Chapter 626 Skull Mountain

Emperor Xiaoyao knew about the undead army through the green gem.This is the supreme treasure of their Xiaoyao family, passed down from generation to generation by Emperor Xiaoyao.This treasure can collect all kinds of strange auras from the Shenwu Continent and the Sanctuary, and respond to them.

But Yun Tian was able to know that this was beyond his expectation.

"Father, what do you think about this matter?"

Yun Tian naturally knew the surprise of Emperor Xiaoyao, so he continued to ask without explaining.

Emperor Xiaoyao withdrew his gaze and looked serious: "Your impression is indeed correct. A group of troublemakers appeared on the Shenwu Continent thousands of years ago. They are called the army of the undead. They were born to slaughter and harm the common people. But thousands of years ago It has been broken by the two peak-level masters of Panlong Zhanhuang and Blood Fiend Evil Emperor. What appears now is only the remnants of the undead army, but even so, it cannot be underestimated. If you don't die for a day, you will have enough power to bring disaster to the world."

"Undead Army?"

Yun Tian frowned slightly as he chanted the name he had heard for the first time.Although he is the most outstanding person of the younger generation of the Xiaoyao family, and has a wide range of knowledge, he has never heard of the army of the undead, after all, it is too old.

Emperor Xiaoyao told Yuntian all about the undead army. After listening, Yuntian showed a smile.

"Unexpectedly, there are so many strange things in the Shenwu Continent. It's no wonder that our sanctuary has never produced a master of the supernatural realm."

Yun Tian grinned, making Emperor Xiaoyao a little puzzled.Yun Tian has always been not very interested in evil and weird things, and even has a natural aversion, but he did not react too aggressively when he heard this army of undead behaving in extreme ways.

"God, what are you laughing at?"

Emperor Xiaoyao asked.

"It's okay dad, I just remembered something!"

Yun Tian waved his hand.

"For this army of undead, Shenwu Continent does not have the ability to compete with it!" Xiaoyaohuang continued, "It seems that we have to go."

"Oh? Dad wants to go to Shenwu Continent to fight this army of undead?"

Yun Tian moved closer, he knew that Emperor Xiaoyao must have itchy hands again, and Emperor Xiaoyao would never let things that disturb the world and the common people be ignored.

"You still don't know your father's personality? How can I just sit back and watch this kind of thing?"

Yun Tian shook his head at this moment, revealing a meaningful smile.

"Father, I hope you don't go!"

Xiaoyaohuang showed a puzzled look: "Not going? Why?"

He knew that Yun Tian would never say something meaningless, since he said that, there must be some considerations.

"Father, I don't want to tell you the reason for now, but there is one thing, please believe it."

Yuntian smiled mysteriously, and said: "Although this army of undead is strange and powerful, it will never be easy for Shenwu Continent to produce many powerful masters thousands of years ago or even in ancient times. If it was 25 years ago, I am afraid that Shenwu Continent would indeed be There is no way to counteract it, but now, there is definitely someone who can sanction this army of undead."

"Oh?" Emperor Xiaoyao showed great interest, "You mean, there are people in Shenwu Continent who can contend against the army of undead?"

"Contest?" Yun Tian shook his head and said, "It's not just a contest. According to my guess, this undead army will not be his opponent, as long as... he is willing to stand up."

"It seems that you have met incredible guys during your two trips to the Shenwu Continent!"

Emperor Xiaoyao had never seen Yuntian admire a person so highly, and judging by Yuntian's expression, that person seemed to be a person of his age.

"Father, let's wait quietly in the Sanctuary for news!"

"Since you say so, then I will wait and see, but this matter must not be careless. If there is an army of undead raging on the Shenwu Continent within a month, we need to go to the Shenwu Continent!"

Yun Tian agreed immediately: "Then we will limit it to one month, and if the scourge of the undead army is not eliminated by then, then we will set off for the Shenwu Continent."

In the Shenwu Continent, the Skull Mountain, known as the Ten Forbidden Lands, ushered in its kind. A group of strange skeletons suddenly emerged from the ground, and the number was as many as a thousand.

Scarlet colors flashed in the eyes of these skeletons, which were very different from normal skeletons, and their skeletons were much taller than ordinary skeletons.

In front of the skeleton army, stood three taller and stronger skeletons, each of which was full of wild power, and the wide hand bones seemed to be able to pierce through any object easily.


As the breeze blew, hot pink smoke was produced around the bodies of the three skeletons, firmly enveloping them.The terrifying temperature not only did not melt their skeletons, but instead writhed violently.


A low roar came from between them, and the pink mist gradually expanded and spread, covering all the skeleton army behind the three.


The army of undead roared up to the sky, and the clouds in the sky were scattered by strong sound waves.A gust of wind swept past, the pink mist dissipated, and a shocking scene appeared.

These thousand undead warriors have all transformed from skeletons into flesh and blood soldiers, and their bodies are covered with soft armor with amazing defensive power.

"Everyone, by the looks of you, you have fully recovered!"

Black smoke lingered, and a figure had landed in front of everyone. He was the middle-aged man who had been in the alliance to provoke them before.

"Wumu, it's you! Long time no see!"

The three people standing at the head of the army grinned at him, extremely evil.

"Three old brothers, it's great to see you again, and it's not in vain that I have been hiding with the king for a thousand years!"

The nameless general laughed.The three people in front of him were actually the other three dead generals who once made people talk about it.

Now that the four dead generals of the undead army are gathered together, and there are thousands of undead soldiers whose strength has reached the state of concentration, I am afraid that there is no power on the mainland that can match this lineup. one chip.

"By the way, three brothers, where did Wang go?"

The eyeless general asked.

"The king?"

One of the other three generals replied: "After resurrecting us, he headed south. He told us to wait for him to come back in the Skull Mountain. Without his order, no one should act rashly. "

"South? Are you looking for that thing?"

The eyeless general fixed his eyes, and the other three generals nodded slightly.

"Hey! At the beginning, the king was seriously injured by the two old miscellaneous hairs of the Panlong War Emperor and the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor. He injured his original source and his strength plummeted. Although after thousands of years, the king has only recovered [-]% of his strength. If the king gets that thing in his hands , we can recover to peak strength, our era is coming!"

The four dead generals looked up to the sky and laughed, the aura of evil became stronger and stronger. The Shenwu Continent was destined to suffer this catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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