Chapter 619 Fiasco
This sentence was like a magic voice lingering in the entire alliance headquarters, and Long Zhantian's expression became pale the moment he heard this sentence.

The matter of Ao Zixuan is an eternal pain in his heart. Although he knows that Ao Zixuan does not belong to him, he should belong to the existence above the mainland, but this matter is a hurdle after all, which makes it difficult for him to overcome .

In any case, it was true that on the day of his wedding, his fiancée left him for another man. This is a great shame for any man. Even if he doesn't think so, it's hard to guarantee that others don't think so.

This mysterious existence said this matter at this moment, obviously deliberately trying to save his face, and gave him a heavy blow from the spiritual level.The fifth young master was also stunned for a moment, and when they saw Long Zhantian's violently trembling body, their expressions changed one after another.

What they were worried about was not this matter, but they were worried that Long Zhantian would be affected by this matter. This mysterious existence brought up this matter at this moment, obviously because it sensed Long Zhantian's strength and wanted to weaken his mind first.Even if Long Zhantian clearly knew the opponent's intentions, the influence of this matter on him would never be weakened.

Many geniuses are silent. Regarding this matter, they feel that Long Zhantian has nothing to be ashamed of. After all, there are too many inside stories. They are also familiar with the beautiful love experience between them.

Even so, Long Zhantian on the stage couldn't pass the test in his heart.

"you wanna die!"

The veins on Long Zhantian's forehead twitched violently, and the evil spirit on his body was uncontrollable, slowly emitting like a beam of wolf smoke. With a loud shout, his figure flew from the battle platform to the sky.


Grimace showed a very strange smile, his empty eyes fluctuated slightly, two black lights shot out suddenly, formed a line not far away, gradually expanded, and turned into a black balloon.

"Die me, you bastard!"

The enraged Long Zhantian punched the black air mass with a fist, and the unparalleled divine power spread across the surroundings. The people below were all terrified. They never expected that the strength of Long Zhantian, who had not appeared in the past few years, was so strong. .

Compared with the alliance's pentakill, even if five people teamed up, he might not be able to do anything.


The huge roaring sound turned into tiny sonic booms, and there were violent airflows moving everywhere. The black air mass was solidified by Long Zhantian's fist, and suddenly turned into circles of black smoke, and began to disperse in all directions.

"Death to me!"

Long Zhantian's eyes were red, and he had lost the most basic judgment. He was running with divine power, and he didn't even use martial skills, but he tried his best to mobilize his divine power to attack violently.

Black air surged above the terrifying grimace, taking all his attacks, but he was furious, but he didn't realize that the black smoke transformed by the black air mass he had gathered and scattered just now had gradually surrounded him.

Xiaofeng's eyes were fixed, he already felt that something was wrong, the moment the black smoke was about to wrap Long Zhantian's back, he shouted: "Brother Zhantian, be careful!"


Only then did Long Zhantian react, but it was too late, the weird black smoke suddenly closed, forming a thin film of black smoke, completely enveloping Long Zhantian in it.

"Jie Jie, taste the taste of the dead aura!"

Grimace let out a cold cry, and the black smoke film suddenly expanded, and the space inside was also compressed by it in an instant.

Long Zhantian was in it, and the feeling of danger shrouded his whole body, but no matter how hard he tried, the black smoke film seemed to have a strong adhesion, and it was always stuck around him, and he couldn't break free at all.


The space within the black smoke film was compressed to a limit, and suddenly exploded.


Long Zhantian sprayed blood wildly, and his body fell straight down.Detonating the space in such a narrow space, the terrifying explosive force severely damaged it in an instant.


There were scars on Long Zhantian's body. At this moment, he knew that he had fallen into the enemy's trap. Unfortunately, even if he knew, he still couldn't forget the woman who made his heart ache.

"Five years, am I still doing nothing like this?"

Long Zhantian closed his eyes in embarrassment and indignation. He thought that his strength had already reached the seventh level of the God Breaking Realm, so he could get closer to that person, but now it seems that he can't change anything.

"Brother Zhantian!"

Xiaofeng was terrified, stretched out his body, and caught Long Zhantian.

"Brother Zhantian!"

Xiaofeng shouted loudly, but Long Zhantian never opened his eyes.Liao Wenyue, Huo Gong and other four people also surrounded him.

Long Zhantian's breath was weak, obviously he was seriously injured, coupled with the grief and anger in his heart, he fainted directly.

No one would have thought that Long Zhantian, who had practiced hard for five years, would lose so miserably in the first battle.This also made everyone gasp, who is this terrifying grimace?

"Jie Jie, the so-called No. [-] power in the Shenwu Continent is nothing more than that. The five young masters are just a waste of fame, and Long Zhantian? Hehe, it's just a trash trapped by love. The name of the alliance is too exaggerated!"

The grimace began to shrink violently, gradually turning into a figure.

This person was dressed in black and had dark purple hair.His figure is tall and majestic, like a person from a foreign land, his feet are wider than ordinary people, a cloak flutters behind him with the wind, black air is surging under the black wind, his eyes have no eyeballs, some of them, Only the darkness that penetrates the sky and the earth.

As soon as this person appeared, everyone was enveloped in an inexplicable panic.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to my alliance?"

Even though he has already lost, Xiaofeng is Xiaofeng after all, and he will not bow his head to such a lunatic with ulterior motives.

"I think you are carrying the Overlord Meteor Gun, so it should be Ling Tian Xiaofeng?" The visitor sneered, "Although your strength is not as good as mine, your courage is not bad, and you can still do it in the face of my strength." Fearless, you are indeed the leader of the younger generation on the mainland, how about I give you a chance to become my subordinate? I can give you everything you want."

"Subordinate?" Xiaofeng frowned, and said coldly, "A despicable villain like you who only relies on surprise attacks, what qualifications do you have to let me, Xiaofeng, do things for you? If you have the courage, wait for our alliance masters to come back and fight with you." It's up to you."

"You don't have to provoke me!" The visitor's eyelids were slightly closed, and his tone was quite different from before, full of faint killing intent, "All the masters of your alliance are back, it is true that I cannot fight against them alone, but after a while For a period of time, when our army gathers, even the entire alliance cannot match us, and at that time, the entire continent will tremble for our return."

He clenched his palm, and the thick black air began to spread in the sky, blocking most of the sunlight.

"I invited you just now, but you seem to have declined. If so, then"

"I'll send you on your way!"

(End of this chapter)

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