Chapter 618 will

"Who? Dare to invade the alliance headquarters?"

With Xiaofeng's spear in his hand, he stood proudly in the sky, like a god of war, and the geniuses below were secretly amazed when they saw this scene.Ling Tian Xiaofeng is worthy of being the number one young master in the world, and his majestic appearance is hard to stare at.

"Arrogant junior, who is only at the third level of the God-shattering Realm, dare to speak to this general like this?"

The grimace squirmed slightly, and a black light suddenly shot out from its mouth. The black light was like substance, directly distorting the surrounding space completely, and rushed towards Xiaofeng.


In an instant, Xiaofeng's hair stood on end, and he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, as if he was being targeted by a peerless beast.

The powerful black light penetrated the space and rushed to Xiaofeng.

"Break it for me!"

Xiaofeng forcibly circulated the divine power in his body to resist the powerful aura that almost made him collapse.His body trembled, and both hands were on the radiant barrel of the Overlord Meteor Gun.

"Sky-shattering strike!"

The body of the gun trembled violently, and Xiaofeng's divine power condensed on it, emitting a scorching light.

One inch. Two inches, the tip of the gun finally came into direct contact with the black light.


Xiaofeng's body trembled violently, and with a muffled snort, his body shot directly to the ground like a cannonball.


There was a loud noise on the golden battle platform. He had already stepped on the center of the battle platform, and all the surrounding platforms were shattered by it.

There was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, both jaws were shattered, and the body of the Overlord Meteor Gun was stained red with his blood, his eyes were full of inconceivable expressions.


Liao Wenyue, Huogong, Tang Song, and Su Jingfei all looked shocked. Xiaofeng is the most powerful among the five young masters, but now he can't take the opponent's blow.

The surrounding geniuses also stared at this scene dumbfounded. In their minds, Ling Tian Xiaofeng, the strongest of his peers, was vulnerable to this grimace?
"how so."

Xiaofeng felt a sense of frustration that he had never felt before. He has been in the mainland for three years. Apart from the few top-level bosses in the alliance, who can match him?But the hidden existence behind this sudden grimace made him unable to resist at all. With one move, he had already suffered serious injuries.This is definitely a great blow to him who has always been smooth sailing.

"Jie Jie, young man, how about this move?"

The weird smile came out from the ghost face again, with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.Xiaofeng is indeed the most peak existence of the younger generation at present, but unfortunately, he is still far behind him, and the strength of the two is not at the same level at all.

"A high-level God-shattering realm?"

The more Xiaofeng thought about it, the more terrifying he felt. Now that the masters in the alliance are coming out, the enemy is coming, and there is no high-level concentration in their alliance. How can they resist?
What's more, there are geniuses from all over here, if the mysterious existence in the sky makes a killing, I don't know how heavy the casualties will be.

The four of Liao Wenyue already knew that the comer was extremely powerful, and they had already surrounded Xiaofeng.The five young masters of the alliance are united in one spirit, one wins and the other loses. Even if they risk their lives, they will fight until the last moment.For them, the prestige of the alliance is more important than their lives.This was also the reason why Long Xiu valued them so much.

"You should be the so-called Five Young Masters of the Alliance, all of you are at the level of the Broken God Realm, which is not bad, but unfortunately, your current opponent is this general! Hahaha!"

The terrifying grimace laughed wildly, Xiaofeng and the other five had extremely ugly expressions, and the surrounding geniuses had already turned pale with shock.They came here to participate in the genius challenge held by the alliance, in order to be able to compete with geniuses from all over the world, but they never thought of fighting with others. Now this powerful mysterious existence in the sky is full of murderous intent, obviously with malicious intentions .

Although they are all geniuses who are favored by thousands of people, they have experienced very little life and death. Due to the maintenance of the alliance, the situation in the mainland is very good, and fights rarely happen. Many, they have almost no chance to touch the taste of life and death.

Now the breath of death enveloped the audience, and no one was not terrified.They were all powerful people, but the terrifying grimace in the sky was too powerful.

The alliance's five young masters can't stand it together, so what about them?Now they are all praying that the masters in the alliance will return quickly, so that they have a chance of survival.

"Hmph, if you dare to act wildly within our alliance, do you really think there is no one in our alliance?"

A shout resounded in all directions, Xiaofeng and the five of them were startled, and then they were overjoyed.

"He actually came out?"

Everyone looked towards the depths of the alliance at the same time, where a stream of light was rushing towards them at a high speed, and they stood in front of the five young masters of the alliance in an instant, welcoming the tyrannical coercion emanating from that grimace.

The visitor was about 24 or [-] years old, with a handsome and resolute face, somewhat similar to Long Xiaotian.

"Brother Zhantian!"

The moment the five people saw the young man appear, they all shouted in unison.

"Are you okay?"

Looking at the outstanding members of the five alliances, Long Zhantian said with concern.They are all newcomers to the alliance. If there are any problems, it will definitely be a huge loss to the alliance.

Long Zhantian has been in retreat for the past few years. As the first genius of Liufengmen, after the establishment of the alliance, he did not want to fall into the name of Long Xiaotian. After Ao Zixuan and Xiao Yu left, he has been They are all obsessed with martial arts.

In fact, he has risen extremely fast in the past five years, but because he has been in a closed state, the outside world does not know his strength.Today, he also felt that an unusual enemy appeared in the alliance. He just broke through and came to the golden platform.

"We're fine, be careful, Brother Zhantian, the person here is very powerful!"

Xiaofeng stood up, wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, and reminded Long Zhantian.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Long Zhantian gave them a reassuring look, and when his eyes swept to the sky, it was already cold.No matter who it is, he will never allow him to play wild in the league.

"Who are you? Also the new generation of the alliance?"

The grimace in the sky felt the powerful aura emanating from Long Zhantian's body, and also put away the arrogant attitude before.

"My name is Long Zhantian, the son of Long Xiaotian, the elder of the alliance, and you are a hideaway, who are you?"

Long Zhantian said coldly.

"Long Zhantian? He is Long Zhantian? The most powerful genius of Liufengmen?"

The geniuses around immediately knew Long Zhantian's identity, and they all said in amazement.

"Long Zhantian?" The grimace was stunned for a moment, and then he sneered, "Who am I, but a coward who has been robbed of his fiancée, and dare to speak nonsense in front of this general?"

(End of this chapter)

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