Chapter 730 The Chosen One
"Are you going to visit the Yaohuang Cave?" Donghuang Wuying said in surprise, "Yu'er, are you going to try?"

Donghuang Wuying shook his head repeatedly in his heart. He definitely couldn't let Xiao Yu go in this matter. Although Xiao Yu had part of the blood of the Eastern Royal Family in his body, it was only the matrilineal line of the Eastern Royal Family, similar to the Eastern Emperor Xieyi and the Eastern Royal Family. A direct descendant of the Eastern Royal Family like Huang Youruo cannot be recognized by Yaohuangdong, let alone Xiao Yu?

But he didn't know that the blood of the Demon Emperor in Xiao Yu's body was infinitely stronger than those two people.

"Yu'er, you can't mess around with this matter!"

Han Bicui showed her mother's side, her face was serious, and there was some blame in her tone. She felt that Xiao Yu's strength was already superior, so she was a little smug, and she didn't take danger seriously.As a mother, she naturally wanted to say a few words about him.

Xiao Haoyun did not open his mouth, he had already witnessed so many astonishing deeds created by Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu had his own reasons for doing things, he believed that Xiao Yu would say that, he must have a certain degree of confidence.

"Mother, I'm not fooling around!" Xiao Yu smiled helplessly, "I just want to help my uncle, help the Eastern Royal Family, and do my best."

"But the Demon Emperor's Cave is extremely dangerous, even your grandfather..."

Han Bicui had a trace of sadness on her face. Due to the age, she could no longer remember her father's appearance, but she learned from Donghuang Wuying that he died not far from the entrance of Yaohuang Cave. .

"Grandpa died in the Demon Emperor's Cave?"

Xiao Yu was in awe of his grandfather, whom he had never met before. For the sake of the family, he did his best. Although he ended up tragically dead in the end, he was really admirable.

"Mother, don't worry, I'm just going to try, if it doesn't work, I will return it!"

Xiao Yu cast a reassuring look at Han Bicui, Han Bicui wanted to say something more, but Xiao Haoyun had already held her back, signaling her not to say any more.

"Yu'er, do you really want to go and see? I have to tell you clearly that the Yaohuang Cave is different from other places. It is shrouded by the real power of the ancestors there. Breaking in, if you want to force it, it is absolutely impossible."

Donghuang Wuying looked at Xiao Yu with a serious face, he didn't want his nephew to end up like his father.

"I understand this, don't worry uncle, if it's not feasible, I will definitely quit!"

Xiao Yu nodded. Although he was certain about this matter, he hadn't seen it yet, and he didn't dare to say that it would be 100% successful.If the Yaohuang Cave doesn't identify the Yaohuang's bloodline as he imagined, then he has nothing to do, after all, it is the power set by Donghuang Taiyi himself, and even the super gods can't surpass it. The strength of Jingfeng is definitely not enough.

"Bicui, big brother, since Yu'er said he wants to go and have a look, then let him go, he has always been very capable!"

Xiao Haoyun said.

"In that case, then Yu'er, come with me!"

Donghuang Wuying turned and left, and the three of Xiao Yu followed behind him, walking in the direction completely opposite to the demon emperor's altar.

The Eastern Royal Palace occupies a very large area, and there is a small mountain in the house. At the bottom of the mountain, there is a place similar to a natural stalactite cave.

Xiao Yu could see the appearance of the cave clearly from a long distance away. Several people arrived far away from the cave, and stepped forward again. Xiao Haoyun felt an invisible sense of oppression covering his whole body, Donghuang Wuying also had a slight expression on his face. However, Han Bicui seemed to be fine, and there was no abnormality at all.She was originally selected by the Yaohuang Cave, so the restrictions of the Yaohuang Cave are naturally ineffective for her.

Like Han Bicui, Xiao Yu didn't feel any influence. He was determined, it seemed that he could indeed travel through the restriction set by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi without hindrance.

A few hundred feet further forward, beads of sweat appeared on Xiao Haoyun's forehead. After all, he was not as powerful as Donghuang Wuying. Not to mention, the two of them will not be affected by the Demon Emperor's Cave at all.

"Okay, here it is!"

Donghuang Wuying waved his hand and stopped, Xiao Haoyun immediately breathed a sigh of relief, if he continued to forcefully walk, he would really be unable to hold on.

Donghuang Wuying looked at Han Bicui, knowing it clearly.

"Xiao Ning, do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

Donghuang Wuying asked.

"Uncomfortable? No!"

Han Bicui shook her head and said, from the beginning to the end, she thought it was an ordinary walk.

"It seems that you are indeed the one selected by the Demon Emperor's Cave, and will not be affected by it, brother-in-law, are you okay?"

Donghuang Wuying turned to Xiao Haoyun, put his palm on Xiao Haoyun's body, and a divine power rushed from his body into Xiao Haoyun's body, which made Xiao Haoyun feel much better.

"Brother, thank you very much!"

Xiao Haoyun thanked Donghuang Wuying.

"Hao Yun, do you feel unwell?"

Han Bicui felt very strange, the Yaohuang Cave didn't seem to be as scary as imagined, but seeing Xiao Haoyun's pale complexion, she felt something was wrong.

"Don't they feel the same as I feel?"

It was only then that Han Bicui understood that her thoughts turned, and a glimmer of hope began to arise. She felt that she might be able to get back the blood of the Demon Emperor from the Demon Emperor's Cave.

"Yu'er, what do you think?"

Donghuang Wuying looked at Xiao Yu, he felt that Xiao Yu would definitely retreat in the face of difficulties.This power belongs to Donghuang Taiyi's restriction, the closer you get to the Yaohuang Cave, the more you feel like your body is on fire, and you can't resist it.If they go on, they will face the danger of exploding to death.

"I'm fine!" Xiao Yu smiled slightly, and suddenly said, "Uncle, Father, Mother, please stand a little further away and wait for me, I'll go into the Demon Emperor's Cave and have a look!"

Donghuang Wuying, Han Bicui, and Xiao Haoyun were stunned, but Xiao Yu walked directly to the Yaohuang Cave in front of them without any hindrance.The most horrifying thing was Donghuang Wuying. He naturally knew how terrifying the Yaohuang Cave was. His own father couldn't resist the coercive force, and he exploded to death, but Xiao Yu didn't seem to subject to any influence.

"This...Could it be that Yu'er is also someone who has been recognized by the Yaohuang Cave?"

Donghuang Wuying was extremely shocked in his heart, he watched Xiao Yu step by step towards the Yaohuang Cave in a daze, but he couldn't say anything.

After a long time, he just came back to his senses and pulled Xiao Haoyun and Han Bicui out of the area covered by the coercion of the Demon Emperor's Cave.

"Brother, why is this happening? Didn't you say that only I can enter the Demon Emperor's Cave?"

Han Bicui looked at Donghuang Wuying, slightly worried. Although Xiao Yu seemed to have no problems, who knew what would be waiting for him in the Yaohuang Cave?
(End of this chapter)

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