Chapter 652 Warmth

In the Skull Mountain thousands of miles away, the undead soldiers who were recuperating suddenly felt their hearts jump, and a sharp pain hit everyone's body.

The three dead generals of the undead army were also stunned for a moment, and they knelt directly on the ground. The bursting veins showed how painful they were now.

"Ah! How is it possible, how is it possible?"

The three generals have inherited a lot of the power of the undead king, and they have the closest connection with the undead king. Just a moment ago, they clearly felt the weakened vitality of the undead king.

The emergence of this kind of situation indicates that the king of the undead was severely injured by others. Thousands of years ago, when the king of the undead was pursued by the Panlong war emperor and the blood evil emperor, they also felt such pain.

But now it is different from thousands of years ago, where in the Shenwu Continent is there any existence that can threaten the peak state of the undead king?But now the bone-deep pain is an undeniable fact.Each of their undead soldiers is enduring that great pain.

"The king is in danger, what should we do?"

The three looked at each other, but none of them could do anything.They don't know where the undead king is now, and the person who can severely injure the undead king is obviously powerful, and the three of them are not enough to see.

"Damn it, who on earth can seriously injure my king?"

The three of them were thinking viciously, and apart from being frightened and angry, a trace of fear also arose from the depths of their undead souls.Who is the one that even the king of the undead can't match?

"and many more!"

They suddenly thought of a person whom the Undead King had mentioned.

"Could it be the Aotian Kuangshen that Wang once mentioned that we should pay special attention to?"

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but gasp, and an extreme sense of frustration welled up spontaneously.

Thousands of years ago, when they thought they were invincible, they encountered two peak masters, the Panlong War Emperor and the Blood Fiend Evil Emperor. Thousands of years later, they returned to the mainland, but unexpectedly, there was still a mad god who was proud of the sky.

Is it God's destiny that they will not be able to get what they want?

Xiao Yu's palms were slowly clenched, and the feeling of surging power washed over his heart that hadn't throbbed for a long time.An unprecedented feeling came to my heart.


Xiao Yu muttered these two words, and was in a daze for a while, not knowing what he was thinking.


"Little Feather!"

"Hero Xiao!"

"Xiao Yu!"

Xiao Haoyun, Xiao Yun, Xiao Xuri, Long Xiu, Long Xiaotian, Succubus, Elder Huali, Zhan Wang and other experts from the alliance all surrounded them.

Xiao Yu turned his head, looked at these familiar faces, and smiled again.

"Everyone, long time no see!"

Thousands of words, after all, turned into this sentence.

"Yu'er, you're finally back!"

Xiao Haoyun couldn't help but hugged Xiao Yu, this son whom he hadn't seen for a long time, finally came back, when they needed him most, he still came.

No matter where he goes or where he lives, the people here are still what he cares about after all, as long as they are in danger, he will never stand idly by.


Xiao Yu nodded and looked at Xiao Yun and Xiao Xuri.

"Brother, when did you leave the hidden space?"

At the beginning, he broke into the hidden space in order to find Xiao Yun, and by accident, he helped the four major families in the hidden space solve a huge disaster left by their ancestors.

After that, Xiao Yun stayed in the hidden family to practice. Now, after five years, he saw that Xiao Yun's aura had already reached the second level of the God-shattering Realm, which was indeed extremely fast.

"I also just arrived in the alliance not long ago. When I heard the news that you lived in seclusion, I was really shocked for a while. You are too mean, and you didn't notify me when you left. Let us people wait!"

Although Xiao Yun said so, he didn't mean to blame him at all. He and Xiao Yu brothers are deeply in love, and now they can see each other again, and they are really very emotional.

After mingling with the rest of the people for a while, he turned his head and looked behind the crowd, where there were two beautiful figures standing quietly, for some reason, Xiao Yu was afraid to look at them both.

Liu Piaoxu and Yang Xiruo wanted to rush towards Xiao Yu like everyone else, but they stopped after taking a step.

Xiao Yu's gaze finally came over, the two of them looked at the familiar handsome face, mist was already surging in their eyes.

"Are you... all right?"

Xiao Yu walked up to the two of them and said in embarrassment.He really didn't know what to say.Facing the two of them, he really felt guilty. He had already noticed the second daughter's thoughts towards her, and he didn't know how he felt about the two daughters, so when he lived in seclusion, he didn't go to see her. They just wrote a letter and asked someone to forward it.

Now that they meet again five years later, he still hasn't changed much, but the two girls are no longer the little girls who were unknown before, and now they have grown into top masters who can stand on their own.

"You bastard"

Tears flashed in Yang Xiruo's eyes, she was about to scold Xiao Yu, but Liu Piaoxu by the side made a move that surprised her.

Even Xiao Yu couldn't react to this move.

Liu Piaoxu took a step forward and directly bumped into Xiao Yu's arms, clasping his hands around his waist.

Xiao Yu was stunned, he was at a loss for what to do in the face of the smelling fragrance.Liu Piaoxu has always had that gentle and pleasant appearance, and has always accompanied him quietly, like a soft breeze, making him feel very comfortable and free from pressure.

The Liu Piaoxu he knew rarely made such overly explicit movements, but now, he truly felt Liu Piaoxu's fiery desire to see through his body.

"No matter where you are going, in the future, don't go for so long, and don't let me miss you again, okay?"

Liu Piaoxu hugged Xiao Yu tightly, her words were already crying, her body was still shaking violently.

She was really scared. She was worried that she would never see Xiao Yu again, hear his voice, see his back, and see his shocking fight again.

"Piaoxu, you."

Xiao Yu felt bitter in his heart, why didn't he know Liu Piaoxu's love for him?But he already has Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan, he really doesn't know whether this will be good or bad for them.

"Xiao Yu, promise me?"

Liu Piaoxu raised his head, Xiao Yu's heart trembled violently with that pitiful teary-eyed woman, and he couldn't hesitate any longer, he stretched out his hand and hugged Liu Piaoxu tightly into his arms.

"Piaoxu, I promise you!"

Hearing Xiao Yu's answer, Liu Piaoxu's heart had already melted into a puddle of spring water. She quietly lay on Xiao Yu's shoulder, feeling Xiao Yu's powerful arm.

What about the army of undead, what about the survival of the continent, these have all been forgotten by her.

(End of this chapter)

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