Chapter 617 Grimace
"what happened?"

On the stage, Huogong and Liao Wenyue were performing an intimate scene that needed to be hugged, but all the bigwigs of the alliance suddenly got up and left one after another. Liao Wenyue breathed a sigh of relief and took the opportunity to retreat a little.

Both of them are masters of the God Breaking Realm, so they naturally sensed something strange, and the powerful energy fluctuations from the distant cemetery surprised them all.

The geniuses who participated in the competition from all over the world have not reached this level of strength, and they can only guess secretly in their hearts.But no matter what kind of guess they came from, they knew that something must have happened.Otherwise, why would the leaders of the Alliance, who would shake their feet if they stomped their feet casually on the continent, go out together?
"Everyone, don't make a mess, just stay where you are quietly. The masters of our alliance have already dispatched, and even big things can be resolved."

Xiaofeng stood on the high platform and shouted in a low voice.

Xiaofeng doesn't talk much on weekdays, but when he speaks, there is an extremely powerful force, which makes those geniuses from all sides admire secretly, and the commotion completely stops.

"Ling Tian Xiaofeng? The leader of the five young masters?"

These geniuses from all over the world are dignified and respectful. They all know Xiaofeng's name and deeds well. strength.

Even in the league, he is also the youngest generation at the pinnacle. Some people even say that the younger generation in mainland China is unsurpassed.

"What the hell happened? Damn it, if you don't come sooner or later, you have to wait until now!"

Huo Gong was very dissatisfied. He could have used this opportunity to get closer to Liao Wenyue, but now it seems that he has lost this opportunity.The sudden strange breath put the entire alliance into an unusual state of alert.

"It seems that things are not simple!"

Xiaofeng folded his arms in front of his chest and looked at the distant sky with cold eyes. Nine out of ten experts in the alliance have already reached a point where this matter has reached enough for each of them to take it seriously.

Since the fall of the "Dark Prison", except for the Xiao family, which is the most powerful in the mainland, no force has been able to make the alliance face up to it. It is definitely the first time in five years that such a master has come out together.Xiaofeng already smelled something unusual, and a sense of uneasiness began to rise in his heart.


The sound of breaking through the sky resounded over the cemetery, and Xiao Haoyun led a group of experts from the alliance to arrive here.


Xiao Haoyun and the others swept their gazes into the depths of the cemetery, all of them showed expressions of horror.


Everyone's eyes were wide open, Xiao Haoyun's complexion completely sank.

In front of them, there was a piece of potholed land. The small mounds that should have been uplifted all burst into a mess, the soil was scattered, and the interior was empty, as if something in it broke through the ground.

"what is the problem?"

Xiao Haoyun frowned slightly. The powerful energy fluctuation he sensed before did indeed come from here. It only took them half an hour to get here from the alliance headquarters, but now there is no strange aura anymore.

"Have you left?"

Long Xiu stretched out his hand to shake a handful of soil, and was startled.

"this is"

Long Xiu couldn't believe it, he grabbed another handful of soil and felt it carefully, his complexion turned pale in an instant.

"Is it"

Long Xiu's expression suddenly froze.


At the Alliance Headquarters, the geniuses who were waiting quietly suddenly heard a loud noise resounding over the Alliance Headquarters.


A ray of thunder suddenly fell from the sky, Liao Wenyue and Huogong suddenly raised their heads, and a sharp light flashed in their eyes.

"Liuhun fire, burning!"

Little Fire King Huogong let out a loud cry, and the divine power in his body surged out, turning into streaks of crimson flames, wrapping around his palm.With a wave of his palm, half of the sky was filled with colorful flames.


Liao Wenyue, the Heavenly Witch, slammed out her palm, and the tyrannical divine power shot out from her fingertips. A half-moon-shaped attack directly tore through the surrounding air, blasting together with the attack of Little Fire King Huogong.


The thunder light was blocked by the attack of the two top figures of the younger generation, and the power dissipated a lot, but both Huo Gong and Liao Wenyue were shocked, and their feet stepped on the solid golden battle platform.

The two were terrified in their hearts, the power contained in the thunder light was extremely powerful, even if the two of them shot together, they couldn't stop its terrifying fluctuations. As soon as they caught it, they immediately suffocated their breath. The power is still coming down.

Surrounded by geniuses whose strength has reached the peak of Concentration, they all have ugly faces. After being blocked by Huo Gong and Liao Wenyue, they still can't stop the remaining power.


A cold snort came, and the burly man like a black tower and the stern man with a long knife on his back both landed on the golden battle platform.

"Get out of here!"

The black tower man's fists shone with a strange golden light, and they blasted towards the sky at the same time. The long knife shot out from behind the stern man, and he clenched it with one hand and slashed out angrily.


The two shot, the sky was completely filled with that powerful force, the space collapsed inch by inch, and the geniuses around couldn't help but retreat hundreds of feet.

The two teamed up to attack, and finally resisted the remaining power of the thunder light.

"Emperor Sword Su Jingfei, Black Iron Tower Tang Song?"

All the geniuses around showed expressions of astonishment. The five young masters of the alliance are all well-known young masters, and they are the benchmark figures of their generation. It is even more difficult to meet each other on weekdays. Today, all five of them are here Yes, there are four more people who shot together.This made them inexplicably excited, secretly thinking that the trip to the alliance was not in vain.

They were happy in their hearts, but Liao Wenyue and the others, including Xiaofeng, were not at all excited. Instead, their hearts were extremely solemn.

The five of them are very clear about the strength of each of them. The strongest among the five is Xiaofeng, but it is only relative. Although the other four are not as good as him, the difference is not too big. It takes four people other than Xiaofeng to join forces to resist it. How powerful is this person who made the move?
Xiaofeng himself had to admit that even if he faced that attack alone, he would definitely not be able to bear it.


A ferocious grimace appeared in the sky, its nose and eyes were like empty black holes, and a strange laugh came from its mouth.

"Who? Dare to invade the alliance headquarters?"

At this moment, Xiaofeng couldn't bear it any longer, and with a twitch of his palm, he had already grasped the famous Overlord Meteor Gun in his hand.

With a stretch of his figure, he charged into the sky like a gust of wind.

(End of this chapter)

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