Chapter 679

The golden light penetrated the space and came over the alliance in an instant. The tyrannical pressure made all the masters of the alliance almost collapse.

Xiao Yu focused his eyes, stomped the soles of his feet, and soared into the sky.


The golden light gushed out, and a huge fist stretched out from the golden light, and blasted towards Xiao Yu.

"Who is this person?"

Xiao Yu was horrified in his heart, the fluctuations from the golden light giant fist were much stronger than that of the undead king.And this attack is definitely aimed at him alone, the power has already locked the space he is in.

Without time to think about it, Xiao Yu let out a low cry, and swung his right fist suddenly.

"Powerful Punch!"

The azure blue divine power surged out like a torrent, and the powerful punch tore through the void, shattering all the space.

Two fists of different colors collided in one place, only a loud bang was heard, and the destructive power spread in a parallel direction to the void farther away. move.


Xiao Yu withdrew his fist, his right arm was still trembling, the force of this punch was really too terrifying.He fixed his eyes, looked at the bright golden light group ahead that looked like the sun was burning, and was ready to fight with all his strength.

No matter who this person is, if you want to take action against the alliance, you must pass him first.

"Haha, brother Xiao, I haven't seen you for five years, you really amaze me more and more!"

A hearty laughter suddenly came from within the golden light, Xiao Yu was startled for a moment, he was very familiar with this voice.


The golden light group suddenly changed into five-colored colors, and the five-colored light continued to fly around, and the light group gradually dissipated.

A handsome young man in a white robe appeared in the sky. At first glance, he and Xiao Yu had somewhat similar auras, but the rest of the two were completely different.

He wore a simple ring on the middle finger of his right hand, with one hand behind his back, looking like a master.He was looking at Xiao Yu with a smile.

Xiao Yu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Haha, I don't know who is so powerful, so it's Brother Yun."

Xiao Yu didn't know Xiaoyao Yuntian's surname, he traversed the void and punched Xiaoyao Yuntian's chest.

"Brother Xiao, stay safe and sound!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian clasped his fists at Xiao Yu, as if he hadn't seen him for a long time.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Brother Yun seems to be having a good time!"

Xiao Yu also clasped his fists in return, and the two world's greatest geniuses slowly fell from the sky.

Everyone in the Alliance breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Yuntian's boss, it turned out to be a false alarm.

Just now, Xiaoyao Yuntian's attack was just to test Xiao Yu. After five years, he was also very curious about how far Xiao Yu's strength had reached.

The punch just now was not his strongest attack, but the ordinary fifth level of Yuanshen Realm would definitely not be able to catch it, but Xiao Yu not only followed it, but also did not take half a step back, and he was not injured at all. Obviously Xiao Yu's The strength is far beyond the fifth level of Yuanshen Realm.

Xiaoyao Yuntian's complexion was a bit complicated. When he first met Xiao Yu in the Nine Heavens Thunder Prison, the latter was just a small broken god, and the gap with him was huge, but after more than five years, the gap between Xiao Yu and him was getting bigger and bigger. The smaller he was, the more he felt that the world was full of wonders.

Ever since he met Xiao Yu, he has never felt that any younger generation can match his talent, even if it is as strong as Sanctuary, there is no one among the younger generation that he is too afraid of.But after seeing Xiao Yu, he just realized that he is not the only genius who shocks the world in this world.Xiao Yu is obviously another one, compared to him, it seems to be even more so.

"Hero of the sky!"

Everyone in the alliance came to pay respects to Yuntian. Five years ago, Yuntian killed Xiao Cangsheng, which helped the alliance a lot. When fighting against "Dark Prison", he even sent Xiu Yun, a god-breaking master, to help the alliance. The alliance has a great favor and can definitely afford them a gift.

"You are welcome!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian clasped his fists in return to everyone, he didn't put his hands down until everyone raised their heads.

"Brother Yun, why did you suddenly come to the alliance?"

Xiao Yu realized that it was not easy for Yuntian to come to the alliance. Except for special things, it is almost impossible for Yuntian to come to Shenwu Continent.

He suddenly appeared here, obviously something important happened.

"Brother Xiao, I'm here to tell you something, it's very important to you!"

The smile on Xiaoyao Yuntian's face restrained a little, and he said to Xiao Yu.

"Something that is very important to me?" Xiao Yu was startled, and then he was startled, "Could it be"

Xiaoyao Yuntian nodded and said: "It seems that brother Xiao has already guessed it, yes, I came here to tell you the whereabouts of your mother."


Xiao Haoyun on the side heard these words, his eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Yuntian with horror.They have been searching for Han Bicui's body for many days, almost day and night, but because there is no news, Han Bicui's body seems to have evaporated from the world, and no one can provide a trace of valuable clues .

Xiao Yu frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Yun, please don't hesitate to let me know."

Xiaoyao Yuntian was silent for a moment, and then said: "The thing is like this."

He told how Xiaoyao Wuying took Han Bicui from Shenwu Continent, and now Han Bicui's situation.

Xiao Yu and Xiao Haoyun's eyes opened wider and wider, not only them, when they heard that Han Bicui had been resurrected, everyone exclaimed at the same time.

Especially Xiao Haoyun, he couldn't believe his ears. He searched hard for many years but never found the method or medicine to revive Han Bicui, but now it was done by someone?Han Bicui, is she really resurrected?

"Brother Yun, did you really witness this incident with your own eyes?"

Xiao Yu was stunned for a long time, but he still couldn't believe it.After all, when he was in the ancestral land of the Xiao family, Xiao Changlin once told him clearly that resurrection is against the sky, and such medicines have disappeared in ancient times. He believes that Xiao Changlin will not lie to him, but Xiaoyao Yuntian in front of him is also his He was a life-and-death friend, let alone joke about his mother.

He realized that his mother, Han Bicui, had really been resurrected.

"Brother Xiao, don't you believe what I said?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian understood Xiao Yu's current mood very well, if he encountered such a thing, he would feel extremely absurd.


Xiao Haoyun swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and walked slowly towards Xiaoyao Yuntian step by step.

"Hero Yuntian, my wife, is she really resurrected?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian panicked suddenly, Xiao Haoyun is Xiao Yu's father, and he and Xiao Yu are good brothers, so it is naturally impossible for Xiao Haoyun to call him a hero.

He supported Xiao Haoyun who was trembling, and said in a low voice: "Uncle, aunt is indeed resurrected, I saw it with my own eyes."

Xiao Haoyun's body shook violently, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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