Hero Skills: Berserk War in Another World

Chapter 703 Vision of the Altar

Chapter 703 Vision of the Altar
"This is the sacrificial altar of our Eastern Royal Family, also known as the Altar of Immortality. Only the direct descendants of our Eastern Royal Family can approach it. Yun Tian, ​​you are the first outsider to come here."

Donghuang Wuying said to the crowd.

"That Yuntian is really lucky to be able to see the immortal altar of the Eastern Royal Family!"

Xiao Yu looked at the altar, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt immersed in it. There was an indistinct aura exuding from the altar, which made him feel very cordial.

"What is this..."

Donghuang Wuying looked at Xiao Yu, and said with a smile: "Yu'er, you can drop a drop of blood on this altar of immortality now, to solve the doubts in your heart."

"Mom, I'll go and see!"

Xiao Yu nodded slightly to Donghuangning, and walked towards the altar of immortality.

When the soles of his feet stepped on those bloody lines, he felt an extremely friendly force penetrating into his body.

"Why is this happening? Could it be that I really have the blood of the Eastern Royal?"

Xiao Yu resisted the throbbing in his heart, and walked towards the altar step by step.


Just when Xiao Yu was within ten feet of the altar, a strong fluctuation suddenly occurred on the altar, and the entire blood-colored pattern began to twist violently. The undead altar, which had not been moved for a long time, changed like a shape-shifting crazily.

"How is this going?"

Everyone was stunned, including Donghuang Wuying, who also looked shocked.The sudden vision of the undead altar made him also bewildered.

Before Xiao Yu's sudden arrival, he was a little surprised, but he quickly thought about the matter thoroughly, so he took the initiative to test it out. If Xiao Yu was just an ordinary peak of the God Breaking Realm, he would never let Xiao Yu have a relationship with him. The Eastern Royal Family has anything to do with it. The direct descendants of the Eastern Royal Family must not be ridiculed and insult the reputation of the Eastern Royal Family. Even if Xiao Yu is his nephew, he will drive Xiao Yu away without hesitation.

But Xiao Yu did not disappoint him, on the contrary, he was beyond his expectation. Not only was he able to handle the evil wing of the Eastern Emperor with ease, but he was also able to repel him. When facing his own "Shadowless Hand", he was still Can dodge parry very calmly.

You know, the reason why he is named "Shadowless" is related to his famous stunt "Shadowless Hand". Once the "Shadowless Hand" is used, it can ignore space and attack the enemy from any direction. Breathless, hard to guard against.

However, Xiao Yu was obviously not troubled by his "Shadowless Hand". Although he hadn't used all his strength, Xiao Yu was able to dodge his attack with the strength of the peak of the God Breaking Realm, which was also extraordinary.In the entire sanctuary's younger generation, there are definitely not many people who can see through his "shadowless hand" so easily.

For this point alone, Xiao Yu has already obtained his approval.


The bloody patterns changed wildly, and gradually formed a formation, and a whirlwind rose from the formation, submerging Xiao Yu in it.


Donghuang Ning was anxious, so she wanted to rush up, but Donghuang Wuying had already grabbed her.

"Xiao Ning, don't get excited. Yu'er should be fine. I think the altar must have sensed his arrival, and the blood in his body caused the altar's heightened sensitivity. That's why such a vision was formed."

Donghuang Wuying explained.

"But Yu'er..."

Although Donghuang Wuying said so, Donghuangning was still very worried, his eyes were fixed on the whirlwind, and he didn't move away at all.

Xiaoyao Yuntian frowned slightly, and scanned the surroundings, but he didn't notice any changes in the people of the Eastern Royal Family. Obviously, the vision of the altar was not created by them.

"Brother Xiao!"

Xiaoyao Yuntian was also nervous, he was the one who initiated Xiao Yu's visit to the Eastern Royal Family this time, if something happened to Xiao Yu here, it would be his responsibility, he couldn't explain it to Xiao Haoyun who is now a guest at Xiaoyao's house.

Xiao Yu, who was in the whirlwind at the moment, had a dazed expression on his face. He didn't know where he had come to. He only felt that there was a blank in front of him, and the surrounding was also blank, as if he had come to a place where nothing existed.

No matter how you look at it, the surrounding area is pure white, not even a trace of stain can be seen.

"What is this place?"

Xiao Yu murmured.

"Haha, I can't imagine that after a million years, there will be descendants who can come here!"

A hearty laugh shook the space. Even though Xiao Yu was prepared, he still felt pain in his eardrums. This was the first time he met someone who could be influenced by his voice. Xiao Yu absolutely believed that in this space The sound transmission person is stronger than Juetian.This is definitely the strongest person he has encountered in these years.

He looked around in horror, but he didn't find anyone there, and the surrounding area was still blank.

"Peak of the God-breaking Realm? It's really interesting that a mere peak of the God-breaking Realm can enter the undead space!"

The voice echoed in this blank space again, Xiao Yu still didn't feel his presence.

"Who are you? Why did you bring me to this space?"

Xiao Yu said in a low voice.

"Haha, junior, don't be nervous. It's normal that you can't see me. My spirit has already integrated into this space, so the space is me, and I am the space. When I speak, the space speaks."

The mysterious voice continued.

"The person who brought you into this space is not me, but yourself. To be precise, it is the Eastern Royal blood that flows in your body."

"Eastern Royal bloodline?" Xiao Yu frowned, "Is there really Eastern Royal bloodline in my body?"

The voice laughed and said: "Haha, not only do you have it, but you also have the most pure blood of the Demon Emperor after me. Even the juniors of the Eastern Royal Family can't compare with you. It is because of the pure blood in your body that you can Cause this space to open, and then I wake up."

Xiao Yu touched his nose, feeling very fantastic. He never thought that his altar party would awaken such a terrifying existence.

"Then I want to leave this space now, what should I do?"

Xiao Yu has no interest in staying in this useless space. Donghuangning is still waiting for him outside. If he sees him trapped, Donghuangning will definitely be very worried. As a son of man, it is also unfilial to let his parents worry. .

"Little baby, it seems that you really don't know the blessings in the blessings. You turn a blind eye to what others dream of and want to leave as soon as possible? Sigh, the young people nowadays are really less and less qualified!"

That voice was full of jokes and sarcasm, as if Xiao Yu was an ignorant person.

Xiao Yu didn't know what to say, this mysterious voice was really annoying, it not only led him to this mysterious space, but also kept saying some inexplicable nonsense.

With a wave of his palm, he wanted to use his divine power to forcibly break open the space.

(End of this chapter)

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