Chapter 623
"Where did you come from?" Xiaofeng was startled, then shook his head, "I really don't know, that person looks weird, he has no eyes, and his body is full of black air. I have never heard of such a person on the mainland. number strong."

"No eyes?"

Long Xiu caught this extremely important information, he pondered for a while, and suddenly remembered something.

The King of Undead has four generals under his command. After Panlong Zhanhuang and the Blood Fiend Emperor joined forces to defeat the enemy, three generals were crushed into skeletons. Only the King of Undead and one general did not record their deaths. .This dead general has no eyeballs, and he is always accompanied by black energy during the battle.Thousands of years ago, he was known as the "Dead General without Eyes". He killed people like hemp, and tens of thousands of people died in his hands.

"It's really the undead army that has re-dispatched!"

Long Xiu sighed, his heart was heavy. The army of undead reappeared in the world, and there would be no peace in Shenwu Continent unless the army of undead could be wiped out.

But with the current strength of the alliance, it is already a great fortune to be able to fight against the army of undead. It is not easy to completely wipe out it?
"Undead Army?"

Xiaofeng and the others heard Long Xiu muttering to himself, and said strangely.

Long Xiu then told the five of them everything about the undead army.

"There is such a thing?"

They all looked shocked, the power possessed by the army of the undead is simply appalling, and the person who fought against them before was actually one of the four generals of the army of the undead?

"Why... is this happening? Is something going to happen to the continent that has been quiet for a long time?"

Xiaofeng's eyebrows twitched wildly. One of the four dead generals already has the strength to break the gods. If we really want to fight, the alliance does not seem to have any advantage.

"Go and recuperate first, and all the elders of the congregation will go to the Alliance Hall."

Long Xiu patted Xiaofeng's shoulder lightly, and turned to Xiao Yun's direction.

Over there, Xiao Yun and Xiao Haoyun stared blankly at each other, what Xiao Haoyun saw was longing, what Xiao Yun saw was disbelief.

He practiced in the hidden space for five years, and he didn't understand what happened outside. Xiao Yu had mentioned to him that Xiao Haoyun was still alive, but he also knew that Xiao Haoyun had become disrespectful. His very familiar biological father.

From Xiao Haoyun's eyes, he read his father's longing for his son, he knew that Xiao Haoyun was still Xiao Haoyun, and Xiao Haoyun still remembered him.


Xiao Yun handed in a sentence lightly.

"Yun'er, is that you?"

Xiao Haoyun stretched out his palm tremblingly, and put it on Xiao Yun's shoulder, a feeling of familiarity welled up in his heart.When he left Huoyun Empire, Xiao Yun was far from as outstanding as he is now.With his cultivation base, he can naturally sense the power within Xiao Yun's body like a dormant horned dragon.

The second level of God-breaking realm, this is the No.1 in the alliance, except for him, and it is even stronger than Xiao Xuri's level.

"Father, you are back, you are really back!"

Xiao Yun, who hadn't shed tears for many years, had a sore nose, and tears welled up in his eyes.The two father and son hugged each other tightly.

When Xiao Yu left, he had already told Xiao Haoyun that Xiao Yun was still undergoing training in the hidden family, and he would come back when his training was over.

Xiao Haoyun has been waiting quietly in the alliance. He knows that once Xiao Yu leaves, he has made up his mind. If he wants to see him again, he can only see the timing. Xiao Yun, as long as his training is over, he will come by himself.He finally waited.

"Yun'er, it's dad. During this time, you have suffered!"

Xiao Haoyun looked Xiao Yun up and down, and said with some distress.Although he loves Xiao Yu the most because of Han Bicui's relationship, it doesn't mean he doesn't value Xiao Yun.Each of these two sons is a dragon and a phoenix among men.

"It's okay, Dad, I'm fine, don't you think I'm doing well now?"

Xiao Yun puffed out his chest on purpose, in front of Xiao Haoyun, he will always be a child.

"Okay, okay!" Xiao Haoyun suddenly remembered something, and said apologetically, "Yun'er, don't blame Yu'er for your mother's affairs, after all, what your mother did was really too vicious."

Xiao Yun's expression darkened, and then he returned to normal.

"Father, you don't need to worry about that. Xiaoyu will always be my good brother. I never blamed him. I know his affection for me."

Xiao Yun said sincerely that he didn't hold any grudge against Xiao Yu, even though Xiao Yu killed his biological mother.

When he was brought to the hidden family, Xiao Yu came to look for him alone regardless of the alliance's affairs, which showed how much Xiao Yu valued his elder brother.

"That's good, that's good!"

What Xiao Haoyun was most worried about was because of this incident, the two brothers Xiao Yun and Xiao Yu turned against each other.

"By the way, dad, where is Xiao Yu? Why didn't you see him with you?"

Xiao Yun was a little strange. Logically, Xiao Yu would never stand idly by when something happened to the alliance, but when the mysterious person came to make trouble before, Xiao Yu did not act. He thought that Xiao Yu might have left the alliance with Xiao Haoyun and others. But now Xiao Haoyun and the others are back, only Xiao Yu is missing.

"Yu'er." Xiao Haoyun sighed, "He has already left, left the Xiao family, left the alliance, and lived in seclusion with Zixuan and Qingbing. We have been looking for him for the past few years, but there is no news. "


Xiao Yun opened his eyes suddenly, Xiao Yu actually lived in seclusion?This incident is definitely a big shock to the entire continent.

"How could this be? Why did he go to live in seclusion?"

Xiao Yun really didn't understand, Xiao Yu was young, he was only 23 years old this year, and he chose to go back to the mountains like those old masters who have experienced vicissitudes.

"He has his own ideas, maybe he's too powerful, he's tired of fighting, we don't know about this, but this kid has never come back to see us for five years, what a shame!"

There were some complaints in Xiao Haoyun's words, but more was the yearning for Xiao Yu. It has been five years, and his son, who is famous all over the world, has never appeared again.

"Let's put Yu'er's matter aside for now, we have bigger things to deal with!"

Xiao Haoyun's expression suddenly became very serious, Xiao Yun realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Father, I fought against the mysterious man who raided the alliance before. His strength is comparable to mine, so he is difficult to deal with. Moreover, his power does not seem to be divine power, but a kind of black mist that I have never come into contact with!"

Xiao Yun recalled the previous confrontation with Wumu Death General, and said in a deep voice.

"Is it the second level of God-breaking Realm?"

Xiao Haoyun rubbed his chin.Long Xiu and the others had already surrounded him.

(End of this chapter)

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