Chapter 73
"What? What did you say? Xiao Yu, repeat what you just said, what happened to my father?"

When everyone was silent, a person walked up to Xiao Yu, grabbed Xiao Yu's sleeve firmly, and asked in a trembling voice.


At this moment, Xiao Yu realized that he had spoken the news of Yang Shucheng's death in anger just now, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

"Tell me quickly, what happened to my dad?"

Yang Xiruo held Xiao Yu's hand tightly, her eyes flushed.

"Xiruo, just three years ago, your order to save me, he died at the hands of three masters of the Broken Yuan Realm!"

Xiao Yu knew that this news was cruel to Yang Xiruo, but at this point he couldn't hide it anymore.

"No, you lied to me, no, it's impossible, no, no!"

Yang Xiruo staggered back, with an expression on his face as if he had lost his mind, screaming heart-piercingly, and finally passed out.

Xiao Yu was startled, and quickly stopped Yang Xiruo's waist, he checked and found that Yang Xiruo was fine, it was just that the impact was too great for a while, and he just passed out from grief, so he was relieved.Others didn't know what Yang Xiruo was, but Li Yingyu guessed most of it.

Two lines of tears flowed from Lin Qingbing's eyes. She remembered when she met Xiao Yu three years ago. At that time, Xiao Yu always had a bad smile on his face, and would tease her and scare her. Today's Xiao Yu Yu, on the other hand, was suffocatingly cold, and looked ruthless.

"He has suffered so many crimes!"

Lin Qingbing knew that Xiao Yu must have had a very miserable life in the past three years. At the beginning, Xiao Yu was just a boy who had just entered the Yuan Condensation Realm, but now he killed all sixteen sons of Tianzong. Xiao Yu must have experienced it in the past three years. The cruel ordeal, thinking of these Lin Qingbing felt a strong sourness in her heart.

"If I knew his situation back then, if I could help him back then, how good would it be?"

Lin Qingbing seemed to be in chaos, but she didn't notice that Li Qingfeng was gradually approaching behind her.

She suddenly felt a chill on her neck, and a hand was already clasped around her neck.


Lin Qingbing was shocked, but Li Qingfeng's crazy voice came from behind.

"Xiao Yu, if you don't let me go today, I will kill her."

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Li Qingfeng to do such a thing. Wu Tianlong and the others watched this scene with their mouths open. Li Qingfeng has always been a noble man in their eyes, why would he do such a thing now? Come?At first they didn't believe Xiao Yu's flowers, but now they knew that what Xiao Yu said was true.

"Brother Qingfeng, why are you doing this?"

Lin Qingbing didn't dare to make a move, Li Qingfeng spared no strength, and he pinched her vitals, as long as he spit out all his strength, he could kill her.

"Bingmei, don't you know how I treat you? Don't you understand my heart? Before you met Xiao Yu, although you and I were not lovers, we were very close. We often acted together, but After meeting Xiao Yu, how did you treat me? Not to mention your indifferent attitude, you often bring Xiao Yu’s name on your lips. People almost recognize that we are a couple, but you do this, you know let me know How embarrassing? Just because Xiao Yu saved you, you can't forget him? Can you match the feelings we have known each other for more than ten years?"

Li Qingfeng looked ferocious and roared angrily.

"I have always regarded you as my respected elder brother, so why are you so indifferent? Besides, who can say clearly about feelings, why do you have to force it?"

Lin Qingbing frowned and said.

Li Qingfeng wanted to say more, Xiao Yu handed Yang Xiruo to Lin Feiyun's care, stood up and said coldly: "You think you can threaten me if you capture her?"

Li Qingfeng sneered: "Don't you like her? She is one of the twin flowers of the Fire Cloud Empire, do you want to watch her fade away?"

"Shuanghua of the Fire Cloud Empire? What does it have to do with me? If you finish your nonsense, then you can go down and apologize to my Uncle Yang!"

Xiao Yu walked towards Li Qingfeng step by step. The invisible pressure made Li Qingfeng take a few steps back, and the strength in his hands became stronger. Lin Qingbing suddenly felt stuffy, but she didn't seem to notice it. I kept thinking about Xiao Yu's words.

"What does it have to do with him? Am I a stranger who has nothing to do with him?"

Lin Qingbing thought that she had thought about him day and night for three years, but now he didn't care about herself, so she couldn't help crying in her heart, almost on the verge of tears.

"You...don't pretend, you don't care about her? Back then you were desperately trying to save her in the Spirit Beast Mountain Range, so how could you not care about her? If you dare to come here again, I'll strangle her to death and let her die with me .”

Li Qingfeng grinned grinningly, adding a little more strength in his hand, Lin Qingbing's face showed pain, and her snow-white neck was already turning red.

Xiao Yu stopped walking, which made Lin Qingbing very happy.

"He still cares about me!"

Xiao Yu glanced at Lin Qingbing, and suddenly asked a question.

"Lin Qingbing, if I want to kill him and kill you, will you hate me?"

Lin Qingbing looked at Xiao Yu's icy face, and Xiao Yu's foolish look three years ago flashed again in her mind. She felt a pain in her heart, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she shook her head lightly.

"I won't hate you, you lost everything because you saved me, I just hope you don't hate me after I die!"

Everyone in Duanyun faction stared at Lin Qingbing in a daze, this Lin Qingbing was willing to die for Xiao Yu?

Xiao Yu looked at Lin Qingbing's beautiful face, which was as beautiful as it was three years ago, but he no longer had that cold expression towards him.

He sighed and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you die!"

After Xiao Yu finished speaking, he turned his head away, Li Qingfeng thought that Xiao Yu had given in and was about to touch a certain place on the wall behind him.


Xiao Yu shouted softly in his heart, his figure disappeared instantly, and appeared behind Li Qingfeng very abruptly, one palm had already slapped on Li Qingfeng's celestial spirit cover, only the sound of bones breaking could be heard, Li Qingfeng pinched Lin Qingbing The hand at the throat slowly slipped, and the whole person fell to the ground, life lost.

"Big brother!"

Li Yingyu screamed, and rushed to Li Qingfeng's side quickly, tears welled up.Li Qingfeng was born to the eldest wife of the current head of the Li family, and she was just a maidservant who was born to the head of the Li family. Li Qingfeng treated her very badly at home, and looked down on her from the bottom of his heart.Although Li Qingfeng's demeanor made her feel ashamed, but blood is thicker than water, how could she not be sad when she saw her half-brother die in front of her eyes.

"what happened?"

Wu Tianlong and the others were horrified. Just now Xiao Yu simply flashed a distance of more than ten feet in an instant.

"This kind of speed can't be what the Primordial Broken Realm should have. Only when he has reached the Primordial Broken Realm and mastered the power of space can he change his shape like this. Could it be that he has already reached the Primordial Broken Realm?"

Wu Tianlong's heart trembled, if Xiao Yu wanted to kill them, it really would be effortless.

Lin Qingbing felt her throat loosen. Due to the slight suffocation before, she felt dizzy due to lack of oxygen in her brain, and she fell to the ground. Before landing, a strong arm had already wrapped around her waist.

"Are you OK?"

Xiao Yu's tone slowed down slightly, no longer as cold as before.

Lin Qingbing turned her head to look at Xiao Yu's incomparably handsome face, she stretched out her jade hand and stroked it gently.Xiao Yu subconsciously wanted to dodge, but when he met Lin Qingbing's tender eyes, he finally did not dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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