Chapter 680
"Resurrected, she really came back to life! Haha, haha!"

Xiao Haoyun raised his head, tears flowed from his eyes uncontrollably, he had been waiting for this day for nearly 15 years.

When Han Bicui died, Xiao Yu was just eight years old, and now Xiao Yu is 23 years old.A child grows up to be an indomitable hero, but his mother has no way to open her eyes to take a look. She sleeps forever and sleeps peacefully.

He has been looking for a way to revive Han Bicui, and even cooperated with the "dark prison". He was bewitched and controlled by Xiao Cangsheng. He was finally liberated outside the ancestral land of the Xiao family in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but at the same time he was also brought by Xiao Yu. The news came back: Han Bicui could not be revived.

When he learned of this, he really felt that life had lost its meaning, but because of Xiao Yu, he stood up tenaciously, suppressed the grief in his heart, and put Han Bicui in the deepest part of his heart.

But now the news brought by Xiaoyao Yuntian clearly told him that Han Bicui was resurrected, that Han Bicui really came back to life.

He couldn't control his emotions and wept with joy. Nothing could make him happier than this news.Even at the cost of his life, he wanted to resurrect Han Bicui, but now they seemed to have lost nothing, and Han Bicui was resurrected.

Xiao Yu stood aside, frowning. Han Bicui's body was stolen. He never knew who did it. He never expected that it was the Eastern Royal Family of the Sanctuary.

He had never heard of the Eastern Royal family, and he didn't know how strong the Eastern Royal family was, but judging from Xiaoyao Yuntian's attitude, the Eastern Royal family was obviously a behemoth-like existence.

What surprised Xiao Yu the most was that his mother, Han Bicui, was actually the biological sister of Donghuang Wuying, the Patriarch of the Eastern Royal Family, and he was actually related by blood to the Eastern Royal Family.

"Brother Yun!" Xiao Yu said with emotion, "The news you brought me today really surprised me, even more surprising than the 20 years I have lived."

Xiaoyao Yuntian spread his hands and looked helpless: "Brother Xiao, when I saw your mother in the East Royal Palace, I was no less surprised than you are now. I also can't understand this matter. I know what method the Eastern Royal Family used to bring Auntie back to life."

Speaking of this, Xiaoyao Yuntian suddenly remembered the look in the eyes of Emperor Xiaoyao telling him to rush to Shenwu Continent immediately.He knew his father well, Emperor Xiaoyao had always been a wise man with deep plans and plans, and he had his own plans in every move, so he must have calculated something for letting himself come to Xiao Yu so quickly.

He didn't know what Emperor Xiaoyao's plan was, but he could be sure that this matter must have a great relationship with the Eastern Royal.

The relationship between Xiaoyao's family and the Eastern Royal family is delicate. Although the two families do not have a big fight on the surface, they both want to overwhelm each other in private. The Emperor Xiaoyao must have noticed something about Han Bicui.

"Brother Xiao, what are your plans next?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian broke away from his thoughts and asked Xiao Yu.

"Plan?" Xiao Yu's eyes were extremely firm, "Of course I'm going to the sanctuary to find my mother. No one can stop her from meeting me. Whoever stops me will be my enemy."

Hearing the cold and murderous aura in Xiao Yu's words, Xiaoyao Yuntian's heart was shocked. He didn't know what kind of attitude the Eastern Royal Family had towards Han Bicui. Meeting with Han Bicui, with Xiao Yu's temperament, he will definitely not let it go, and it will definitely be extremely troublesome if the two sides start fighting.

He himself is Xiao Yu's life-and-death friend, so he should help each other, but the Eastern Royal Family is his future natal family. In this way, he is in a dilemma, and he can only help each other.Such an ending was the last thing he wanted to see.

"Brother Xiao, I have to remind you of something!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian said in a deep voice: "Auntie seems to be a little bit wrong now. He has almost no impression of you and uncle. At least when I was with her, I never heard her mention you two."


Xiao Yu frowned, and said coldly: "Did the Eastern Royal Family do something to my mother?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, but no matter what the situation is, you must be mentally prepared. The resurrection of my aunt is an incredible thing, and it is normal if there are any sequelae."

"I see!"

Xiao Yu's gaze sank slightly, and from Xiaoyao Yuntian's tone, he heard a hint of relaxation, as if Xiaoyao Yuntian didn't want him to really conflict with the Eastern Royal.

"Father, calm down, you are the leader of the alliance, the army of undead may come at any time, you have to calmly command the battle."

Xiao Yu walked to Xiao Haoyun's side, put a hand on his shoulder, and said softly. ,


Xiao Haoyun took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. If the alliance had something to deal with now, he really wanted to fly to the East Royal Palace to meet Han Bicui immediately.

"Oh? The undead army is coming?"

Xiaoyao Yuntian's eyes lit up when he heard the news.

"It seems that Brother Yun is also very interested in this!"

Xiao Yu smiled slightly, and started chatting with Yun Tian, ​​that kind of chatting and laughing, without the slightest sense of tension to deal with the big battle.

The tense bodies of the rest of the alliance's masters relaxed. Xiao Yu's presence already made them not have too much worry, but now there is another Xiaoyao Yuntian with the same unfathomable strength. It's like they have two soul masters. I don't know what the expression of the undead king will be when he sees this scene.


The crisp sound of bones colliding rang out around Lansimogao Empire. Skeletons were emerging from the ground. The moment they stood completely on the ground, the bodies of the skeletons were covered with a layer of flesh and blood, no different from ordinary people.

The undead king and the three generals stood at the forefront of these undead soldiers, staring coldly at the superpower in front of them.

Today, they will trample this place into ruins.Destruction is the mission of their undead.

"I really want to see how much the Lansimogao Empire can withstand our impact!"

As soon as the undead king waved, the remaining eighteen undead all attacked one after another. Eighteen tyrannical attacks swept across the sky and hit the outermost city wall of the Lancemogao Empire.


A blue light descended from the sky, blocking all those attacks. At the same time, countless piercing sounds sounded, and dozens of people appeared in the sky instantly.

The king of the undead raised his head, with monstrous hatred in his eyes.

"Xiao Yu, you are finally here!"

(End of this chapter)

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