Chapter 736 Death
"Ma'am, I don't feel any pain anymore!"

Xiao Yu himself felt that his tone was disgusting, but there was nothing he could do now, he couldn't show the slightest dislike for Sima Yu, because Sima Yu's snake-like heart might explode at any time.

The moment Sima Yu's palm touched Xiao Yu, he felt the power in Sima Yu's body exploring in his body.

He sneered in his heart: "Huh, sure enough, I still have to make sure whether the sacred veins in my body are really destroyed? What a sinister woman."

"Yu'er, although it doesn't hurt anymore, you still have to rest well. Your mother is gone, and you can treat your aunt as your own mother in the future. I will take good care of you!"

After Sima Yu finished speaking, he pinched Xiao Yu's cheek, which immediately gave Xiao Yu goosebumps.

"Hmph, want to take care of me instead of my mother? You deserve it?"

Xiao Yu couldn't stop sneering in his heart, but he still nodded. He couldn't reveal the slightest dislike for Sima Yu. He still remembered clearly that the elder of the Xiao family was killed by Sima Yu. Apart from Xiao Maifei who is in retreat, I am afraid that no one is Sima Yu's opponent. If he exposes Sima Yu, it will be a devastating blow to the Xiao family.

"Thank you so much!"

Xiao Haoyun smiled gratefully at Sima Yu, Sima Yu nodded lightly, but his heart was extremely gloomy, the more polite Xiao Haoyun was to her, the stronger the hatred in her heart, she was sure that she loved Xiao Haoyun, but she It is also clear that apart from the marriage letter and Xiao Yun, she and Xiao Haoyun have almost nothing to connect them together, and Xiao Haoyun doesn't love her.

"That little bitch, die well!"

Sima Yu sneered in her heart, she didn't feel any guilt about Han Bicui's death, but secretly laughed.She can't get Xiao Haoyun's love, and she doesn't want others to get it. Now that Han Bicui dies, Xiao Haoyun's heart will definitely return to her. She is Xiao Haoyun's main wife, and she is the one who should marry Xiao Haoyun. The right one.

"This kid is already abolished. Without the sacred veins of the Holy Lord, I see how you can destroy our Sima family like the prophecy!"

Sima Yu looked at Xiao Yu who still had a haggard face, and she was determined that as long as Xiao Yu could not pose a threat to him, that would be enough, and her son Xiao Yun would definitely be able to improve to a higher level. Realize the position of the successor of the Xiao family and become the next head of the Xiao family.

"Yu'er, you can take a good rest here, dad still has things to do, once I finish my work, I will come to see you right away!"

Xiao Haoyun said to Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu nodded, then he got up and left the room with Sima Yu.The moment Sima Yu turned around, Xiao Yu's cold gaze directly penetrated her and stared at her fiercely.

"Sima Yu!"

Xiao Yu clenched his fists tightly, his tender little hands turned slightly white, showing the hatred in his heart.

"What happened to all this? How did I get here? Why?"

After Xiao Haoyun and the others left, Xiao Yu held his chin and thought about all this.He entered the Demon Emperor's Cave before, was attacked by an unknown creature, and was dragged into blood by it. He could no longer remember what happened after that. When his consciousness recovered, he appeared in his childhood , the body also returned to the posture of seven or eight years old, which made him puzzled.

What hurt him the most was that he experienced the tragic scene of Han Bicui being killed by Sima Yu again. This was a bloody memory in his whole life. His eyes were cold, and his heart was also cold.

He had already avenged Han Bicui, but why did everything seem to be back to the beginning?
"Whether you have returned to the starting point or not, you have to avenge the murder of your mother. Sima Yu, you must die for me!"

Xiao Yu shouted again and again in his heart, he had already thought very clearly that if he wanted revenge, he needed to use the hero's skills.

"What? How could this be?"

Xiao Yu originally wanted to mobilize his skills to instantly heal his injuries, but he was horrified to find that none of the hero skills he was familiar with could be used, or in other words, he had lost the hero skills.

"How is it possible? Why, why is this happening?"

Xiao Yu has never panicked like this before. The source of his strength comes from heroic skills. This is his support. This is the magic weapon he relies on to fight for world supremacy. But now, he has lost contact with it. Not at all.

Xiao Yu was about to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and a suffocation blocked his chest. This news, like a bolt from the blue, made him unable to react.

"No, it's impossible!"

Xiao Yu even doubted whether his life in the past 15 years was just a dream. The scenes of competing with the heroes of the world echoed in his mind, but they were so far away from him.

"Without the hero's skills, how can I take revenge? Without the hero's skills, what am I?"

Xiao Yu's heart was filled with sadness, he was really useless if he lost his hero skills.If the sacred veins in his body are still intact, he still has the confidence to fight for world hegemony, but now it seems that everything is meaningless.

"No! How can I take revenge like this? How can I be worthy of my mother like this?"

Xiao Yu sat paralyzed on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling with a dull expression.Because he lost his strength and hero skills, he lost his backbone and turned into a walking dead.

Since then, there has been a dude named Xiao Yu in the capital of the Fire Cloud Empire, who commits all kinds of crimes all day long, disturbs the safety of the people, and is extremely crazy.

Finally, Xiao Yu ushered in the day when Xiao Haoyun died. Although he knew in his heart that Xiao Haoyun was not dead, everything had nothing to do with him. As expected, he was still brought back to Fanyun Town by Yang Shucheng. It's going on.

He became a complete dandy, the moment he saw Liu Piaoxu, he thought it was the Liu Piaoxu who loved him so much, so he couldn't help but go up to get close, but in the end, he fell into the trap carefully set by Liu Xing , His limbs were also broken by Liu Xing.

In his mind, it was time for the hero skills to return to him, but nothing happened, and he really became a useless person.

The days passed day by day like this, Xiao Yu lay on that cold bed all day long, his eyes glazed over, and he had completely lost his confidence in life.

Time flies, Xiao Yu has reached the point where he is dying of old age, all hatred and power are no longer in his heart, and he doesn't even have the extra consciousness to think about these issues.

Finally, he came to the day when his life ended.

"Is everything over?"

There was a trace of relief on his wrinkled face, his eyes closed slowly, and the world fell into silence.

(End of this chapter)

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