Chapter 72
"Hey, Li Qingfeng, you're still acting like this!"

The corner of Xiao Yu's mouth sneered again and again.

Li Qingfeng's heart skipped a beat, he felt Xiao Yu's strong hostility, Lin Qingbing and others obviously felt it too, and hurriedly protected Li Qingfeng behind him.They have already seen Xiao Yu's strength, not to mention that Li Qingfeng is seriously injured now, even in his heyday, it is probably a few tricks.

", we are meeting for the first time, I don't think I have offended you!"

Li Qingfeng frowned, Xiao Yu's decisive look made his heart beat, he was afraid that Xiao Yu would attack him.

"Have you ever offended me? Li Qingfeng, do you know how damned you are?"

Xiao Yu's every word was filled with monstrous hatred, everyone could feel the surging killing intent in his heart, Li Qingfeng was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"Brother Xiao, what is this?"

Lin Feiyun frowned and asked.He didn't know why Xiao Yu was so hostile to Li Qingfeng, as if he had a deep hatred.

"None of your business!"

Xiao Yu's tone was so cold that Lin Feiyun took a few steps back, his eyes fixed on Li Qingfeng, his fists were clenched, his whole body was swollen with energy, and the tyrannical vitality in his body formed a vacuum within three feet around him.

"Brother, I don't know where Brother Qingfeng offended you, how about I take him to make amends to you?"

Lin Qingbing had to speak at this moment, she was very clear about her own charm, at this moment she very much hoped that Xiao Yu would also be one of her admirers, only in this way could she have face so that Xiao Yu would not attack Li Qingfeng.

"You take him to make amends? Even if he dies a thousand times, it's not enough, so why do you take him to make amends?"

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Qingbing coldly, with anger in his eyes. For some reason, although he didn't have any special feelings for Lin Qingbing, he still felt very upset seeing Lin Qingbing defending Li Qingfeng like this.

Li Yingyu stood aside and stared blankly at this scene. One was her elder brother, and the other was Xiao Yu who saved them all along the way. She didn't know what to say.

"Brother Qingfeng is a disciple of our Duanyun Sect, our fellow teacher and friend. We will never allow you to kill him. If you want to touch him today, you have to step over us."

Lin Qingbing's pretty face was full of stubbornness, and the surrounding disciples of Duanyun Sect's sect felt distressed, but everyone was very puzzled, didn't Lin Qingbing know Xiao Yu?Why did the two seem to have never seen each other at this time.

"That's right, if you want to kill Li Qingfeng, you have to pass our level!"

Wu Tianlong and the three behind Lin Qingbing also stepped forward, blocking Xiao Yu.

"You want to protect him? Just rely on you?"

Xiao Yu glanced over the three of them and said with disdain.

"I know we are not your opponents, but even if we die, we will not watch you kill our companions."

Lin Qingbing said firmly, the Xuanyue Sword in her hand was already pointing at Xiao Yu.

"Hahaha, hahaha!" Xiao Yu burst into laughter suddenly, his laughter was full of anger, "Is it worth it for you to protect such a capricious, narrow-minded, and extremely sinister villain? I just eliminated all the people from Tianzong , can also be regarded as your savior, is this how you treat your savior?"

Several people could only keep silent when they heard the words. Indeed, Xiao Yu was their savior, but Li Qingfeng had a good relationship with them, and they would definitely not let Xiao Yu kill him.

Xiao Yu turned his gaze to Lin Qingbing, with a look of pain in his expression, he said in a hateful voice: "Lin Qingbing, if I knew that you would stand in front of me today, I shouldn't have saved you when I was in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, let alone I shouldn't have promised you to send you out of the mountain. If I hadn't sent you out of the mountain, I wouldn't have met such a despicable person as Li Qingfeng, who caused the only manor left to me by my father to be taken away and my Uncle Yang to die tragically. I really regret it. I'm so sorry!"

When Xiao Yu said the last word, he looked up to the sky and howled angrily, just wanting to vent all the anger in his heart. The whole hall was filled with his desolate whistling, which caused everyone to feel depressed.

"Spirit Beast Mountain Range! Xiao Yu, are you Xiao Yu?"

Lin Qingbing's eyes became dull. In the past three years, she would often think of the "savage" named Xiao Yu who carried her in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range and tried to protect her to the death. Every time she thought of him, she would smile foolishly. After a while, she secretly called him a fool, and she often mentioned the matter in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range in front of other people, so many people in the main sect knew Xiao Yu's name.But at the beginning, because Xiao Yu was in a mess and there was still some dust on his face, how could she connect Xiao Yu with this extremely handsome young man in front of her.Now that Xiao Yu mentioned the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, she immediately realized it.

"Hey, Li Qingfeng, do you now know why I wanted to kill you?"

Xiao Yu didn't answer, but just looked at Li Qingfeng coldly.At this moment, Li Qingfeng felt his brain buzzing, and he couldn't accept this cruel fact.Three years ago, Xiao Yu was just an ant who had just entered the Yuan Condensation Realm. He could be crushed to death at any time. Although Sima Yu sent someone to kill Xiao Yu and he escaped, Li Qingfeng never thought that Xiao Yu would be able to kill him when he appeared again. It poses a threat to him, but everything deviates from the direction he expected. Xiao Yu can not only threaten him, but has reached a level that even he is far behind.

"Impossible, this is impossible, how did you become so strong?"

Li Qingfeng yelled frantically, the fear in his eyes grew deeper and deeper, he knew that Xiao Yu would never let him go.

"Xiao Yu, is it really you?"

Lin Qingbing stared at Xiao Yu, and asked in disbelief, her eyes were full of tenderness.

"The Xiao Yu you knew is dead!" Xiao Yu's words were like pouring cold water on Lin Qingbing's heart. He pointed at Li Qingfeng and said with a sneer, "Today I will let you know What kind of character is Li Qingfeng, No.1 of the younger generation?"

"Back when I rescued Lin Qingbing in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, Li Qingfeng was polite and grateful to me on the surface, but after I left, he secretly followed me and seriously injured me. He also learned of my identity and told me My enemy, let my enemy come to my door, my uncle, Yang Shucheng, the head of the sect hall in Fanyun Town of Duanyun Sect, was shot dead by three masters of Yuanshattering Realm in order to save me, you say, Does Li Qingfeng deserve to die?"

Everyone didn't know that there were so many inside stories, but Lin Qingbing felt that Li Qingfeng's image of a gentleman in her heart had collapsed. Is this still the elder brother Qingfeng that she has always respected?For some reason, Lin Qingbing never thought that Xiao Yu would lie, no matter what Xiao Yu said, she would subconsciously believe it.

Liu Piaoxu looked at Xiao Yu who seemed to be insane, and felt distressed for a while. Xiao Yu's strong strength and handsome appearance actually had such a painful experience.

(End of this chapter)

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