Chapter 729
Xiao Yu frowned. In the final analysis, he blamed Donghuang Wuying wrongly, but this matter still happened because of Donghuang Wuying.Xiao Yu didn't know why Donghuang Wuying had to bring up this matter at this moment, but obviously, from Han Bicui's standpoint, this matter was absolutely unavoidable.

He himself knows Han Bicui's temperament, she has always been a person who will dedicate herself to others, if it were him, I am afraid that she would be just as resolute as Han Bicui.But some things can be understood, but cannot be accepted.He is Han Bicui's son. If Han Bicui risked his life to enter the Demon Emperor's Cave where there is no one, he would definitely not agree, but he couldn't say that to stop Han Bicui.

"Mother, you..."

Xiao Yu's lips twitched, but he didn't know what to say. He really couldn't find any reason to stop Han Bicui. What's more, even if he found a reason, she might not listen.

"Yu'er, mother has lived for decades, you and your father are both healthy and healthy, I am completely relieved, I am a person who has died, even if I experience it again, so what? What's more, I'm doing it for the whole family, do you want your mother to be a ruthless person?"

Han Bicui gently stroked Xiao Yu's head, with a loving look in his eyes.Xiao Yu and Xiao Haoyun are her biggest concerns, as long as they are safe and sound, then she feels that everything is good.

"Bicui, are you really going?"

Xiao Haoyun calmed down. Looking at Han Bicui's expression, he knew that it would be useless to persuade him. Everyone has their own persistence in their hearts. As a member of the Eastern Royal Family, Han Bicui dedicated himself to the Eastern Royal Family. This kind of spirit is admired by everyone.

"Oh, Xiao Ning, let's put this matter aside for now!"

Donghuang Wuying, who had never spoken all this time, suddenly sighed and spoke.

"Huh? Brother, why?"

Han Bicui wondered, Xiao Yu and Xiao Haoyun also looked at Donghuang Wuying together, he should be the last person to object at this time, but he is the one who said to postpone this matter.

Donghuang Wuying said helplessly: "Xiao Ning, you are my own sister, how can I be willing to let you take risks? My elder brother has no way to do this, so I asked you to do it, but it is not easy for the three of you to reunite , How can I force others to deprive you of the time to meet? It will take three to five years for the Eastern Royal Family to face complete decline, so don't think about it anymore during this period of time."


Han Bicui hadn't recovered from her senses for a long time. Before, Donghuang Wuying said it very urgently, but now she put this matter aside, which really made her unable to react, but after thinking about it, Donghuang Wuying said so, It's all for her own sister.How many brothers in the world don't care about their sisters?
Xiao Haoyun cast a grateful look at Donghuang Wuying, but Xiao Yu remained motionless, his expression never changing.He stayed where he was, recalling in his mind the last words Donghuangtai said to him when he was transported out of the blank space by Donghuangtaiyi.

"Son, the Eastern Royal Family may face a catastrophe in the near future. Whether this catastrophe can be resolved or not depends on you."

After Donghuang Taiyi finished saying this sentence, he sent Xiao Yu directly. As for the deep meaning of this sentence, Xiao Yu never understood it. Now that it is connected with what Donghuang Wuying said, Xiao Yu Then I felt that I had some eyebrows.

"Could it be that this is what my grandfather said about the catastrophe of the Eastern Royal Family?"

Xiao Yu thought to himself, when he noticed Donghuang Wuying's extremely unnatural expression, he suddenly understood.

"Uncle, I really want to thank you!"

Xiao Yu suddenly spoke.

"Oh?" Donghuang Wuying smiled wryly and shook his head, "Thank me for what? I just hope you two spend more time together."

But Xiao Yu waved his hand: "Uncle, don't lie to me. There should be a time limit for this matter, right? You told us to take it easy, but you already don't want my mother to take risks, right? You know that my mother is stubborn, if you say you don’t need my mother to go, then she will definitely not agree, so you just hide it from her slowly, how can I not thank uncle? "

Han Bicui and Xiao Haoyun were startled, they all looked at Donghuang Wuying, and found that Donghuang Wuying's face was full of astonishment, obviously Xiao Yu had hit his heart.

"Brother, is this true? You... gave up saving the Eastern Royal Palace just to prevent me from taking risks?"

Han Bicui's tender body shook, tears were unstoppable, she never thought that she was so important in Donghuang Wuying's heart, and could make him give up the Donghuang family.

"Yes, I really don't want you to take risks. It is too unwise to use a living life, let alone your life, to do something that is not sure. On my own, I can still protect the Eastern Royal Family." A hundred years or more, I don't want you to leave your loving husband and son because of this matter."

Donghuang Wuying sighed, and finally expressed his thoughts.

"Brother, thank you very much!"

After Xiao Haoyun finished speaking, he planned to bow down, but Donghuang Wuying supported him, and said in a low voice: "Brother-in-law, what do you need to be polite to me? You are Xiaoning's husband, and you are my family. , there is no need to say the word 'thank you' at all, there is no need for Xiao Ning to take risks in this matter."

Xiao Haoyun and Han Bicui looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

But Xiao Yu asked at this time: "Uncle, is there a time limit for opening the Yaohuang Cave? And this period of time is the time period for opening? Once this period of time passes, the Yaohuang Cave will be closed. If you want to enter, you have to wait for many years, right?"

"how do you know?"

Donghuang Wuying showed surprise on his face. Xiao Yu's understanding of the Yaohuang Cave seemed to have been living in the East Royal.

"I guessed it too!"

Xiao Yu thought inwardly: "As expected!"

Donghuang Wuying asked Han Bicui to ignore this matter for the time being, the meaning was obvious, he had already given up letting Han Bicui take risks in the Yaohuang Cave.Between the ups and downs of the family and his relatives, he finally chose his relatives, and Xiao Yu couldn't ignore this alone.

"Uncle, I wonder if you can take me to the Demon Emperor's Cave? My mother can't do this, but I want to try."

Xiao Yu said directly that he thought it would be most appropriate for him to do it himself.Donghuang Taiyi said that he possesses the purest blood of the Demon Emperor, and he has even received the inheritance of Donghuang Taiyi's Immortal Fire. If this cannot be recognized by the Demon Emperor's Cave, then no one will take out the blood of the Demon Emperor. can do.

(End of this chapter)

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