Chapter 624 East Royal

"Haoyun, what do you think about this?"

In the alliance hall, all the bigwigs of the alliance were present, and Xiao Yun was also seated among them.Long Xiu asked Xiao Haoyun.

Xiao Haoyun pondered for a moment, and replied: "The other party's goal is the alliance, and they are extremely targeted. The powerful energy sent out in that cemetery before may be to lure us to go, and then when most of our masters left, someone raided the alliance , this was definitely premeditated.”

"Well, I think so too!"

The succubus on the side said coldly: "Their purpose is probably to destroy the alliance headquarters and deal us a huge blow. If Mr. Ling hadn't arrived in time, what we saw when we came back might be ruins."

They all knew about Xiao Yun's move to stop the unknown general, and they all nodded in agreement.Thanks to Xiao Yun's help this time, the Alliance Headquarters was able to survive.

Speaking of Xiao Yun, everyone's eyes were filled with emotion. Xiao Haoyun's two sons were both so outstanding that they could only sigh in awe.

"That's not the point!"

Xiao Yun's strength has been promoted, and he has enough confidence to speak. In the past, when these masters were talking, he would never interrupt.

"Now I think what we should consider is what we will face next. If the undead army wants to slaughter the mainland, the first thing to deal with is definitely the alliance. We must be prepared!"

"Yun'er is right!" Long Xiu said to the crowd, "We must be prepared to avoid another surprise attack from them."

"Okay!" Xiao Haoyun stood up and shouted in a low voice, "The order continues. From now on, the alliance will be under full martial law. All elite spies will be dispatched to monitor the situation in the mainland at all times. If there is any abnormality, report it immediately."

Xiao Haoyun has been in office for five years, he already knows the alliance well, and no one dares to disobey his orders.As the elder deacon, Long Xiaotian took the order to resign.

"This time, I don't know what will happen!"

Xiao Haoyun was faintly worried, he didn't have much confidence in himself.Just like facing the "Dark Prison" before, Xiao Yu is in charge of the overall planning. Now it is really difficult for him to lead a group of heroes to face the army of undead.

"Yu'er, where are you?"

How much Xiao Haoyun hoped that Xiao Yu could come back and lead the alliance to fight again.Not only him, but the rest of the people also thought of that young man who was always calm, calm and decisive at the same time.

"If he was here, we wouldn't be as nervous as we are now!"

Everyone thought so.

The Shenwu Continent is very big, but not the biggest. Compared with it, there are countless areas that are wider.I don't know how far away from Shenwu Continent, there is a continent that people worship, and it is called "Sanctuary".

In Sanctuary, there are two very famous families, one is the Xiaoyao family and the other is the Eastern Royal family.These two can be said to be powerful in the sanctuary, and only a few forces can compete with them.

The Eastern Royal Family is rumored to be the descendant of the ancient Eastern Emperor Taiyi, who has the blood of the Demon Emperor in his body, which can transform into various demon clans, and even possess the strong and tyrannical physique of the demon clan, which is powerful and unpredictable.

East Royal is having a morning class once a day.Because they are the descendants of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and have strong clan beliefs, at this moment, a dark shadow casts over the Eastern Royal.

He just stood abruptly on the building of the Eastern Royal, looking down at the people of the Eastern Royal.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

A middle-aged man in a pale gold dress stood up and asked this abrupt visitor.

He is the current head of the Eastern Royal Family, and the Eastern Emperor has no shadow.Normally, if someone broke into the Eastern Royal Family, they would definitely receive a devastating blow from all of them, but Eastern Emperor Wuying was not impulsive this time, because he did not dare.This unknown visitor is definitely a master with great strength, at least he himself will never be his opponent.

All the masters in the Sanctuary, Donghuang Wuying, have seen it before, but this mysterious person who came suddenly made him elusive. He can be sure that there is no such person in the Sanctuary.

"You are the Eastern Emperor Wuying, right?"

The man glanced at Donghuang Wuying, without the slightest surprise, nor the slightest respect, as if he was speaking to a junior.

"Bold, you also called our Patriarch's name indiscriminately?"

Suddenly a person rushed out from the side, he is Donghuang Wuying's direct confidant, usually supporting Donghuang Wuying, Donghuang Wuying also treats him well.Seeing Donghuang Wuying being underestimated now, he will naturally not sit idly by.


Just when his figure protruded less than a few dozen feet, he spurted out a mouthful of donated blood, and fell straight to the ground, unconscious.


Everyone in the Eastern Royal Family was stunned. This Eastern Emperor Wuying's confidant was definitely a figure in the Eastern Royal Family in terms of strength, and he was at the third level of Yuanshen Realm.But the opponent didn't even see the shot, so he fell to the ground and couldn't get up. What kind of strength is this?
Donghuang Wuying had never been so panicked before, this was the first time in these years that he encountered someone who made him unsure, and he didn't even know whether he was qualified to be the opponent of this person in front of him.

"I'll give you East Royal ancestors some face, otherwise this person would be dead!"

The man turned his head to look at Donghuang Wuying, and said coldly: "Donghuang Wuying, you have been looking for your long-lost sister all these years, is there such a thing?"

Donghuang Wuying was startled, his complexion changed drastically.

"Do you know the whereabouts of my sister?"

Donghuang Wuying forcibly restrained the excitement in his heart.He has a biological younger sister, but decades ago, the Eastern Royal Family was involved in a war. At that time, the large and small forces in the sanctuary were acting independently and attacking each other. It was in that turbulence that he was only seven years old. The year-old sister was lost.After Donghuang Wuying took over as the Patriarch of the Eastern Royal Family, he sent people everywhere to investigate and searched almost every corner of the sanctuary, but there was still no news.

Now this uninvited guest seems to know something, how can he not be excited?
"I did learn her whereabouts by accident, and I'm here to let you know and let you find her."

Donghuang Wuying paused, and became vigilant: "What is your purpose? Why did you tell me this?"

"Purpose?" The visitor sneered and shook his head. "I do have my own purpose, but this matter has nothing to do with you. Your entire Eastern Royal Family has nothing that I can see."

Although Donghuang Wuying was very angry at this sentence, he dared not speak out. Facing such a level of masters, it is normal for people to look down on Donghuang's treasure skills.

Now he only thought about where his sister, who had been separated for many years, was.

(End of this chapter)

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