Chapter 653 Escape
"Piaoxu, I promise you!"

For the first time, Xiao Yu put aside other worries and embraced Liu Piaoxu in his arms.His feelings for Liu Piaoxu will never be as pure as just friends.

A long time ago, Liu Piaoxu was the woman he was most attracted to. When the Duanyun faction branched out, Liu Piaoxu had always been his dream lover. He really wanted to take Liu Piaoxu as his own.

After being framed by Liu Piaoxu, his view of Liu Piaoxu has changed a lot, and he has developed disgust.Liu Piaoxu's irresponsible actions caused him great harm.

Later, when they met again in Death Canyon, he didn't feel any hatred towards Liu Piaoxu in his heart. Along the way, Liu Piaoxu had unconsciously occupied a very important position in his heart.

Even so, the two have always kept a distance, never confiding in each other's thoughts, never crossing the threshold, but now Liu Piaoxu expresses their love so clearly.

As a woman, she dared to be so bold, and Xiao Yu stood upright, so what was there to be afraid of?He believed that Lin Qingbing and Ao Zixuan would not blame him, after all, for the past five years, the two girls fell asleep every night until they were exhausted, and sometimes even passed out.

Xiao Yu's physique is too strong, and his body is in peak condition.The two girls used to joke about asking Xiao Yu to bring back a few more sisters.

Although Xiao Yu didn't know whether the words were in their hearts, but he had already decided that he would not give up on Liu Piaoxu.This woman whose heart is tied to him now is worth cherishing for her life.

Liu Piaoxu huddled in Xiao Yu's arms like this, enjoying the warm and powerful embrace to the fullest, this feeling made her intoxicated.

"You just agreed to Sister Piaoxu, what about me? You also have to promise that you won't leave me alone in the future."

With a slightly sore nose, Yang Xiruo stepped forward and lightly reprimanded Xiao Yu.She also wanted to get rid of Xiao Yu's sudden disappearance in the past few years without hearing from her.

"Xiruo, why don't you."

When it comes to the only person Xiao Yu doesn't feel, Yang Xiruo is the only one.For Yang Xiruo, he has always treated him like a younger sister, and he has never had any other thoughts, because Yang Xiruo is Yang Shucheng's final entrustment, and he treats her like a treasure. Who would want to be a lover with his treasure? ?
"What? Sister Piaoxu, you can promise, so you can't promise me? At the beginning, you promised my father to take good care of me. Look, except when you showed up when I was in danger, when did you show up at other times? Ever? Even left a letter and left, you said, are you worthy of my father's deathbed instructions?"

Seeing Xiao Yu's expression, Yang Xiruo immediately felt aggrieved.It seemed that he had accepted all the girls around Xiao Yu, but he didn't give him a chance, how could she bear it?

"Xiruo, it's my fault!"

When it comes to this matter, Xiao Yu is full of guilt. When it comes to taking care of him, he has indeed saved Yang Xiruo from danger several times, but he has never cared about Yang Xiruo's life, even Yang Xiruo's favorite food. I don't know any favorite colors.

"Since you know, why don't you treat me better? My father told you to take good care of me, so you should let me stay by your side, otherwise how do you know if I'm doing well?"

Yang Xiruo stepped up his verbal offensive when he saw that Xiao Yu was already showing shame.Regardless of whether Xiao Yu likes her or not, she must make Xiao Yu promise not to leave her suddenly again today. Even as a younger sister, she is willing to follow Xiao Yu all the time.

"Yes, it's my fault!"

Xiao Yu pulled Liu Piaoxu aside, and slowly reached out to Yang Xiruo with his other hand, rubbing her hair.

"Xiruo, don't worry, I will take good care of you in the future!"

Xiao Yu said softly.

Yang Xiruo's eyes were full of mist, and he whispered softly: "Brother Xiao, you have to keep your word."

"Don't worry girl!"

Xiao Yu showed a slight smile, Yang Xiruo looked at Xiao Yu's handsome and unparalleled face, and was infatuated for a moment.

There was a burst of booing from below the alliance, and some people even blew whistles. They all sighed inwardly: "As expected of Hero Xiao, the arrogant and mad god. When he came here, he was entangled with two stunning beauties."

The bosses of the alliance who stand in the sky also have weird faces. Xiao Yu is not only admirably powerful, but also his ability to make beauties fall into his arms is beyond compare.Just after returning to the alliance, there were two beauties hugging left and right.

Xiao Yu also noticed the weird expressions on everyone's face. He coughed dryly and turned to the pothole below.


His eyes suddenly focused, and he had let go of Yang Xiruo and Liu Piaoxu, and rushed into the bottomless dark pit.


Xiao Yu had already fallen to the bottom in an instant, but he didn't notice anything there.Not even a trace of breath left.

"How could this be?"

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, secretly thinking that he was careless.He has full confidence in his combo moves. In his opinion, even if he can't directly kill the king of undead, he can also make him incapacitated. However, he still underestimated the uniqueness of the king of undead.


Just when everyone was wondering, Xiao Yu appeared again in the sky of the alliance, and everyone surrounded him.

"Hero Xiao, what's wrong?"

Xiao Yu looked at the crowd and said apologetically, "Blame me, I'm a little careless. I didn't expect this undead king to be so weird, and he could escape after being hit hard like me."

"Ran away?"

Everyone was shocked, they were all amazed by Xiao Yu's powerful attack before, and they didn't expect that the undead king not only survived, but also escaped from here.

"This battle, it seems, is not over yet!"

Long Xiu sighed, but the seriousness on his face had long since disappeared. With Xiao Yu here, even if the king of the undead came back, they would be able to feel at ease without fear.

In today's battle, Aotian Kuangshen once again showed his unparalleled fighting power. Even the king of the undead thousands of years ago, he had no choice but to bow down.

"Let's go everyone, I haven't seen you for a long time, let's all go get together!"

Xiao Yu never thought of chasing him. If the Undead King still has the strength to escape, then there is no point in chasing him. He believes that the Undead King himself will come to him soon.

"Yu'er, there is something I think you must understand!"

At this moment, Xiao Haoyun took a step forward and said in a low voice.

Seeing Xiao Haoyun's appearance, Xiao Yu was taken aback for a moment. He just returned to the alliance today, Xiao Haoyun's reaction should be very excited, and now he should go to the banquet with joy, but after he was happy, he showed such a heavy expression, This matter is definitely not simple.

(End of this chapter)

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