Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 70 The First Son of Tianzong, the Son of Heaven

Chapter 70 The First Son of Tianzong, the Son of Heaven

Xiao Yu sneered, and punched flatly, right in the center of the palm print.


Originally, Lin Qingbing and the others imagined that Xiao Yu vomited blood and flew back, or the scene where his wrist was broken did not appear, but Xiao Yu's fist strangely pierced through the palm print taken by Mo Yun.

Mo Yun's face changed drastically, and he stepped back three steps before stopping, his eyes full of horror.He said earlier that the number of people he cared about in the younger generation of the Huoyun Empire was not a single hand. It was really not crazy. With his strength infinitely close to the peak of the Shattered Yuan Realm, he is indeed qualified to do so.But Xiao Yu was able to handle him with all his strength, and even knocked him back a few steps. Compared with those five people, his strength was definitely not much lower.

"When did the Fire Cloud Empire have another young master?"

Haotian, the first son of Tianzong who was originally indifferent, also changed his expression slightly at this time. He knew Moyun's strength very well. He wanted to repel Moyun with all his strength. In his opinion, this death There were only three people who could do it in the trip to the canyon, one was himself, and the other two were in the Tianyun Academy and the Bloodthirsty Gate, but now there was a fourth person who could do it, and it seemed that he was still broken. People of the cloud group.

"You actually forced the magic cloud back?"

The younger generation of Lin Qingbing's head sect all looked at Xiao Yu in a daze, their expressions changed. Xiao Yu's strength might be stronger than Li Qingfeng's. Such a person?

"Who the hell are you?"

Mo Yun's face was gloomy. They investigated the Duanyun faction extremely deeply, but no one like Xiao Yu had ever appeared. With Xiao Yu's strength, it is impossible to be unknown.

"Aren't you going to take my life? You can try again."

Xiao Yu stretched out his right hand and hooked Mo Yun, full of contempt, really arrogant.


Mo Yun's eyes were about to burst into flames, his fists were clenched, and his vitality surged again. The other thirteen disciples around him all backed away. They knew that Mo Yun was about to use his strongest move. .

Moyun held a claw with one hand, and the surrounding air was stirred into a fiery whirlwind, and his hand showed a faint silver light, as if it was made of pure silver.With a sudden wave of his right hand, his claws turned into palms in an instant, a terrifying power erupted, and everyone behind Xiao Yu felt a strong wind blowing towards their faces.

"So strong!"

Lin Qingbing's heart trembled, this blow was earth-shattering, could Xiao Yu block it?

"The Hand of the Great Crack!"

Mo Yun roared angrily, and the pale silver giant palms rushed over like mountains and seas. Xiao Yu was the first to bear the brunt, and his clothes were rattled by the strong wind.

The director had already arrived in front of Xiao Yu in a blink of an eye, at this moment he raised his right hand unhurriedly, and lightly patted the silver palm print.


The sound of glass shattering sounded, and everyone was amazed to see the ferocious silver giant palm suddenly exploded into fragments all over the sky. The magic cloud seemed to be hit hard, and a mouthful of blood spewed out far away, and the breath was instantly sluggish.

"You are not qualified to kill me!" Xiao Yu's expression turned cold, and he said in a deep voice, "If you dare to do it again, I will send you to see Lu Changtian."

Mo Yun was so angry that he protruded another mouthful of blood and almost passed out. He had never been threatened like this since his debut.

"Your Excellency's actions this time are too much, right?"

The first son of Tianzong who had been silent just now finally stood up. Lin Qingbing and the others took a step back subconsciously. It can be said that it is a real treason. Only the emperor dared to be called the emperor. This emperor was named Tianzi, and he was full of devilishness, but no one dared to make fun of him. Enough to enter the top five among the younger generation.Although he looks mediocre, he is a cruel and bloodthirsty person. He once slaughtered a medium-sized village in one day. Nine out of ten people who saw the scene afterwards were disgusted. But there was nothing he could do, Lu Changtian's vicious reputation was nothing compared to him.

"So what if it's too much? Do you want to come and try with me?"

Xiao Yu didn't give the Son of Heaven any face at all, he stepped forward with a single step, and his voice exploded like thunder, shaking the reverberation in the hall.

"Haha, haha!" The emperor smiled angrily, with a hint of cruelty on the corner of his mouth, "Okay, okay, I haven't heard anyone say this to me for a long time, you are the first in these years, very good , very good, if I don't break your limbs, so that you can't live or die, how can I be worthy of your words?"

After the emperor finished speaking, his figure moved, and he rushed towards Xiao Yu directly. He usually fights with people with punches and palms. With a blow from a distance, all opponents are defeated, but no one knows that he is best at Domineering and fierce melee combat, his body has been tempered to be very tyrannical, once he is allowed to get close, even some masters who have just entered the Yuanyuan Realm will stumble in his hands.

The Son of Heaven saw at a glance that Xiao Yu was a formidable enemy, so this attack was of course merciless, and he grabbed Xiao Yu's face with his claws first, but it went straight for Xiao Yu's eyes, which was extremely ruthless.

"Melee combat?"

There was a chill in Xiao Yu's eyes, his left hand hooked towards Tianzi's wrist, and it was clasped on his wrist, holding back the blow. The distance between Tianzi's claw and Xiao Yu's eyeball was only an inch.

The Son of Heaven knew that his single blow might not be effective, so he quickly changed his move, and the palm of his hand was already out of Xiao Yu's hand, and he changed his claw to point at Xiao Yu's left eye, and at the same time raised his right knee, pushing it against Xiao Yu's lower abdomen .


A sneer flashed across the corner of Xiao Yu's mouth, and he tilted his head slightly. The emperor's finger poked in the air. At the same time, Xiao Yu hit his right elbow and bumped into the emperor's knee firmly.

Cold sweat broke out on the face of the Son of Heaven. This knee of his is not only pure physical strength, but also contains eight parts of strength in the body. How can the superposition of the two be as simple as one plus one? If he hit him, his internal organs would be torn apart, even if he blocked it with his hand, his wrist would definitely be broken, but Xiao Yu's elbow hit him, he suddenly felt his right knee numb and almost lost consciousness.

You must know that Xiao Yu stayed in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range for three years, and he often fought with ferocious spirit beasts with bare hands, and his body was tempered by waterfalls. Tempering, but it is still inferior to Xiao Yu's, and if Xiao Yu is not restricted by the sacred veins of the saint, with his current strength of vitality, he has already entered the realm of breaking the origin, so the vitality in Xiao Yu's body is solidified The level is much higher than the peak of the Yuan Yuan Realm. If you want to fight with him in the Yuan Yuan Realm, no one will be able to beat him.

(End of this chapter)

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