Chapter 64
Wu Runxiang opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.Of course he understands borrowing force, but every borrowing force must be a hard object with strong rebounding force. It is unheard of for someone like Xiao Yu to step on a soft hemp rope to borrow force, and he can borrow force so many times. It's a fantasy.

In fact, this is the method of breathing in the air that Xiao Yu has cultivated in the past three years. If there is a name, it will be the lightness skill in the martial arts TV series that Xiao Yu watched in his previous life. During this process, he must control his vitality to the extreme.

The rest of the people are better, after all, the scene of Xiao Yu's infinite leap in the sea of ​​flowers is still in their minds.

After Xiao Yu fell down, he pulled back part of the rope that had fallen into the cellar. These tools might be of great use in this mysterious and unpredictable field of the Emperor of War.

"Now I know why Lin Qingbing cares about you so much. Brother Xiao is indeed a dragon among men."

Wu Runxiang felt admiration for Xiao Yu from the bottom of his heart, he clasped his fists together and said.

"I think you misunderstood!"

Xiao Yu's expression was indifferent, without any fluctuation because of Lin Qingbing, which made Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo secretly relieved, it seemed that Xiao Yu didn't have any special feelings for Lin Qingbing.

Wu Runxiang frowned slightly, seeing Xiao Yu didn't seem to care about this matter at all, he couldn't help but admire again in his heart: "He actually dismissed a good thing that we couldn't even think of, and he really has a full personality."

"Let's go quickly, the sooner this trip ends, the better."

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he walked towards the exit first. He had a premonition that something bad would happen in the Warlord Domain.

Behind the palace this time is an underground passage, with layers of stone steps leading to an unknown place underground. There are more than 20 dark holes on the four walls of the passage, and there are more than [-] of them. Something else.

"Everyone be careful!"

Lin Feiyun reminded.

The crowd didn't need his reminder, they were all very vigilant, and walked forward step by step in a group of three or five.The steps are very slippery and you will fall to the ground if you are not careful.

"Is it water?"

Xiao Yu looked down at pools of crystal clear liquid, it was indeed water.

"It seems that water has flowed here before, which is strange!"

Xiao Yu took two steps, as if thinking of something, he suddenly raised his head to look at the openings above, his expression changed slightly.

"Could it be that?"

Xiao Yu focused his eyes, he had already heard the slight sound of water flowing, and it was getting louder and louder, the whole passage was trembling.Everyone felt such a change, the sound of the rushing water was close at hand, they seemed to have thought of something, and looked up.

Huge jets of water suddenly shot out from those pitch-black holes, impacting on everyone, a huge stream of water formed in the channel almost instantly, overwhelming the sky, Xiao Yu reacted very quickly, the moment he heard the sound of water flowing, he He had already grabbed Yang Xiruo's shoulders and lifted her up, jumping up.

The rest of the people were not so lucky, they were all caught in the water and rushed down the stairs.Xiao Yu hugged Yang Xiruo and stepped forward on the surface of the water, the benefits of lightness kung fu were revealed again.


Yang Xiruo hugged Xiao Yu's neck tightly, secretly afraid, if Xiao Yu hadn't mentioned her in time just now, she would have been involved in the current now, regardless of danger, just being soaked all over her body would make her There was a feeling of discomfort.

Xiao Yuheng hugged Yang Xiruo step by step out of the passage on the surface of the water, and there was a huge lake in front of his eyes. There was a small island in the center of the lake, and there was only land there.

Xiao Yu touched lightly on the water, even though he was hugging Yang Xiruo, it didn't affect his figure at all, and soon he stepped on the water surface of tens of feet and landed on the small island.

"Here, where is it? Why is there so much water?"

Yang Xiruo looked at the wide lake around him, the water was blue and bottomless.If it wasn't for the wall in the distance, she would almost have thought that this was the sea, and they were on an isolated island.

"It turns out that the water flow in the channel finally converges here, so they should be fine!"

Xiao Yu looked at the surface of the water, and sure enough, many heads appeared one after another. It was Lin Feiyun, Yang Xiruo, and Wu Runxiang. The current did not cause any harm to them, but washed them into the lake.

When Liu Piaoxu saw Yang Xiruo and Xiao Yu on the isolated island, she felt sad.

"In the tunnel, he chose to save Yang Xiruo. Sure enough, my position in his heart is not as good as Yang Xiruo's?"

Thinking of this, Liu Piaoxu almost shed tears, but she still held back and swam slowly towards the island.


More than 30 people were swimming in the water. Yang Xiruo couldn't help but chuckle when he saw this scene.Xiao Yu was looking for the exit here, and sure enough there was a square passage at the edge of the lake.

"That should be the exit." Xiao Yu thought to himself, "But it shouldn't be so simple here, be careful."

When entering the passage, Liu Mubai was the last one, and after being sucked into the water, he surfaced again. He naturally swam behind the crowd. He was not very good at swimming, and he felt very uneasy in the water. But he didn't notice a huge ripple on the water behind him, and a black shadow looming.

Liu Mubai, who was swimming, suddenly felt something entangled around his waist, and this force made him unable to breathe, and his whole body was dragged into the water, leaving only a few air bubbles.The rest of the people didn't notice this, they all just knew that swimming to the island to rest first was the business.

"Huchi! Huchi!"

All the people who swam to the island were panting heavily. They seldom swam in the water, and the distance of several tens of feet was really exhausting for them.

"Everyone is fine, great!"

Lin Feiyun breathed a sigh of relief, and began to wring his clothes. Anyone who was wet would feel uncomfortable.Many men also took off their upper body clothes and twisted them again and again, which made Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo close their eyes in embarrassment, and everyone laughed dryly.

"Huh? What is this?"

Wang Xiu, the second-ranked sect of Tianwu City, saw a pile of black furry things on the shallow water beach next to the island, which seemed to be a pile of hair, and he stretched out his hand.


Wang Xiu threw the thing in his hand, and fell to the ground in fright. The thing happened to fall beside Yang Xiruo. She turned her head to look, and almost fainted from fright. It turned out to be a human head swollen and pale from the water.

Xiao Yu patted Yang Xiruo's shoulder to calm her down, but Yang Xiruo threw herself into his arms and held him tightly, only then could she calm down a little.

Wu Runxiang looked at the head, and immediately gasped.

"It turned out to be Chen Xing?"

(End of this chapter)

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