Chapter 704 Blank Space
With a wave of his palm, Xiao Yu wanted to use his divine power to break through the space and leave. He didn't want to talk nonsense with this mysterious and boring voice here.


A space crack had appeared in front of Xiao Yu, and he was about to step out, but the space crack disappeared suddenly, and a force from nowhere rushed towards Xiao Yu.


Xiao Yu was startled, and retreated, but he retreated quickly, but the force ran faster than him, and the force wrapped around Xiao Yu's body, and he tried to disperse it violently, but the force was extremely concentrated In fact, it turned into an invisible big hand, grabbing him firmly.


Xiao Yu was furious, his fists were creaking, and the divine power in his body began to spread to the surroundings.

"Soul-shocking roar!"

Xiao Yu let out a shout, and countless strange runes radiated from his body, and a powerful impact rushed out of his body, the invisible big hand was instantly stretched, and he was able to escape from the trap.


The mysterious voice sounded very surprised.

"You were able to escape my power siege with the strength of the peak of the God-breaking Realm? It's amazing! You really deserve to be the person who has the purest blood of the Demon Emperor."

Xiao Yu looked cold: "Who are you? Why do you want to prevent me from leaving?"

"Young people are just impatient. Well, I won't go around with you anymore. Now I want you to do something in this space, which will benefit you a lot."

"Do one thing? It's good for me?" Xiao Yu frowned, "What do you want me to do?"

"Hey!" The voice laughed, "This space hides the immortal fire of the ancient demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi. As long as you get it, you can strengthen yourself and become immortal. Do you think it is good for you? How much?"

"Immortal fire? Can you achieve immortality if you get it?"

Xiao Yu was startled, he had no concept of Donghuang Taiyi's strength, but he also understood that he was almost invincible in ancient times, no one could stop him, and his monster power made him impossible to be killed Death, even if Emperor Xuanyuan fought against him, he would not have any advantage at all.

The power of Donghuang Taiyi also lies in the kind of flame it carries, that is the immortal fire, which is also the biggest support for its immortal body. The immortal fire is also called the fire of chaos. At that time, the peerless divine fire was born, and almost no other kind of flame could compare with it.

Xiao Yu didn't know how the revenge flame soul Brand's soul fire compared with it, but he knew very well that the soul fire did not have the ability to enhance vitality.

Even if he has the passive skills of the ice crystal phoenix and the dark-born sword demon, he can be resurrected after death once, but there is a limit after all. If he can have a kind of immortal flame, his combat power can be doubled, and he can fight against the enemy. There is no need to worry about physical damage when consuming each other.

If it was Xiao Yu who was in the five-year blank period, he would definitely not have the slightest interest, but now it is different, he has such an invincible and powerful enemy like Jue Tian, ​​and the Eastern Royal Family is watching him outside, I don’t know if it is an enemy or a friend, He urgently needs a powerful force, so that he can act in the sanctuary more easily, and he will be more sure of taking Donghuangning away.

"Isn't it exciting? That's the Immortal Fire of the Demon Emperor. As long as you can get him, your strength can grow infinitely. Even if you sleep, you can reach a cultivation speed that is several times faster than others."

The voice continued to be heard, but Xiao Yu's heart trembled. He seemed to have fallen into a slightly greedy situation just now, and he had never experienced such a mood before.

The voice seemed to be luring him to look for the Immortal Fire.

"You told me such a great thing, what should be the purpose?"

Xiao Yu calmed down and began to analyze its purpose.There are no pies that fall in vain, they are either rotten or deliberately made by others, no matter what it is, he must be careful.

Although the Immortal Fire is a peerless fetish, it will not be so easy to obtain it. The owner of this mysterious voice must have his own plans.

"Purpose?" The voice replied, "Indeed there is, I just want you to separate me from this space after you get the Immortal Flame. In this way, you are my great benefactor, and I can help you Do one thing."

"Separate you from space?"

Xiao Yu was a little puzzled, once the spirit and space were combined, it would become an inseparable entity. It would be foolish to want to separate them, but this mysterious voice seemed to be real.

"That's right, I only have this one request, as long as you can agree to me, I will tell you the location of the Immortal Fire!"

Xiao Yu didn't immediately agree. He was arrogant and mad, and he seemed to say what he said. Even in the face of treacherous and evil people, what he said would still count, so he would never express his position first. Now he must Think clearly about what to do.

"He wants me to separate him from the space after I get the Undead God Fire. Obviously, he didn't voluntarily combine with the space. Could it be that someone forcibly locked him in this space?"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yu felt a layer of cold sweat break out all over his body.Just now the mysterious voice said that he is a ray of soul, and a ray of soul can exert such a powerful force. If this deity is here, what kind of terrifying existence would it be?If such a person is a decent person, then it is not a bad thing for Xiao Yu to release him, and it can add a righteous messenger to this world, but if he is a treacherous person, releasing him will only bring infinite happiness to this world. Endless disaster.

"It seems that you are not a good person, otherwise you would not be imprisoned here!"

Xiao Yu said suddenly.

"What did you say?"

The voice suddenly became very excited, and the previous brisk tone disappeared, replaced by a kind of rage.

He said angrily: "I'm not a bad person, but he defeated that bastard Donghuang Taiyi when he was fighting with him, and even a trace of his soul was integrated into this space to protect the Donghuang Taiyi on his behalf. Generation after generation, if not, I would need you, a junior, to help me? In my heyday, that was... hum!"

It seemed that Xiao Yu couldn't understand his power in his heyday, so he stopped talking at this point and just sneered twice.

Xiao Yu was stunned. The owner of this mysterious voice actually said that he had fought with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?
Donghuang Taiyi is an ancient demon emperor, whose strength has reached heaven and earth, and he may even be able to kill gods. The owner of this voice can fight with him, even if he loses, it is definitely an unimaginable existence.

Who is he?

(End of this chapter)

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