Chapter 737 Return of Strength
Xiao Yu's consciousness recovered again, and when he opened his eyes, an incredible scene appeared before him again, and he returned to when he was eight years old again.

"Why, why did I come back?"

Xiao Yu felt it was incredible, he raised his arm, the tender little hand was very clear in front of his eyes, but Xiao Yu's brain was a little difficult to operate.He had obviously lived a miserable life, but now he came back here again.

"Yu'er, open the door quickly, mother is here!"

Han Bicui's voice sounded outside the room again, Xiao Yu didn't know what to do this time, he sat on the bed blankly, with a dazed face, the tragic life played in his mind like a movie was vividly remembered, but But it was like a dream.

"Why am I not dead yet?"

Xiao Yu has been recalling this question in his mind all the time. He spent all his painful life in bed. Every day, someone came to serve him tea and water as a routine. It was the sweet girl specially arranged by Yang Shucheng, but he didn't even touch women. No, the woman brought him meals every day, and when she left, she still gave him a look of disdain. That kind of ridicule for the coldness of the world left a deep memory in Xiao Yu's heart.

"Yu'er is here, are you asleep?"

Han Bicui outside the house was a little strange. After knocking on the door twice, she pushed open the door impatiently, fearing that something might happen to her good son.

When she opened the door and came in, what she saw was Xiao Yu who was sitting motionless on the bed. Xiao Yu's eyes were fixed in one place, and his eyes seemed to lose focus.

"Yu'er, what's wrong with you?"

Startled, Han Bicui pulled Xiao Yu into her arms with a worried look on her face.Xiao Yu has always been a lively and lovely child, she has never seen such a dull side of Xiao Yu, which made her very worried.

"Hold in Han Bicui's arms, Xiao Yu felt a little warmer, but his heart was still cold, and he began to think about all this seriously.

Things are still developing on the original track, Han Bicui is still killed, and he is still helpless, but this time, he did not choose to be a playboy, but to be a down-to-earth good person, but the society is So cruel, when he doesn't bully others, no one is afraid of him anymore, and others will treat him as a waste, even though he is the second son of the Xiao family.

After Xiao Haoyun's "death", he was taken away by Yang Shucheng again, and entered the main hall of the Duanyun faction in Fanyun Town. This time he behaved well and did not go to provoke Liu Piaoxu, but his later fate was still not good. Where did he go, he was found by Sima Yu's men, his cultivation base was crippled, and he was locked in the Xiao family's prison, never seeing the light of day.Only ten years later, he could not bear the torture and died.

After death, he was resurrected again, and after being resurrected, he was tortured in an endless cycle. He was tired and tired, but God seemed to want to torture him like this, repeating it again and again, so that he could experience different pains and tortures in life.His mind was also being worn out bit by bit.

This time, I don't know how many times, he still can't escape the end of being tortured. The three dog servants of the Xiao family who he could trample and kill at will, used the flaming whip to whip his body continuously, The humiliation and severe pain continued to attack, causing the anger in his heart to rise.

"If you have a seed, kill me!"

Xiao Yu, who had been tortured for nearly a year without speaking, suddenly raised his head, staring fiercely at the three of them, making them instantly feel like they were being treated as prey. Those beast-like eyes made people Creepy.

"You bastard, what are you staring at? Isn't it fun to beat you?"

One of them, Xiao Yu couldn't remember his name, he swung a flaming whip and threw it on Xiao Yu's face.


The flaming whip instantly beat Xiao Yu's handsome face to pieces, but Xiao Yu didn't snort, his face turned away, his gaze was still as terrifying as hell, he grinned, and the corners of his mouth curved into a cold arc.

"Just this little strength? Scratch me?"

Xiao Yu looked at the three of them contemptuously, making them feel a great insult.One of them couldn't bear it any longer, and punched him. This punch had brought vitality to him. If Xiao Yu was hit hard in his current state, he would definitely be seriously injured or even on the spot.


Xiao Yu was really angry. This endless tragic experience had indeed worn out his mind a lot at first, but now, he suddenly realized that since he was really going to fall into this endless cycle of reincarnation, Then he should stop being a tragic character. He must find a way to turn around, and he must find a way to get rid of this fate.


With a roar, he did not dodge or evade the fist hit by the Xiao family, and accepted it calmly with his chest.


The sound of fists piercing flesh was heard, followed by a scream, but this scream was not Xiao Yu's, but belonged to the person who punched.

The moment his fist hit Xiao Yu's body, he felt as if he had hit a piece of extremely hard black iron, and his entire arm was directly smashed due to his excessive force, and the force of the counter-shock also threw his body aside, hitting him on the ground. On the thick stone wall of the prison.

"Ah! What's the matter?"

The two outsiders didn't react at all, and they didn't know what happened.


On the other hand, Xiao Yu, he himself felt strange, he thought that he would suffer heavy injuries, but the result was completely opposite, those who attacked him from the Xiao family reaped the consequences.

"Power, are you back?"

Xiao Yu was startled, he had already felt the surging power in his body, it was such a familiar feeling, once upon a time, he possessed such power, but later due to unknown reasons, he lost all his power, suffered so much suffering.Unexpectedly, the power returned to him now.

"good very good!"

Xiao Yu had the urge to look up to the sky and laugh wildly. He turned his eyes and looked at the three members of the Xiao family. The scars on his body and face were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was not even a single scar left.The hero's skills returned to his body along with his own strength, and an aura of being the best in the world erupted from his body, and all the chains that bound him were broken in an instant.


The entire Xiao family was directly covered by Xiao Yu's aura, and it collapsed layer by layer. Xiao Yu didn't make a move at all, and the Yuan Shattering Realm master of the Xiao family in Sanming was directly shocked to death.

"Sima Yu, get out!"

Xiao Yu yelled loudly, and Sima Yu, who was about to have an affair with the second elder in Xiao's house, was shocked. Xiao Yu was already standing in the void like a demon god. Those who knew Xiao Yu were all stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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