Chapter 705 Demon Venerable
Thinking of this in Xiao Yu's heart, he already felt an invisible pressure.This mysterious existence was able to compete with Donghuang Taiyi, and he was obviously an invincible figure in ancient times. Even if he lost to Donghuang Taiyi in the battle, he would definitely be an extremely terrifying master. No wonder he just released a little breath, Xiao Yu felt that he was stronger than Juetian.

That was a peerless powerhouse in ancient times. Although Juetian was powerful and known as the pinnacle master in the super god realm, but compared with it, it was obviously not enough.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you fight Donghuang Taiyi?"

Xiao Yu asked with a frown.If this question is not clarified, he will never agree to his request hastily.Even if the other end is the extremely tempting Undead God Fire, he will never put the whole world in danger for his own self-interest.

"Who am I? If I say it, you may not have heard it."

That mysterious existence didn't seem to intend to tell Xiao Yu his name.

"If you don't tell me, I will never help you!"

Xiao Yu said directly, he looked confident, since the other party had asked him for something, now he was in the upper hand.

"You dare to threaten me?"

The voice swept away the laughter before, and became a little furious, with a bit of murderous intent in his tone, Xiao Yu felt a chill behind his back.

"Threatening you can't talk about it, but you have to tell me your real identity, otherwise I will never help you. I don't want to get into any trouble, and you don't want to lie to me. You are telling the truth and lying to me Naturally, you can tell, don't doubt what I said, if you lie in a sentence, then I will never help you, and I don't want to get that immortal fire again."

Xiao Yu's psychological analysis of the mysterious existence is extremely thorough. His power is formless and formless in this blank space. He is the space, and the space is him. It can be said that it is easy for him to deal with Xiao Yu here. He still didn't do this, obviously because he had his own concerns.

There was silence in the space, and after a long time, the voice just said: "Okay, very good, in these endless years, you are the first junior who dares to speak to me like that."

There was a hint of appreciation in that voice.

"In this case, it's better for you to say less, and tell me who you are?"

Xiao Yu said coldly.For such words, he heard countless times, Panlong Zhanhuang also said this to him back then.

Facing these top masters in the past, Xiao Yu has never felt afraid. He has always come to the present with a fearless heart.

Even if Juetian did something to his relatives, he would only have anger in his heart, not fear.Although this mysterious existence is more terrifying than Juetian, it still cannot shake Xiao Yu's rock-solid heart.

How many people can calmly negotiate with a top expert in ancient times?
"My boy, I like it quite a bit, so it doesn't matter if I tell you, my name is Chi You."

"Chi You?" Xiao Yu was terrified, "The Devil Lord Chi You?"

"Oh? Unexpectedly, you have heard my name before?"

Chi You seemed a little surprised. After so many years, he almost couldn't even remember his own name. It is even more impossible to know if there are faults in the history, but Xiao Yu said it directly.

"En? Isn't Demon Lord Chi You a subordinate of the Demon Emperor Donghuang Taiyi? Why did he fight with Donghuang Taiyi?"

Xiao Yu felt very strange, according to some unorthodox books he read in his previous life, Chi You and Donghuang Taiyi should be in a superior-subordinate relationship.But the tone of this mysterious existence does not seem to be lying. When he mentioned the word "Chi You", he was obviously a little proud, which was an affirmation of his name.

"You should be Donghuang Taiyi's subordinate, how could you have a fight with your master?"

Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes, doubting.

"Nonsense!" Chi You suddenly yelled, "Who says I'm a subordinate of that fellow Donghuang Taiyi? These are all random compilations in the books of later generations. I was exiled from the demon world because I lost to him in the fight for the right to rule. Who spread rumors that I was his subordinate? If I found out, I would kill him."

Chi You was obviously furious, even more intense than Xiao Yu's two threats to him before.


Xiao Yu was also a little ashamed when he heard Chi You's voice that was almost burning with anger, it seemed that the books could not be trusted.

"Demon Venerable Chi You..."

Xiao Yu began to examine this question again. If this person is really Chi You, the Demon Lord, should he agree to him?Demon Lord, of course, has its demon nature. According to legend, in ancient times, Chi You killed all directions with blood, and it was only with the ancient Emperor Xuanyuan that he was able to suppress him. But according to Chi You, Donghuang Taiyi also had friction with him. What kind.

"Forget it, although the Immortal Fire is powerful, I don't necessarily have to get it. On my own, I don't believe that I can't climb to the top."

After weighing again and again, Xiao Yu still gave up the Immortal Flame. If Chi You's spirit is released because of this thing, making Chi You come to the world again, it will be a disaster or a blessing.He believes that with his own strength, he can also aspire to the top.

"Since you are Chi You, then I can't agree to you even more. I have heard of your bad name for a long time. If you are released, then I may be a sinner in history."

Xiao Yu's clear voice echoed in the space, every word was clear.

"What did you say?" Chi You's holy voice turned cold. He didn't expect Xiao Yu to refuse so simply after he had already announced his name.

"I've said it very clearly, and I never want to say it a second time!"

Xiao Yu said indifferently, his expression was completely indifferent, he didn't believe that Chi You could do anything to him.

"Huh, except for a few old guys from the ancient times, no one has ever dared to refuse me, boy, you really set a precedent. Since you don't want to help me, then I have no choice but to kill you and let you see What will happen to those who reject me!"

Xiao Yu's complexion changed, and he stomped his feet, wanting to back away.An extremely dangerous feeling enveloped the whole body.

Before he retreated, he felt that his surroundings were completely blocked, and his divine power was suppressed in his body and could not be released.

"What a terrifying power, how far has this reached?"

The horror in Xiao Yu's heart was really indescribable, he believed that even Jue Tian would never be able to restrain him so thoroughly, but Chi You's wisp of spirit could do this.

"Boy, let me ask again if you would like to help me?"

Chi You's spirit trapped Xiao Yu in a small area, making him unable to move, and the cold holy voice came again.Many people are very stubborn at the beginning, but when faced with the choice of life and death, almost without exception, they will show a fearful and cowardly side, and he believes that Xiao Yu is also on this list.

"I absolutely don't want to!"

Xiao Yu's holy voice rang directly in this blank space without any hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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