Chapter 627
With green mountains and green waters and melodious singing, there is a small wooden house in an unknown hill.

The wooden house is very delicate, and the choice of wood is extremely particular. When building, the wood is also fitted together in perfect proportions, which looks extremely harmonious and beautiful.

The wooden house is not too big, but if it accommodates three or four people, it must be a little more spacious.Around the wooden house, there are patches of flowers, completely surrounding the wooden house.Colorful butterflies are flying, bees are hovering, and occasionally a few fairy-like birds fly by.

This is an isolated residence, filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers.

"Qingbing, what do you think we'll get that guy to eat today?"

The small door of the wooden house opened, and a handsome figure, a woman who looked like a fairy, walked out of it. The most eye-catching thing was his ice-blue hair, which seemed to hang down from the sky.Although she was dressed in coarse linen, she looked a bit more noble than those royal nobles.

"Didn't he say it? Let us wait for him, he will catch some fish and we will eat fish today!"

In the sea of ​​flowers, a slender figure straightened her waist. This is also a beautiful and incomparably beautiful woman. She is no different from the previous one. It is difficult to distinguish between the two.

"The rivers and lakes laugh, grievances and grievances, people make tricks, laughing hides the knife"

The magnetic and charming singing echoed in the mountains, and the two women fell into intoxication involuntarily when they heard it.For five years, they have heard this familiar song almost every day, but instead of feeling bored at all, they look forward to it very much, every day.

There is an indescribable attraction in this singing, which is fascinating and inextricable.

Thousands of feet away from the cabin, there was a clear river. Beside the river, there was a white figure lying casually on his side. He held a grass root in the corner of his mouth, stirring it constantly, allowing the bitter taste to linger in his mouth.There is a fishing rod beside him, and the fishing line has already penetrated into the water, waiting for the big fish to take the bait.

"It seems that flowers are not flowers and fog is not fog, and the surging river can't stay."

That melodious singing came out of his mouth. He had a calm face and a smile on his face. His handsome face was dotted with those star-like eyes, which were deep and mysterious, making people want to peep into his deepest part. .


There was a slight ripple on the river surface, the fishing line swung suddenly, and the fishing rod placed on the grass quickly slipped towards the water.

"Big fish!"

He grinned, and grasped the fishing rod with his palm when it was about to slide out completely. With a light lift, the fishing line bounced out of the water, and a big fat fish about four fingers wide was attached to the bottom of the fishing line.


The big fish was in mid-air, constantly thumping, its mouth firmly hooked by the hook opened and closed, breathing the air in the environment that made him feel a little strange.

The young man in white lightly touched the grass with his fingertips, and a long weed shot out like an arrow, directly passing through the fish's mouth, and automatically tied a knot.

The fishhook also came out at the same time, and the moment the fishhook entered the water, a small insect had already passed through the body of the fishhook.

The fat fish that had been pierced by the weeds floated up in the air, just suspended in front of the young man, he smiled slightly, and held it in his hand.

"I'm sorry, I'll eat you today!"

The young man carried the fat fish and walked towards the direction of the cabin. The moment he left, a big rock suddenly flew up, pressing on the premonition left behind by him.

"Two wives, our dishes for today have arrived!"

The young man holds the fish in his hand, and his steps are slow, but he has a rhythm that follows the heaven and the earth.

"I caught it very quickly today, did you cheat?"

The stunningly beautiful woman with ice-blue hair ran to the side of the young man and hugged his arm very intimately.

"I'm also thinking, why is it so easy for you to fish every time, but it's so difficult for us?"

Another extremely beautiful woman smiled, took the fish in his hand, and said with a charming smile.

"Actually, I blame you for being restless!" The young man laughed, "Everything in the world has its own rules and laws. As long as you feel it with your heart, you will find that doing things is much simpler than usual."

The two girls looked thoughtful. This passage was too far away for them, and their realm was far from enough.

The young man hugged the two girls, and said with a smile: "Okay, wives, don't think about it, I'm hungry, hurry up and cook, okay?"

"You are the only one who is hungry!"

The two girls tapped lightly on his forehead, smiled coquettishly and entered the room.

The young man sat on a stone slab in front of the house door, lay down lightly, put his hands on the pillow, and looked at the boundless blue sky.

"five years"

He stretched out a palm to cover his face, and the sunlight penetrated through his fingers, forming several different beams of light.

"I don't know what that evil breath is!"

The young man recalled the cold and evil aura that he suddenly sensed a few days ago. If it was five years ago, he would have gone straight to the source of the aura without hesitation to find out what happened.But since he came here, he no longer has the feeling he had at the beginning. The ordinary and comfortable life made him not want to ask anything about the outside world, including his most cherished relatives.

He asked himself that before leaving, he had left the best things to them, even without himself, they could live well.In the past five years, seeing that his two wives were so happy, he felt that his decision was not wrong.

No one has found this place, and no one has discovered his whereabouts. He has lived quietly for five years without fighting or fighting.Give your own woman the most quiet and comfortable life.His promise, he sat down.

"I hope everyone in the alliance can handle it. These things have nothing to do with me!"

The young man smelled the fragrance of fish soup, and he sat up, forgetting all his worries and concerns.He is not a god, and it is impossible to do everything by himself.

He looked into the distance, where was the position of the Huoyun Empire, and gradually became fascinated.


The small door of the wooden house opened again, and a woman with ice-blue hair came out. Her gaze was fixed on the young man, and she did not move away for a long time.

"Should he really live such an ordinary and comfortable life? Is it wrong for us to let him live in seclusion with us?"

In the past five years, he accompanied them laughing and laughing, wandering among the mountains and fields, living a life of idle clouds and wild cranes. His face was always filled with a smile, and he had no dissatisfaction or rejection of all this.

But for some reason, she felt that he shouldn't be like this.

The young man withdrew his gaze and turned his head.

"Xuanxuan, is dinner ready?"

She recovered from her contemplation and smiled sweetly.

"Brother Xiao Yu, come and eat!"

(End of this chapter)

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