent is still the alliance of eleven first-rate forces.In the entire continent, except for one family, no force can compete with the alliance.The alliance is not only the monstrous power of this continent, but also the counterbalance of Shenwu Continent. They do not allow large-scale killings and stop countless wars.Under the awe of the alliance, the Shenwu Continent has been quiet for five years. During these five years, no country or force dared to launch any form of war, because they all knew that once the alliance knew about it, they would wait for it. Theirs will be a disaster.

Countless strong men, countless talented masters are honored to be able to enter the alliance.The alliance released a list called "Alliance List" three years ago, on which are the top masters in the Shenwu Continent. This is the most fair list of the continent's strength rankings.The martial artists are all working hard to be able to enter this list.

The Lance Morgall Empire is the most famous empire today for no other reason, because the center of the Lanth Morgall Empire is the headquarters of the alliance.

"Haoyun, are you still processing these documents?"

Liufeng Hall, now known as Alliance Hall, sits on top of the main hall, a middle-aged man with a handsome face and a dignified appearance, with a mountain of documents in front of him.

Under the main hall, an old man with white beard and hair is slowly walking up the steps. This man is the oldest person in the alliance. His name is Long Xiu, and he was the former elder of Liufengmen.

"Ah, Elder Long, why are you here!"

The middle-aged man raised his head with surprise on his face. Every time Long Xiu appeared, he would help him with some affairs, which allowed him to really relax for a while.

"Haoyun, the position of the leader, it seems that you are not easy to sit on, alas, don't blame us, we have nothing to do!"

Long Xiu sighed.The middle-aged person in front of him is Xiao Haoyun, who is the current leader of the alliance.Five years ago, the alliance really couldn't find a suitable candidate for the alliance leader, so it invited Xiao Haoyun, who had reached the first level of the God-shattering Realm, back to assume the position of alliance leader.

Xiao Haoyun was originally the general of the Huoyun Empire, so he was relatively clear about these matters, big and small. After he became the leader, he was also orderly, and everything was done in an orderly manner, and everyone in the alliance was quite convinced of him.

Thanks to the efforts of Xiao Haoyun and the veterans of the alliance, the influence of the alliance in the mainland has risen sharply, and it has become a superpower that countless powerful people flock to.

And Xiao Haoyun himself is the second-ranked expert on the alliance list, and those strong players who joined the alliance are all in awe of him.

"It's okay, Mr. Long, because that stinky brat left without hesitation, it's only right for me to take care of this stall for him!"

Xiao Haoyun waved his hand.

When mentioning "that boy", Xiao Haoyun and Long Xiu were silent for a while, counting, they have not seen him for five years, and they have not heard from him in these five years.The alliance sent all the spies out to find out the news, but there was no trace of him in the whole continent.Even so, there are still people in the league looking for him.

"Okay, let's not talk about it. Tomorrow is the talent challenge for the entire continent. You, the leader, must attend at that time. Countless geniuses want to see you, the second existence in the league list, with their own eyes. !"

Long Xiu sorted out his thoughts and said with a smile.

"Genius Challenge?"

Xiao Haoyun showed a look of great interest, he smiled, "Of course I will go to such a big competition, this is the highest-level selection competition for the new blood of our alliance, it is related to the future of the alliance, don't worry, I will definitely attend. "

"Haha, in fact, I'm just saying something more. Well, I'll handle these documents. You can go out and look around. Wuling has complained about your busyness these days!"

Xiao Haoyun smiled and said: "Haha, Mr. Long, I will wait for your words, then I will leave these documents to you to handle, and I will take Wuling out for a walk."

Long Xiu smiled and nodded, Xiao Haoyun had already slipped out of the hall.

The so-called Genius Challenge is a competition established by the Alliance to select talented elites from the mainland. Talented masters under the age of 25 from all over the mainland can participate. As long as they stand out in this competition and enter the top [-], Then you can unconditionally enter the alliance and become a part of the alliance.

Martial arts are endless. Countless geniuses radiate their brilliance all over the Shenwu Continent. The Genius Challenge of the Alliance is their goal. As long as you join the Alliance, you can become one of the most famous people on the continent. Famous figures, those talented masters who entered the alliance through the genius challenge, have now grown into unique masters.

The most famous among them is a master gunman named "Xiaofeng".It is rumored that he is the apprentice of the "Halberd Monster" Xia Houliang. With a Meteor Spear in his hand, he has defeated countless geniuses. A top player whom I admire.

In the alliance, there is a saying of "Five Young Masters". "Five Young Masters" are five people who were recruited by the Alliance in the Alliance Talent Challenge two years ago.

And this genius named Xiaofeng is the head of the "Five Young Masters".

On the second day, the already powerful alliance ushered in a terrifying wave of people. These people all had young faces, full of ambition for the future and vitality for life.

They are all recognized genius masters in the mainland, and they came here to participate in the league's genius challenge with the highest gold content in everyone's mind.

Through this competition, they can get a shortcut to enter the league, and what fascinates them the most is that they can get a good opportunity to play against talents from all sides.

Everyone gathered on a golden battle platform established by the alliance. The golden battle platform covers an area of ​​tens of millions of feet, which is enough to accommodate all these people to compete.

The Genius Challenge is not a one-on-one fair duel, but a scuffle. All contestants who come to participate in the competition have to go on this golden battle platform. Attack until the last 50 people are left.

Here is the cruelty of the Talent Challenge, a game full of infinite possibilities.

There are auditoriums all around the golden platform. On the main seat, Xiao Haoyun, Long Xiu, Long Xiaotian and other veterans of the alliance sit side by side.Behind them, there were five young men with extraordinary imposing manner.

"Hey, this time the talent challenge is several times more than the number of people we participated in last time!"

(End of this chapter)

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