Chapter 63
Liu Mubai's face turned pale when he heard this, Nuo Nuo didn't speak.He is usually considered a man of the hour in the branch sect, and he can be arrogant based on this, but he is really afraid to face the younger generation of top figures in the Huoyun Empire.In particular, these people are bloodthirsty and easy to kill. If you fight with them, if you don't have the strength to match them, you will only lose.His elder brother Liu Muhei had already died, and the burden of the Liu family fell on him alone. If he died too, their Liu family would have no more incense, no more children.Although the Liu family is just an inconspicuous small family, but because of the appearance of Liu Mubai and Liu Muhei, the Liu family has risen in recent years, and many people have come to flatter them. With him and himself both dead, one can imagine the fate of the Liu family, it must fall from the clouds to the bottom of the valley.

"Hmph, so what about the sixteen sons of Tianzong, what about the top ten youth blood kills, we have a top fighter like Xiao Yu here."

I don't know who suddenly yelled, and everyone looked at it, it turned out to be Guo Li from the branch sect of Tianwu City.He continued with a blushing face: "Brother Xiao is here on this trip, how many dangers has he helped us resolve along the way? What are you all afraid of?"

Guo Li had already regarded Xiao Yu as an omnipotent existence in his heart, and everyone couldn't help comparing Xiao Yu with those top figures of the younger generation of the Fire Cloud Empire.

Xiao Yu didn't answer, he was also a little surprised by Guo Li's actions, he didn't expect Guo Li to respect him so much.Wu Runxiang gave Xiao Yu a meaningful look, since before he could not see through Xiao Yu.

"The most urgent thing is that we have to go through here. This cellar is forty or fifty feet long. We can't leap such a large distance at one time, and there is no place to climb around the wall. Unless we have a spiritual weapon, it was Lin Qing before. Bing urged the Xuanyue sword in Brother Xiao's hand to make it bigger in the air, and it became a bridge erected at both ends of the cellar before we can pass, but there is also a limit, and those who pass through reach a certain limit, and Xuanyue will be allowed to pass. Yuejian recovered as before, it was because the group of minions of Tianzong who passed with me were too many, which made Xuanyuejian shrink, we fell into a deep trap together, and Xuanyuejian was also lost Among them. Now that Lin Qingbing is not here, no one knows how to activate the Xuanyue Sword, so we may have to find another way if we want to go there."

Wu Runxiang glanced at this nightmarish cellar, and couldn't help but shudder.It was here that he nearly died.

"Yeah, how are we going to get there!"

"It's so wide we can't jump over it!"

At the end of the conversation, everyone had to face this big problem again. After much deliberation, there was no good solution. Could they all just wait here to die?

"Which one of you has the rope?"

Xiao Yu asked.

"I do have the rope in my backpack!"

Hearing this, Lin Feiyun opened his backpack and took out a bundle of hemp rope, which was seventy to eighty feet long when fully opened.

"That's easy to handle. You only need to put the rope on the top of the cellar, and someone at each end will hold the rope, and the rest of the people can step on the rope."

Xiao Yu nodded, fortunately there was a rope, otherwise he would have to use the most stupid way.

"But if you want to pull the rope up, someone has to go to the other end of the cellar first. Brother Xiao, can you go there?"

Lin Feiyun knew that Xiao Yu must have a solution.At this time Wu Runxiang also wanted to see what kind of abilities Xiao Yu had. Although he himself was rescued by Xiao Yu, he didn't know how far Xiao Yu had come.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu shook his head and said: "I won't go, I will stay here to pull the rope, and I will send a few people there first."

"Send someone there?"

Before Lin Feiyun could figure out Xiao Yu's intentions, he realized that he had been lifted up by Xiao Yu, and he was thrown out by Xiao Yu before he could even struggle.

"Brother Xiao, you!"

Lin Feiyun turned pale with fright and waved his arms in the air.

"Steady your body, you're about to fall to the ground."

Xiao Yu's voice came from behind, and Lin Feiyun noticed that there was already a solid floor beneath him.With one throw, Xiao Yu had already thrown him over a distance of more than 50 feet, and landed on the other side of the cellar.

Lin Feiyun stabilized his figure, turned over and fell down. Looking back, Xiao Yu and the others were standing on the other side of the cellar. Only then did he believe that he had really come.

"Catch the rope."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he flicked his arm, and the end of the hemp rope shot towards Lin Feiyun, but the speed was not very fast. Lin Feiyun took it in his hand very easily, and clenched one end, and Xiao Yu also clenched the other end. A hemp rope stretching seventy to eighty feet was stretched tight at the top of the cellar, forming a simple passage.

Wu Runxiang's pupils shrank, and his eyes were much wiser than everyone else's. You must know that if you want to throw a person a distance of several tens of feet, you must either use your vitality or rely on pure physical strength.But if he used vitality, the person receiving the force would definitely be injured. Seeing Lin Feiyun's appearance was not serious at all, then Xiao Yu must have used pure physical strength.

"His arm strength is so amazing?" Wu Runxiang sighed inwardly, "The person who can make Lin Qingbing remember him is really extraordinary."

Little did he know that Xiao Yu often fought with low-level spirit beasts of the first or second order with his bare hands in the spirit beast mountain range, and every day he carried huge boulders and stood under the waterfall to withstand the heavy pressure of Mount Tai. His physical strength was definitely far beyond ordinary people , The ability to resist blows is also first-class.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Seeing that everyone was still hesitating, Xiao Yu said coldly.

Liu Piaoxu stepped on the rope first, and walked over quickly, and the rest of them passed without exception. If this little trick of maintaining balance can stump them, then they really don't deserve to be a branch of the Duanyun sect door disciple.

Everyone had already passed, only Xiao Yu was left at the other end, everyone couldn't help looking back, they knew that Xiao Yu would definitely come over, but everyone was wondering how Xiao Yu would come over.

"Let's see how he does!"

Wu Runxiang fixed his eyes on Xiao Yu, wanting to see Xiao Yu's ability again. In fact, he is also Lin Qingbing's admirer, but because Li Qingfeng is always overwhelmed, he keeps his feelings buried in his heart, but this is not true. It means that he doesn't care about Lin Qingbing, and he has long wanted to meet Xiao Yu who Lin Qingbing often mentioned.

Xiao Yu trotted forward and threw the rope in his hand.The hemp rope kept a parallel height and slowly shot towards the other end of the cellar. Xiao Yu was a little bit in the air and was stepping on the hemp rope. When he stepped on the third time, he was only a few feet away from the other end of the cellar. He turned around in the air and landed firmly on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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