Chapter 69
Hearing this, Wu Runxiang and the others frowned. Except for Lu Changtian who was beheaded by Xiao Yu before, none of the sixteen sons of the sect was lost. There were only five of the top ten masters left. Li Qingfeng seemed to have been severely injured at this time. Compared with Duanyun faction, there were only four with full combat strength, and he couldn't help but secretly anxious.

"Mo Yun, don't hurt Lin Qingbing, I will take her back and make her submit to me, leaving no one behind."

A voice that sounded incomparably plain made the Moyun extremely respectful.

Mo Yun said: "Don't worry, brother."

Lin Qingbing felt miserable. Although they had their own arrogance, the number and strength of the other party were not something they could compete with. The sixteen sons of Tianzong were all super strong, and the weakest one was also at the seventh level of the Broken Yuan Realm, ranking second Mo Yun is an expert at the ninth level of the Shattered Yuan Realm. Li Qingfeng is also at the ninth level of the Shattered Yuan Realm, but he was quickly defeated in the confrontation with this person. I am afraid that Mo Yun has already half-stepped on the peak of the Shattered Yuan Realm, and there is still a There was a head of the sixteen sons of Tianzong who had never made a move, and that was the strongest person on Tianzong's side. Before this battle was fought, Lin Qingbing knew that there was no victory.

"Is it really going to end with hatred today?"

Lin Qingbing sighed secretly, knowing that this matter would never be resolved.The three people behind her are also the top generation of Duanyun Sect's main sect, and they are also sweating at this time.

The atmosphere in the hall was tense, and the sixteenth son of Tianzong would attack at any time. Lin Qingbing and others were already on alert, vowing to fight to the death.

Unexpectedly, an extremely cold voice came from the passage behind them at this time. Compared with Mo Yun's coldness, this person's cold tone seemed to hit people's hearts more directly.

"Li Qingfeng can't let you kill him."

The 20 people on the field looked back one after another, and saw a young man with some water stains on his body walking slowly, every step seemed to hit everyone's heart, with a peculiar rhythm.He has an incomparably handsome appearance, with an elegant aura exuding from his whole body, but those deep eyes cast a cold gaze like ten thousand years of black ice, it is Xiao Yu.

"Why does this person feel familiar?"

Lin Qingbing looked at Xiao Yu, and a strange feeling flashed in her heart, but she couldn't remember where she had seen this person before.Behind Xiao Yu, Wu Runxiang led the sect's team up, quite powerful.The sixteen sons of Tianzong were all shocked. Could it be that the Duanyun faction still has backup?

Xiao Yu glanced at Lin Qingbing. She has changed a lot in the past three years. The youthfulness she had in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range has long since faded away. Her purple and black robe outlines her moving and graceful curves. The picky and pretty face is free of makeup, the earlobes are pink, the small mouth is full of seductiveness when opening and closing, and the pair of slender and round thighs are infinitely imaginative. No wonder she can make countless young heroes of the Fire Cloud Empire flock to her.

"Wu Runxiang? Are you alive?"

Lin Qingbing and others were taken aback when they saw Wu Runxiang, and then said pleasantly.

Wu Runxiang nodded with a smile, pointed at Xiao Yu and said, "It's only because of Brother Xiao that I can see you again."

Lin Qingbing and the others looked at Xiao Yu one after another, but Xiao Yu's icy gaze was only on Li Qingfeng. Li Qingfeng also noticed a trace of familiarity in Xiao Yu's gaze, and his heart shivered.

"Brother Xiao?"

Lin Qingbing frowned slightly, and was thinking about where she had seen this person, but Liu Piaoxu handed a sword to Lin Qingbing.

"Xuanyue Sword?"

Lin Qingbing looked at the sword in front of her in surprise, took it, and gently stroked the blade, seeming to love it.

"You are Liu Piaoxu from the branch sect of Diling City, I remember you! Thank you for helping me get back the Xuanyue Sword!"

Lin Qingbing excitedly grabbed Liu Piaoxu's hand and said gratefully.

The excitement in Liu Piaoxu's heart was no less than hers, he didn't expect that Lin Qingbing would still remember her.

"You don't need to thank me, in fact, he was the one who helped you get back the sword!"

Liu Piaoxu pointed at Xiao Yu again.

Lin Qingbing couldn't help staring at Xiao Yu again, but there was a hint of doubt on her face, but she didn't know that everyone was more puzzled than her. From Wu Runxiang, Lin Qingbing often mentioned Xiao Yu, but why is Xiao Yu not seeing her now that she is close to her eyes? The expression of old friends meeting.

"Could it be that Xiao Yu and brother Xiao that Lin Qingbing was talking about are not the same person?"

Wu Runxiang thought to himself, and the others were also guessing secretly in their hearts.

Mo Yun looked at the sudden increase in the number of Duanyun faction, and his eyes were fixed. He didn't pay attention to the others, and only Xiao Yu was the one who made him pay attention. He didn't notice any amazing aura on Xiao Yu, but Years of experience told him that this kind of person is often the most dangerous, and some people with special skills and physique can indeed hide their own strength.

"Who is your Excellency? I have never heard of Duanyun faction and such a person as your Excellency."

Mo Yun asked, with a cautious tone.

"Sixteen sons of Tianzong? It seems that you are indeed on the same level as Lu Changtian."

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but sneered.

"Old sixteen? You have seen my sixteenth brother?"

Mo Yun turned a deaf ear to Xiao Yu's mocking tone, but asked calmly.At the beginning, Lu Changtian led two retainers alone to stop a branch of the Duanyun Sect, but since then there has been no news, and now he is anxious to learn about Lu Changtian's whereabouts from Xiao Yu.

"He has already been buried in the ground, you probably won't be able to wait for him."

Xiao Yu's voice was calm, but it was like a heavy bomb exploding in the hall, especially the fifteen sons of Tianzong glared at him. Originally, they had already guessed a little about Lu Changtian's disappearance, but now Xiao Yu said it himself. Tell them that Lu Changtian is dead.

"Who did it? If you don't tell me the answer today, I will let you live or die."

Mo Yun's cautious appearance at the beginning has long since disappeared. Now, like a wild beast that chooses to eat people, his eyes are wide open and he is glaring at Xiao Yu. Except for the first son of Tianzong who looks calm and calm, the rest The thirteen sons also stared at Xiao Yu coldly, waiting for his answer.Although the sixteen sons of Tianzong usually have a lot of competition, they will definitely work together when they are outside, and they have always prospered and lost.

"I killed it, if you don't accept it, then shoot!"

Xiao Yu's words stunned Lin Qingbing and the others. They never expected Xiao Yu to answer so simply. Could it be that he doesn't know the situation on the field?Moreover, Xiao Yu also said such arrogant words as "if you are not convinced, take action over there", even Li Qingfeng, the strongest on your side, lost the battle, why is Xiao Yu still so strong?Could it be that he is stronger than Li Qingfeng?

"you wanna die!"

Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Mo Yun struck out angrily, a blood-red palm print descended from the sky, and hit Xiao Yu directly.


Lin Qingbing didn't know why, but she didn't want to see the young man she saw "for the first time" get hurt, so she couldn't help reminding her aloud, but she was far away, and it was too late for her to help, and Moyun's palm would surely She has used all her strength, and even if she makes a move, she probably won't be able to take it.

(End of this chapter)

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